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Posts posted by hobz

  1. I'm not talking about now.. i'm talking about initially when he came forward with the "doctored" photos etc.. why not at that point .. if the pretend statements are true.. just fake a dna-test ? it doesn't make sense.

    They didnt know they would neet it, no one could have forseen the massive international media pressure that has ensued

    and shows no sign of abating.

    It is possible they thought it would go away quickly, just like other cases have done.

    so why go through all the trouble of getting doctored cctv footage.. seems easier to just fake the dna test,... Assuming that faking the dna-test is simply doing no test at all and claiming a test was done and say it was no match .. like the speed of the headmans test etc..

    Also the headmans son claimed he skipped school because of the media coverage .. so he sure knew about the media coverage..?

    Simply because they galloped from complacency to emergency damage control much quickly than they can think.

    Hence the cockups.

    Yes, corrupt, guilty but not competent :) makes sense as well...

  2. I would give my DNA as i have nothing to hide

    I personally think every person in the world should have DNA tested and stored on a database

    Only persons who dont want this usually have something to hide or dont want to be caught in the future

    And people that fear totalitarian oppressive regimes .. where one day you are a friend of the state and the next day you are an enemy of the state.. simply for your beliefs, sexual orientation, religion or political views you could one day be the enemy of the state.... ofcourse you would probably volunteer for prison at that time.. so good on you my sheepling.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm not talking about now.. i'm talking about initially when he came forward with the "doctored" photos etc.. why not at that point .. if the pretend statements are true.. just fake a dna-test ? it doesn't make sense.

    They didnt know they would neet it, no one could have forseen the massive international media pressure that has ensued

    and shows no sign of abating.

    It is possible they thought it would go away quickly, just like other cases have done.

    so why go through all the trouble of getting doctored cctv footage.. seems easier to just fake the dna test,... Assuming that faking the dna-test is simply doing no test at all and claiming a test was done and say it was no match .. like the speed of the headmans test etc..

    Also the headmans son claimed he skipped school because of the media coverage .. so he sure knew about the media coverage..?

    But yeah,, i agree.. it is possible ... but still makes very little sense...

    But it all makes sense if the headman has influence but not full control off the police.. so he didn't want the police to have his sons dna .. because he wasn't sure if they would use it or not.... Also he may not be guilty ... who the hell knows...

  4. I don't understand why the mafia son, if he said he wasn't even on the island during the murders, would not submit to a DNA test. Instead of producing time stamped photos that everyone is saying are doctored photos, just give a sample. Because if you weren't on the island during the murders, then for sure your DNA is nowhere near the crime scene.

    I would never volunteer a DNA sample without a court order and a guarantee that it would be destroyed with the results after I was excluded.

    Would you??

    Exactly.. .BUT there's something strange going on here as well... I can't figure it out .. please help me..

    Let's pretend that the headmans son IS GUILTY

    Let's also pretend that the cops are in the headmans pocket.

    Let's also pretend that the cops can falsify DNA tests.

    All of the above is what people here suggests is the truth , correct?

    Still pretending that the above is true .. why would the cops not simply falsify a dna test from the headmans son and say it was no match?

    Hes already refused.

    He would lose FACE if he gave one now.

    I'm not talking about now.. i'm talking about initially when he came forward with the "doctored" photos etc.. why not at that point .. if the pretend statements are true.. just fake a dna-test ? it doesn't make sense.

    it points to that the "pretend statements" i wrote are not all true. ..yet i don't believe these burmese did it either.. so it makes no sense.

  5. I don't understand why the mafia son, if he said he wasn't even on the island during the murders, would not submit to a DNA test. Instead of producing time stamped photos that everyone is saying are doctored photos, just give a sample. Because if you weren't on the island during the murders, then for sure your DNA is nowhere near the crime scene.

    I would never volunteer a DNA sample without a court order and a guarantee that it would be destroyed with the results after I was excluded.

    Would you??

    Exactly.. .BUT there's something strange going on here as well... I can't figure it out .. please help me..

    Let's pretend that the headmans son IS GUILTY

    Let's also pretend that the cops are in the headmans pocket.

    Let's also pretend that the cops can falsify DNA tests.

    All of the above is what people here suggests is the truth , correct?

    Still pretending that the above is true .. why would the cops not simply falsify a dna test from the headmans son and say it was no match?

    • Like 1
  6. well lets see if the Junta will allow it.

    Exactly as this is what it all boils down to.

    Many posters are calling for outside agencies involvement without considering they have no jurisdiction and can only operate if invited to do so and with all that's being going on it's probably the last thing the BIB want.

    Defence lawyers could perhaps petition a court for independent testing and even if it was granted it would likely be blocked by the junta and martial law is still in existence too.

    Sorry, I don't think that is totally accurate.

    Myanmar lawyers can come here and take their DNA any time they want. They have the jurisdiction in Thailand, as they are the Myanmar Embassy lawyers. So they almost certainly are licensed to practice in this kingdom.

    They are completly within their rights to demand the ability to collect DNA from their clients which will be the main basis for their defence.

    Neither the Junta nor the BIB have any right to block it. These are NOT Thai nationals..... They are Myanmar nationals.

    They have rights under international law.

    I also can not see the UK refusing to cooperate with this request... It is totally rational, logical and a refusal would create a massive stink.... That will never be allowed to happen..... Trust me on that, I lived there foe 45 years.

    I bet the UK police are itching to get their hands on those lads' samples.

    And how will they get untampered dna from the crime scene? Do you even know what dna is and how dna tests work?

  7. What goes on in this forum is so disgusting. Why don't you guys just sit and wait and don't spread more and more conpiracions.

    No one here in this forum knows if the couple where killed a Thai, Burmese, Cambodians, Farang, Aliens or what ever. It is true that the police made a ruff comment that they can't imagine a thai would do such a crime. Yes we all know that is wrong and a Thai could do such a crime but we also know a burmese could do it and also farang could do something like this. So where is the point that everyone here bashing the whole country. Things like the happen in Europe and America and guess what the murders were also Europeans and Americans.

    We have a lot of hobby cops here who think they are so smart. I don't understand what these guys still doin in Thailand...!?

    According to my thai friends all thai people also talk about this and they all agree these are scapegoats.

    So by speculating and not believing that the real killers are caught it turns out I am on the side of the average thai person.

    Also noticed that thais were super friendly to me at the market today.. maybe a sign of guilt..or probably all in my head lol they are always friendly.

  8. Apparently the word on the street from the Thai & Expat locals down on the islands, who agree that the real culprits are the local mafiaso families, and are at frustration point because they seem to wielding enough power to push the boys in brown & in green around. (and the media) That's scary!, I really hope we are all wrong, but there is a big stinky rat in there somewhere.

    Yep, this is what I am hearing too. Reports of locals being too scared to come forward with information basically confirms this. It makes no logical sense why the locals would be too scared to come forward with information on a lowly Burmese bartender.

    It makes sense to me. Would you be willing to have your name As a witness in a Case that involved the hells angels, even if you didn't see any hells angels?

    People don't want to even accidentally testify against the mob.

    • Like 1
  9. Wether these are the real killers ir not, the fact that almost everybody is sceptical jut goes to show how little credibility te thai police has. If foreigners don't trust the police, the mistrust among local Thais are even greater. Reforming the police is the real test for the thai reforms. They need a total shakeup of the police.

    Yes, they need to start paying cops more than 6000thb per month for starters... How could any honest man live on 6k a month without taking some bribes?

  10. I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

    Speculation .. the curse of internet forum.. the world would be a much better place if nobody ever questioned the royal thai police and the mafia.

  11. So much cynicism here. There are loads of unsolved murder cases in all of your home countries and I don't see any threads complaining about the UK "Keystone cops".

    Natalie Holloway (sp?) the US student who was murdered many years ago and the police there and in the Netherlands don't have a clue.

    The police in Koh Tao are investigating a crime, they went down the wrong path a couple times but they kept investigating and now they have someone in custody who confessed.

    What kind of deal are they going to make to an innocent person who confesses to rape and multiple murder who will be executed if found guilty. How could they coerce someone to confess, what could they threat to do that's worse than a firing squad ? Unless the accused is a serial confessor to crimes he didn't commit, I'd tend to believe his confession.

    Wait for the "DNT" (sic) tests and other forensic work to cone in before you posit your own complicated conspiracy theories, unless you don't mind being told "I told you so" by the other people here.

    The ironic thing is all the arm chair detectives falling over themselves weaving theory after theory on mere scraps of second or third hand information, rumors and other baseless theories from other people disbelieving, complaining about the way the investigation has been carried.

    Which has been a clusterf##k, but people living in glass houses shouldn't cast stones and all that.

    Heaven's forbid people would wait for evidence before arriving to conclusions. Confirming the identity of the killers is as simple as having a third party run the DNA tests independently, and will, in all probability, be done in due time.

    But no, already 10 pages of people deciding it's all a stitch up, if it would be up to these people they would have already lynched the first persons that looked suspicious and be done with it.

    http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060 <-- maybe you missed this

    it's common sense to think that this was a framing...

  12. B o y c o t t --- K o. T a o

    Hannah Witheridge and David Miller deserve real justice. We shall never forget this unjust, corrupt case and we all know who did this. Until Mon and Worat are behind bars we shall forever boycott your gangster run island.

    One thing bothers me with the Mon / Worat thing .. everyone wonders why they didn't give DNA .. But my question is this.. IF the police are so corrupt as everyone here seems to think (including myself) . why did they not simply fake his dna test? It would have made it look way better.. right? it doesn't make sense from any perspective...

  13. FYI everyone, Thai people seem to be in agreement with this thread that this is a setup. The Khaosod facebook post in Thai about the arrests has over 500 comments. I expanded it to show 500 and did a search. The word แพะ appears 173 times. แพะ is the Thai word for goat, and also has the same English meaning as scapegoat. Thai people are on the short end of police corruption and incompetence way more than foreigners. They know what's going on here.

    This post made my day .. thanks for sharing that .. it makes me feel way better knowing that the Thais don't buy this shit either .. and to be reminded that it's they that suffer most and for the longest.. THANKS DUDE!

  14. What makes you think that? The cops have video evidence he was in the area at the time, and he confessed.

    Like I said, what could they offer an innocent person to confess to murder?

    "Here's 1m baht. Lie and say you did it, oh, and you'll be executed by a firing squad next week, are you cool with that ?


    Why am I not suprised a Burmese man got pulled in and forced to confess? This stinks of a set up. The international pressure on the police meant this was going to happen.

    Here's what I would have told him if i was in the position of the police that was trying to find a patsy .."We will kill you anyway,, but if you confess there's a chance you wont be executed.. plus we'll make sure your family is well off .. plus we will beat the shit out of you even more if you don't do as we say .. oh and did we mention that we can put you back in that rotten jail cell and just forget about you for a couple of years.. who's going to look for you? we own this place.. you'll just be a missing person.. anyone saying otherwise will be dealt with .. and oh ,, btw,, see this needle im holding? it's full of hiv .. you want that injected into you right now?? "

    And the police probably have more ways that i can't think of right now.

  15. Dear Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyos Pumphanmuang ... if these are not the murderers, then the real murderers are still free and will pobably kill and rape again (psycholoy 101) ... because they got away with it. Sex crimes are not usually a one-off occurrance.

    But who cares as long as it gets the heat off. Right?

    I think they are cowards.. they probably only rape/abuse drunk / drugged girls... but this one went wrong when the guy showed up so they panicked...

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