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Posts posted by hobz

  1. People with influence and cops in their pockets are highly likely to be able to bring down the entire police department on the island with them.

    So, if these murderers are being defended by these influential people then it could mean anyone wanting the truth to come out is up against police officers and influential families. Each police officer has a family that will lose it's income etc.

    What I'm trying to say is that there may be many people's lives on the line here. Not just the actual murderers. But the families that have helped them get away. The police that have taken bribes, and the families of said police.

    The army could gain massive support by going in and hanging them all.. but such an event would be huge in media. Not sure if the army could or wants to handle that kind of publicity.

    Like, let's say you had a huge cockroach infestation. Like, billions of them in a room in nice hotel building. Even if you eradicate them. Would you want your guests to know that they used to be there? And what about the other rooms in the building?

    • Like 2
  2. To all you guys complaining about people slowing down to a green light or not going immediately on green.. you are very brave. Atleast here in Chiang mai that behavior is suicide. People's always run red lights here, often at high speeds.

    The fist 3-5 seconds of green light is very dangerous and most Thais wait to see that there's no "runners" first

  3. I too agree with Tacoguy to some extent. I'd say 90% or so if the drivers drive really well and carefully. It's that other 10% that drive like psychopaths and force the 90% to drive really carefully..

    Careful drivers in thailand just drive because it's green. They first look to see that there's no psychopaths coming in driving against red in high speed..

    This has a upside.. if you make an honest mistake, 90% around u will be prepared for it. Because everyone are constantly reminded that a lot of crazy shit happens. In other words its easy to get away with doing something crazy.

  4. Why should ordinary hard-working taxpayers' money be used to bail out a failing business - be it a bank or a rubber plantation?

    I guess it's because there's too many people that otherwise would fall into poverty, debt, starvation, forced prostitution etc etc.

    Only ultra radical capitalist sociopaths wants to have a society like that...

    I blame a poor education system and culture for producing massive amounts of people with an inability to fight back against their ultra rich elite oppressors that only give them small scraps from the table.

    I blame a poor education system and culture for producing massive amounts of people with an inability to even recognize said oppressors and said situation.

    I blame a poor education system and culture for producing massive amounts of people with an inability to plan ahead for the future and save money for when things gets bad and crops needs to change (etc).

    I blame a poor education system and culture for producing massive amounts of people with an inability to see that they do deserve way more than they get.

    Shit, I just got deep into my hatred for the global elite ruling class.. nothing thai-specific here..

  5. I've had teenagers sit on my bike three times over the last 18 months. I think they like my bike.

    I'm always polite and they always move away quickly and I.say something like "it's ok man, don't worry".

    There was never any damage to my bike. One of the times the guy was so drunk that he had mistaken my.bike for his own I.think.

    The other two times it was just teens waiting for something and not having anywhere to sit.

    That being said, my first thought everytime has been "oh #!?! This could be bad.. keep cool."

  6. More than one Thai lady told me lying was OK for Thai people if it makes their life better, ???


    And this is completely opposite of buddhist teachings as I interpret buddhist teachings :)


    It's almost like comparing doing all the deadly sins at all times for a Christian :)

  7. Pretending to be a bhuddist and actually following all the rules / principles is two very very very different things. 

    Besides, not even monks are perfect.


    *edit* Face (saving face) is something that is in complete conflict with Buddhist teachings. 

    Face = EGO EGO EGO

    Buddhism = FREEDOM FROM EGO - DEATH OF EGO - etc .. 




    *edit2* My home country is Christian,, and there's many Christian traditions and holidays. But very few people try to follow Christian principles.. I think it could be the same here in Thailand... The people are Buddhist, so they honor buddhist holidays and traditions and go to the temple etc. But they don't try to live by the teachings and/or they just pick and choose among the teachings that fit their own agenda. Sort of like italian mafiosos would ask for forgivness and stuff.. but then go out and kill again, and come back and ask for forgiveness again.. smile.png


    *edit3* I would go as far as saying that because of the whole "saving face"-thing, Thai people in general are missing the most important point of buddhism.

    • Like 1
  8. After August 12th many people on tourist visa and visa exemption will be turned away. It will be tough work for immigration.

    Many real tourists will be turned away too, and there will be massive public outcry. pictures of crying backpackers in the newspapers of the home countries.

    2-3 months later it will be back to how it was before may 2014.

    to sum up.

    public outcry

    airlines being forced to return passengers

    immigration gettimg bored with the new work load.

    complaints from foreign embassies.

    noticable downturn in economy/tourist numbers.

  9. immigration at malaysia borders have recently bee. quoted saying "you are not a tourist if u stay more than 30 days". at the exact same time they let people with back to back double entry tourist visa through without any questions at all in nong khai and mae sai.

    point being, it's impossible to tell how the chips will fall after august 12. and it may not be consistent for all border checkpoints.

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