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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. No, Mexican civil unions are clearly inferior.

    For example when applying for USA visas the Mexican gay couple that is MARRIED will be treated equally to all married people, but the civil union couple might as well not even know each other.

    Marriage equality remains the goal in the USA and Mexico. Don't be deceived.

    Clearly people who remain obsessed about civil unions are on the wrong side of history, at least in the USA and Mexico.

    The USA and Mexico have already made massive FEDERAL progress on MARRIAGE equality. There is no going backwards.

    Next ...

    Very poor example saying civil unions are inferior for travel purposes it's the USA that is the bully not accepting civil unions legally recognised in Mexico.

    • Like 2
  2. I was referring to two people of the same sex getting married -- EXACTLY the same legal entity as two opposite sex people.

    Civil unions, etc. are in all cases DIFFERENT legal entities.

    "Civil unions, etc. are in all cases DIFFERENT legal entities."

    Maybe you need to research this a little more.

    They are "DIFFERENT" in the US, at federal level - at State level most States with civil unions made them similar "legal entities"

    They are "DIFFERENT" in France, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Andorra and the Netherlands where there are both Civil Unions (open to the same and opposite sex couples) and same-sex marriages.

    In Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom the exact position varies - some are identical, some have a varying degree of difference.

    In the UK, for example, they are IDENTICAL "legal entities" in all but one respect and this has been confirmed not only by statute but by the Courts - the only difference between marriage and Civil Unions under UK law concerns inherited titles and this has not been addressed with marriage for same sex couples (you still can't have two Dukes of Cornwall, for example).

    Thank you for making it crystal clear for me.

  3. If you wanted to be really evils. get a friend on board, wait till gf tells you that the boss & the btch are both in the same location as gf, then send friend in to deal with the btch as a customer, have said friend be a bit difficult & then kick up a fuss about the btch not giving correct advice, poor customer service etc, demand to speak to boss, btch gets in serious trouble with gf no where involved.

    Might not resolve the issue gf is having but will make her feel better. :D

    Or else have gf blank btch at all times, just act as if she isn't there, it will wind btch up no end & gf will be happier due to no interaction with the btch.

    Quick pharmacy story - we've seen all the tricks from staff trying to stab each other in the back. My all time favourite was a lab tech who ordered 6 cases of kwelada shampoo used to treat crabs and lice, protocol states the manufacturer or dispensing pharmacist must inform the local communicable disease management team there is a potential outbreak in the region, after doing so the department investigated in likely places, school , day care, hospices and nursing homes and found there was no outbreak.

    When I asked the tech why she ordered so much she said its because xxxxxxx (our newest tech) buys a bottle a week for her and her boyfriend and she thought we should stock up.......nice

  4. Having spent nearly twenty years as a Pharmacist I can tell you the drama won't stop, I've dealt with more techs over the years and it was one of my biggest head aches.

    I can tell you Thai Pharmacists are given a course on dealing with techs and grading etc, I attended Mahidol as a guest invigilator three years ago and I was impressed at the depth they went into, I can honestly say I wish was given the staff training they get here.

    I will also mention senior techs eat the young, some are wanna be Pharmacists a some are just evil, they feel they are in a position of power. Dont get me wrong they are vital to the operation, I also owned a compounding pharmacy and had 8 of the best techs on the planet.

    The absolute best techs I've hired over the years got their start in brand new Pharmacy's so no bad habits from cranky old know it all techs, if your GF is serious a out the profession I suggest she starts looking at a chain where a new shoppe is opening and there is a chain of command that won't allow those games. Get some experience in her current role and move on. The dispensing error is a biggie and should be documented it's a small industry and that could follow her for years and it will leave the pharmacist no choice but to show her (gf) the door.

  5. Only one. La Monita. biggrin.png

    Why waste your money anywhere else?

    You are spot on, I'm new to this amazing culinary experience and I wasted a lunch going to sunrise -simply awful well at least the location at terminal 21, rude staff and the food was terrible.

    After reading the comments I went today for lunch at La monita, the soft corn tacos were fantastic, so much so we ordered a second order with 3 chorizo fillings. I loved the salsa bar very well run, I'll be back again and again next time I'll order what you guys rave about.

    • Like 1
  6. A non issue for some, an issue for others. One would think in a gay forum there is no need to brand our sexual orientation to keywords such as marriage or civil unions. Far too many labels that are very old school IMHO.

    And yes your post was as you call is a home run for marriage rights in Mexico, it will be interesting to see how it plays out legally, apologies I missed the importance of that but I'm finding some threads hard to follow as I only need to know where to buy the jumper not how to knit it.

    • Like 1

    You're right it's very tiring the USA spin on every issue. I don't have the time to search who they are nor do I really care what some politician in the USA is saying as they are so far behind the tide IMHO, just as I'm sure not many would care what PM Harper says.

    On topic it was a very good read I liked the message.

    Thank you.

    Confession time: I had to look up who PM Harper was. Sorry.wub.png.pagespeed.ce.auE7ON7hrr.png

    heheheh now you feel my pain :) the initiism is what kills me Potus I know because i heard it in a movie.

  8. He didn't say Tutu was Catholic. He just asked what the Pope would say. The Pope can't have an opinion on something someone of another sect says? Oy vey!

    Oy vey..... then lets ask a Rabbi and an Imam what they think about the retired Anglican Archbishops comments.

    On topic for Christians of the Anglican Communion which I am a member of, his words are encouraging. If any other "sect" is encouraged then good for them but I doubt any will comment.

  9. I was referring before to the letter writing campaign. GU it came from GU Pride, gay activists. The OP cites the other places it came from student unions. Hard to believe non-gay activist students would bother writing such letters but even if they did, that would be gay activism coming from students. Not a statement of school administrations.

    You do not have to be gay to be a gay activist.

    Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Desmond Tutu are gay activists.

    It is well known politically that in the U.S. the Catholic people are fairly liberal compared to their LEADERSHIP in the church. In the U.S. and in Rome.

    Nobody has suggested anywhere in this thread that you have to be gay to be a gay activist.


    You're right it's very tiring the USA spin on every issue. I don't have the time to search who they are nor do I really care what some politician in the USA is saying as they are so far behind the tide IMHO, just as I'm sure not many would care what PM Harper says.

    On topic it was a very good read I liked the message.

  10. This thread is highly entertaining. Thank you, JT and LCV! giggle.gif

    Feel free to join in anytime, OTM - after all, this forum should not be allowed to become a blog and the only way that can be avoided is by a diversity of posters and views

    Thanks for your invitation, but it's a bit difficult. I don't know who is an expert and in what tones postings are written. I just wanted to avoid that Scott (who seems to be the only remaining mod here) shuts the thread down.

    OK, on-topic: I do not believe that Thailand will become the first Asian country to legalize same-sex civil unions. It is good that it is being discussed now finally (a bit late, but better than never), but it will take some more changes in the political environment before it becomes reality.

    I would love it if Thailand did become the first Asian country, or at least allowed same-sex marriage soon. Yes, there is the question of marriage visas. In fact, it should be no difference for straight couple whether the foreigner is the husband or the wife, so that law would have to be adjusted first, and then the question about same-sex couples is automatically solved.

    I do not think that tourist-dollars should be the motivation, and I don't believe for a moment that this is the reason why it becomes law. They'd rather stop the Phuket water scooter scams! And then, if a gay couple gets married in Thailand and it won't be recognized by their home country, what's the point?

    As for the practical use of same-sex couples living in Thailand getting married: If the law allows them to, it does not mean that they have to. Some might want to, why not let them? Even without material benefit, some couples do feel good when they are officially and legally recognized by law.

    The world would be so easy if everybody just followed my ideas. ;)

    Spot on, I too would like to see Thailand allow civil unions and be the first in Asia, I understand from a filipino mate things are brewing there as well. I'm not terribly concerned over visa issues as when it's time I'll simply do a retirement visa.

    I am not so sure marriage is the correct course of action at this moment in time - better to take baby steps given the culture of face. I say this as being now married to a Thai for over five years and in our relationship for twenty two. it has been an uphill battle for them to accept me. I am of the opinion either civil or marriage is same same as long as the country deals with legal issues for the couple.

    I've gone from - my sons UNI flat mate, my sons friend, my sons work mate, my sons business partner, my sons boss, my sons employee, my sons travel guide and now since we're married I'm simply Toad (not Todd hehhe) It's been far more of a challenge easing his parents into our relationship, were almost there :)

    We held a bit of a family due last night and I noticed many eyes were looking at our bands so it's a good sign - I think

  11. Not sure what could possibly be inflammatory about a summary of the history of a bunch of gay rights movements. I could see such a report could be biased if someone has an agenda to push. For example, government actions could just be listed without any CONTEXT. I am clearly biased towards believing lobbying groups, protests, visibility, gay parades, etc. have an overall POSITIVE impact towards progress in many countries where someone else may not think such things are even worthy of mentioning.

    Yikes parades really ? I find them disgusting. if that's a call to action count me out. I've never been and will never attend such an event. I don't see them as positive at all perhaps it's a cutural age issue that some feel it's a way to express themselves but positive not in my country or circle of friends gay or straight.

    You misunderstand me. There is a context to my comment. Brazil has gay marriage now. How did that happen? It did not come out of thin air. Listing the government actions that made that happen would not tell the whole story. Part of the story would be the political lobbying groups and history including the visibility and political power demonstrated at massive gay parades in Sao Paolo. Each country has a different story but I am sure in most countries there is an element of relevance outside just listing government action histories.

    I'll reply in the morning, one of my dearest friends was the very first to me married in Belo Horizonte. I'll also post a story that brought tears to my eyes to tonight (yes happy story)

    • Like 1
  12. Civil unions are a historical relic in the USA. Everyone knows that.

    How many states have civil unions available at the moment?

    Five, sustento. Gay rights for those with civil unions appear to have been thrown under the bus.[/quot

    10 percent of the states ? and I wonder what the population of those 5 states are ? is that the true barometer of America and are they just dreaming holding on to a dream with their parades and lobbyists will score a goal.

    I think it's relevant to discuss civil unions it's not a bad word nor a relic IMHO I fear it may be as good as it gets for them but it clearly shows they are so far behind certain counties.

  13. Not sure what could possibly be inflammatory about a summary of the history of a bunch of gay rights movements. I could see such a report could be biased if someone has an agenda to push. For example, government actions could just be listed without any CONTEXT. I am clearly biased towards believing lobbying groups, protests, visibility, gay parades, etc. have an overall POSITIVE impact towards progress in many countries where someone else may not think such things are even worthy of mentioning.

    Yikes parades really ? I find them disgusting. if that's a call to action count me out. I've never been and will never attend such an event. I don't see them as positive at all perhaps it's a cutural age issue that some feel it's a way to express themselves but positive not in my country or circle of friends gay or straight.

    • Like 1
  14. From all the information that I can find, Thailand's tourist income would greatly increase if the country made marriage possible for all people. The first country in Asia, New

    Zealand to legalized all marriages, is set to see an amazing influx of dollars. With this single move, Thailand would see a much increased tourist revenue if they did not make the regulations too difficult. It would be a good economic move!

    Surely these people are not the type that any country would want to attract!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (written by a NZ national)

    That would be incorrect. A number of countries openly promote gay tourism specifically in their nationally funded tourism campaigns.


    Promoting a destination to gay clientele is fine, allowing and promoting marriage to a destination is wrong IMHO. if an American can't marry in his own country why should I care ? making a destination a marriage paper mill hib takes away from my marriage and turns it into a circus.

  15. From all the information that I can find, Thailand's tourist income would greatly increase if the country made marriage possible for all people. The first country in Asia, New

    Zealand to legalized all marriages, is set to see an amazing influx of dollars. With this single move, Thailand would see a much increased tourist revenue if they did not make the regulations too difficult. It would be a good economic move!

    I understand your reasoning however on the other side of the coin I was living in Toronto when same sex marriage became legal and the Americans came up to get married by the bus load, IMHO a marriage licence is not a souvenir and I found the notion of foreigners using our law a little over the top.

    I'm married and would indeed be in an civil union if that was what was an option but I would only marry in a country I was either a citizen or resident of or my hubby.

  16. Every now and then I forget to push English at the Aeon machine shear panic sets in thinking somehow the red cancel key means something else in Thai. I usually have to walk away and compose myself and start again.

    I do wish they would call a duck a duck, current account, chequing account, cashing account make up your minds.

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