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Posts posted by bheard

  1. This article does not account for the new breed that is flocking to Thailand in droves. We are called digital nomads and earn mid six-figures USD ($280k to $500k avg ) and can live anywhere in the world. I am age 33 myself. Thailand is attractive for the obvious reasons but also because it’s lenient on tax laws. If you live in Thailand but work for companies outside of Thailand, you do not have to pay Thai taxes. And, if you’re an American, you do not have to pay federal taxes on your first $105k and if you establish a company in Singapore you can “legally” avoid US taxes all together.
    This new breed of digital nomads are not only salary-rich but equity rich as well. I myself have earned equity / stock at Google, Facebook and Netflix before relocating to Phuket. I currently work for Netflix in Silicon Valley and they are completely fine with me working remotely from Thailand. My salary is identical to what is was when I lived in San Francisco, California where a dumpy 1 bedroom apartment will cost you $5000 usd/ month. I can rent a giant palace in Phuket for that rate.
    So you can see the obvious attraction. The digital nomad crew is expanding rapidly in Thailand and it is expected that by 2030, 75% of all American jobs will be remote / freelance ( meaning Americans can live wherever they want in the world ). It has been factually proven that you get more out of your workers when you allow them to work from home and on their own hours. Their productivity actually increases. So anyways, this is the way things are going. Expect more and more digital nomads to Thailand.
    Thailand may be losing some epxats but it’s gaining an entirely new type of expat that is wielding lots of cash. These expats are big spenders, naturally they will drive the cost of goods up in Thailand further. But they are also bringing loads of jobs and technical infrastructure to Thailand. I myself employ over 100 Thai software engineers and I pay them 100,000 baht / month, well over the 20,000 baht that Thai companies pay. So you can see there is a huge advantage to the Thai economy to keep the digital nomad crew happy. 
    As more and more Americans relocate to Thailand on US salary, I imagine Thailand will become even more expensive. But it will still be far cheaper than the US, hence why people will continue to flock here. I’ve lived in Thailand for 4 years now and have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars due to no taxes and a much cheaper cost of living. Why on Earth would I leave this place that is basically paradise?
    Living in a country for 4 years and paying no taxes?
    That bothers me.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. We use stroppy in American English too.
    Bolshy, that's a new one for my lexicon!
    I'm making the leap it is derived from Bolsivich?
    Which I may have spelt incorrectly LOL
    Bolshy, as an Aussie I've heard it used, not too clear about it's meaning but I'm thinking "overtly uppity". Am I anywhere near the mark? Definitely can't imagine what that may mean in Thai.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. Actually, this is a good OP.  On my last three vacations I've used Google Maps and was less than happy.  I've had the app flat out give me wrong directions sending me in the opposite direction from where I was going or telling me to make U-turns where I knew that the correct direction was straight.  Also, if I load in a destination on my wife's phone and the same destination on mine and then get different directions from the app.  And on a trip from Cha Am to Lopburi, the app got us so lost in the Bangkok road maze I wanted to kill my phone.  It took us off a toll road going North (that I'm sure I should have stayed on) and I could never find the way back to it.  We looped past the same locations in about a 10 kilometer radius for about 90 minutes.  I finally told my wife to shut off her phone and her screaming comments and let me drive.  I finally found an on-ramp heading north via a compass reading and just went with it until I recognized the area we were in.  It didn't help that there were virtually no highway numbers displayed on the elevated toll roads.  That was unpleasant. 

    Anyway, I'd like to try a new app for finding direction.  Actually what I really want is a detailed road map like you can buy in the US as any gas station, but what they have here are inaccurate and poorly scaled, ie, they suck.  I'll give WAZE a shot but I'd be interested in other map/direction/GPS apps too.
    Interesting what you say about google maps giving wrong directions, compared to another phone. I'd suggest it may be a phone problem.
    I have used Sony phones over the years and have always been happy with google maps, using it for directions while driving and in another app for recording route data while riding my bike.
    Then I bought a Huawei phone. That device gave me all sorts of problems in google maps, and in the other route recording app. In that app it failed to pick up gps points, and "invented" many other points, meaning the recorded route was rubbish.
    When using it to find my way it had me going every which way except the correct way. I still had a Sony so I ran them together while driving, the Sony was correct as expected while the Huawei was again all over the place.
    Needless to say I got rid of the Huawei.
    So, check your phone!

    Sent from my G8441 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. So what he obviously got a Dutch passport, that makes him Dutch. I am Dutch and I don't feel responsible for what other Dutch people do. I don't see the point there are plenty of white pedo's from the Netherlands (more even I would guess).
    The thing I don't understand is that the guy got a 19 year jail term why is he still walking free.
    The thing I don't understand is that the guy got a 19 year jail term why is he still walking free.


    Sent from my G8441 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. This does highlight a problem with modern car 'keys' - you can't just dump it in a pocket on your swimming jocks as you could with a metal key. Last time I did that with a modern electronic key (forgot it was there) it instantly was reduced to rubbish in the sea water and a new one cost me an arm and leg - exaggerating, but at least a lower arm anyway.

    Sent from my G8441 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  6. Naturally the journalist has the proof with  written statements from the boys and all the divers and medics complete with photos.
    How strange that none of the boys nor ANY of the rescuers ever mentioned these "facts" at any of the interviews during and after the rescues.
    I was aware that they had been injected with tranquillisers, but handcuffed as well?
    Can I smell BS or what?
    The boys didn't and couldn't tell anything about the 'trip'. That's because what you just read about the rescue is true.

    Sent from my G8441 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. How did these Saudi embassy persons get access to the airside of the airport without going legally through immigration?  There had to be collusion by corrupt immigration officers.  I wouldn't be surprised if money was exchanged.
    This is a serious example with major international repercussions of what is wrong in this country.
    Saudi Arabia treats its dogs better than its women.
    No surprises there for sure - definitely money changed hands. Followed by wai-ing.

    Sent from my G8441 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  8. This may work for cars - not sure about motorcycles.
    Every vehicle coming out of the factory could be fitted with the device. Would save lives. Needs legislation, just like all current safety devices were introduced into vehicles.

    Sent from my G8441 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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