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Posts posted by bheard

  1. 87.33 % of rabies infected animals are dogs. That will then translate into mostly stray dogs. That´s just another shiny button on the shirt for pro-shooting down the whole bunch of them.
    They should all be eliminated of course, not just 87.33% of them. 87.33. Brings to mind the height of Doi Inthanon - the height of which is claimed on a carved wooden sign at the summit to an accuracy of one tenth of a millimetre . . .

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    It's just occurred to me that the government probably realises that it is impossible to do anything. Thais are completely ungovernable and will always do what suits them best, no matter what the consequence for others or even themselves. You simply can't tell a Thai what to do as they will take no notice of you. So they cannot be taught to drive properly and safely unless they WANT to. Some do, but others are too lazy or stupid or simply don't care or see any danger in what they do. And actually learning to drive properly is hard, and Thais do not do hard if there is an easy way instead.

    The item below sums up Thais perfectly.
    "So they cannot be taught to drive properly and safely unless they WANT to."
    Well said, so the answer is to make them want to. It's easy to do in fact, just get the police to do their job, then Thai drivers will be hit in the back pocket big time. At that point, they will want to because money is involved.
    Oh, ok, I agree, that's actually impossible. That would involve getting the police to do their job because they want to.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Thanks 1
  3. It´s nice to see that a change is possible. Even if it is a small one, it actually seems like one place understood what they did wrong before.

    My question here, is why some posters complain and try to find something wrong. Everything can´t be perfect, and will never be anywhere in the world. A change to the better, though, should always be welcome as something positive.
    Posters are rightly sceptical because of the history of how things work here. eg, this new approach is likely to be nothing more than a flash in the pan, literally. Come back and report on this in two years time, we'll see how it works out.

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  4. that “Mister Mutt” had promised to invest in Thailand.

    Hilarious. Given that the average Thai has great difficulty with either "s" or "k" at the end of an English word, it is obvious that even the supreme general is not gonna be able to say the two of them together! Hence Mutt.
    As a comment it may have been better if Mr Mutt had rethunk the whole thing before sticking his nose into the situation. He ended up looking like a bit of a dick. Which I'm sure he isn't.
    Some good may come out of it - the general may order 3 of those mini fellas - to help the 3 big'uns from getting bored while hanging about in a dock somewhere . . .

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. So fantastic they have been found alive. Sincerely hope they can be got out safely. They don’t really need an entire dive course - just some basics and confidence to be underwater with a mask. Very hard for these kids who may not even know how to swim, and terrible water conditions. 
    It's not "may not be able to swim". None of them can swim it has been clearly stated. That's a National shame.

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  6. If 30 or 40 people were being knifed or shot to death every day, there would be massive outcry and action to try to stop it. But the roads? It is as if the authorities and the public simply don't care in the slightest. These numbers are rectifiable, but not with the current approach of zero traffic law enforcement.
    But that's the same in every country, regardless of the numbers. Road deaths somehow just don't rate.

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  7. I believe it was never really here in the first place. (Democracy). There has always been a form of Thai democracy but it was hardly a full version of democracy with real checks and balances.
    The 20 year plan is crazy if its too strict, though planning a bit further ahead would not be a bad thing for stuff like watermanagement (Prayut has neglected it). Seems like every government comes up with new plans for the flooding but it never survives a next government. These kind of things should be in such a plan.  What Prayut puts into it is just too restrictive.
    It would be nice if they could decrease army spending and abolish the draft as been suggested. 
    How can you have democracy if you don't have free speech? As you say, it's never been here anyway, and the upcoming election won't change that.

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  8. images-20.jpg.17242ac3ff94e0bb0a61c96e85197ae2.jpgimages-19.jpg.2cea1f1449a4c249f1234e58399a7691.jpg
    Does everyone have to be the same? Aren't fat people allowed in today's society?
    - Go on a diet.
    - Stop smoking.
    - Stop drinking.
    - Be politically correct in what you say.
    - blah, blah, blah
    We're all going to die one day. Leave us alone to die in peace. If a fat man wants to eat himself into having a heart attack, let him. If a smoker wants to smoke himself to death, let him, etc...
    To the do gooders out there. Mind your own business. Get on with your own lives and leave us lot alone. The only thing we're harming is are own health.

    7 billion people are on this Earth now. Food shortages, water shortages, lack of resources, let some of us die happy. Why are you trying to make us healthy? Bloody do gooders are creating Armegeddon, just wait 50 years and they'll be 14 billion humans on the Earth. Sheesh!
    "If a fat man wants to eat himself into having a heart attack, let him".

    That means you're happy to pay for his medical attention?

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. I'm getting sick of this "some of the world's best beaches" bs. I've been to quite a few beaches in Thailand in recent years and haven't yet seen one that matches that description in any way.
    As an Aussie, if I want to see a pristine "worlds best" beach then I do it in Aus. Recently visited the Philippines, that's certainly a place that can lay claim to "worlds best" beach description.

    Sent from my E5823 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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