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Posts posted by bheard

  1. In Bangkok, there was or still is a milkshake shop in Bangrak on Silom.   Cannot remember whether it was particularly satisfying.   Milk is not a big part of the diet here. 
    "Not a big part of the diet".
    Reminds me of a story a high school teacher from Khon Kaen told me.
    Free milk was supplied free to the children daily (in boxes) but the supplier watered it down substantially to the point where it was unpalatable, so most kids either trashed it or took it home for the pigs.
    Went on for a long time, and guess what - nobody said anything. . . .
    So even if they drank it, no, milk was not a big part of the diet.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. This theft was instituted in almost every province in the entire country. 
    The idea that the top of the top were not coordinating the whole thing, is absolutely ludicrous. 
    Definitely orchestrated from above. So widespread - shows that the grasping for money above 'the right thing to do' is the norm in the Thai mind? "Thai love Thai" as a slogan is total rubbish.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. My gf recently planned a big party (for the son entering the monkhood) and spent some time producing a very nice invitation including a (useless) map, to be printed and sent to 600 + invitees.
    Asked me what I thought of it. My response was that it's great but how about the google maps reference?
    Her response to that was that Thai people don't use it.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. My Daughters School  has several young female drivers ( M1 age ) of cars driving to School on a daily basis.
    Do the School or the Police care - you bet they dont.
    Many kids bribe their parents with the " if you dont buy me a Motorcycle, I wont go to School " , so the parents buy the Motorcycle as they are just too plain lazy to care for the kids and take them to school in a safe way.
    Perhaps you illustrate the nub of a very large problem in Thailand - parents have no idea of bringing up children to respect discipline, hence the children have learned that they can bribe their parents. I've no doubt that is true, having spent some time with Thai families and witnessed their approach to the job of upbringing children.
    The children then venture onto the roads and the rest of their lives without the notion of discipline to guide them.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  5. Used to have a neighbor in my moo bahn with very good English skills, who had a stunningly beautiful daughter - of 14.  He bought her a brand new motorbike to drive to school about 5 miles away.  I asked him one day why he didn't love his daughter.  He looked at me as if I had suddenly sprouted a 3rd and and said: "What's the matter with you?  I love my daughter!"  I told him no, he didn't, or he wouldn't let his daughter, who just turned 14, ride a motorbike to school, and especially without a helmet.  His argument was that she was a good driver, and that I was just a stupid American.  
    Less than a month later she was crushed to death beneath the wheels of a cement truck when she made an illegal right hand turn.  Later that day my wife and I walked to his house to pay our condolences.  The father flew into a rage, yelling and screaming that it was my fault his daughter had died, and I had "wished evil luck" on her.  He came charging at me, so I decked him, then sat on him and told him the only person to blame for her death was the person who looked back at him from the mirror.  Even my wife told him - "The truck didn't kill your daughter, you did by letting her ride when she was only 14."  After a few moments of struggling, all the life seemed to go out of him and he broke down crying.  I got off him and we walked away.  A week or so later he and his wife moved, putting their house up for sale.  
    Sad story, thanks for telling it. Excellent example of the Thai propensity to not accept responsibility. You did well in pointing it out to him (without consequences to your own health). He may have learned something but probably not. Won't bring the lovely young life back either way.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  6. ‘Innocent ‘til proven guilty’, right? 
    Or in the case of the poor, ‘guilty to proven innocent’ and for the rich it’s simply just ‘innocent’. Not for free of course. 
    What an absolute s*** show. Utterly embarrassing for all involved. 
    All involved *should* be embarrassed, but they are Thai, so won't be. That's not meant to be derogatory, just a comment on their mentality. It's different....

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. You're not saying a dark complected Asian (or for that matter African) is subjected to more racial prejudice in SE Asia than in England, are you? Almost all western racial minorities I've spoken to report just the opposite. And about this attitude that Thais think everyone in England is white, plenty of Thais know a Thai who has moved to England, don't they? Many Thais couldn't find England on a map, but you'd have us believe that they have pre-set ideas about the demographic makeup of the country? Glad you posted, but not sure if your observations hold water.
    In my experience his observations do hold water. As an Australian with English ancestors on both sides, it happens that I tan easily. Obviously I've got genes from the Romans (ran England for 300 years and unsurprisingly interbred) and/or the many incursions into England from southern europeans over the millennia. All this meant nothing to the ChiangMai massage lady (and she's not the only one) who told me I was not a real farang, must be a 'half'. ไม่เชื่อ she told me ("not believe").

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  8.  I know plenty of good decent police officers and have many relatives in the force. So I find your remark disgusting and offensive. cussing the offensive and I'm reporting it to the moderators. I've also got a good mind to photocopy this page and give it to my friends in the police force. I'm sure they would not be amused and you can face serious consequences.
    But I guess you are just another ugly ill educated piece of filth. God knows how you were allowed in this country

    You just lowered yourself to his level. Sad.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  9. It is best to stay clear even from non-poisonous snakes. Their fangs could well be covered in some nasty bacteria and of course sometimes there is more one strike. 

    On the contrary. Generally snakes have a clean mouth as they don't chew or tear their prey on the way through - they swallow it whole. A bite from a python for example may leave a lot of punctures in the skin but they'll be healed up in a few days.
    Unlike a bite from a dog, cat, rat, monkey etc. all of which have very dirty mouths.

    Sent from my F3116 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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