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Everything posted by sungod

  1. If it catches on around town and there are EV scooters everywhere, have no fear cause PC Plod will come to the rescue and make it an offence to ride them on the roads.
  2. With fighter jets? Thats what the thread is about. Being an ex soldier don't you think insinuating that is a little over the top?
  3. Dont know, but I was in Hat Yai yesterday and the hotel was jammed with them.
  4. No you didn't directly, but the thread is about F5 jets, a poster said it was bad news for protesting students and I asked why? You replied 'do you really need to ask?' So, once again perhaps you can elaborate if you think I got the wrong end of the stick.
  5. Its 'ceramic ' which is a step up from normal tint, price looks good too. I shouldn't worry.
  6. I'll pick you up at your hotel, drop you back again in the same day, if we leave early could be back by about 3pm . 20,000 baht all in.
  7. Was in a restaurant last night with my family, lovely setting and would have strayed longer had it not been the foul mouthed Aussies in there.
  8. You mentioned BPH, I'm guessing then you are in Pattaya? Before you think about surgery, which is the last resort I'd strongly recommend you go and see a physio. Pop down and see Sergy @ Motionwellness, helped me and quite a few friends with different issues. https://www.facebook.com/motionwellnesspattaya/
  9. Got it, yours was just another idiotic post about fighter jets being used against students?
  10. One thing we will be sure of, he she gets elected then no doubt her income will rise!
  11. Your post means nothing, I could show you a picture of an dirty Aussie beach and a clean Thai one.
  12. I was thrown by the lack of smiling laughing faces to your post, guess no one else thought it funny either! Not quite sure how you would find fighter jets strafing students amusing but each to their own I guess!
  13. COD is great if you haven't got anything to do everyday except wait for the Lazada guy to turn up....... tried it once, was out when he eventually showed up, then had to wait 3 more days.
  14. Think it highly unlikely these would be used against students......
  15. I lived up there when there wasn't a ATM or a 'Western' style bar in sight. We did have hard top roads though...........
  16. My mate told me it opens around 4pm, there is a stage and they attempt a shuffle.
  17. Apparently its far more transmissible than others which in turn means more people may get a sore throat/the sniffles.
  18. The US (and Europe come to that) is awash with cheap Chinese CCTV cameras, security systems, phones etc. linked to the internet. The Chinese can do all the spying they want!
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