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Everything posted by sungod

  1. I get it, sad isnt it, but when others are wrong and keep grinding away. Luckily enough it comes up in a nano second on google. By the way, given you think its so trivial, are you so bored you need to ask?
  2. Sort of reply you'd expect from a 'forum hard man' ????
  3. But you fail to explain why? Anyone, here's one for you which resulted in a death https://www.kcci.com/article/metal-spatula-was-murder-weapon-in-97-year-old-mans-death/6469042 Another, just injuries this time. https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/news/crime/langlees-metal-spatula-attack-left-man-covered-blood-968237 But with you being a keyboard hard man would have just stared them out right?
  4. Say its 'just a burger flipper' when those sharp edges are going into your face....
  5. Protect himself? ???? He wasn't even in the fight, he was following it around with a weapon in his hand, could have just as easily have walked away if he was worried. You have to do better than that m'lud.
  6. Let me attack you around your face with a metal spatula and see how you fare, he armed himself with a weapon, held it in his hands for sometime throughout the video-that shows intent.
  7. Nice people them Chinese........
  8. Not sure there is a map. The way things are these days you'd have to be off the beaten track not to get fiber in town. Best thing to do is find somewhere you may want to live and then call the companies. For what its worth, I am close to Wongamat and AIS is great, good speeds and virtually no downtime.
  9. I have had 5 days of problems with one particular courier where it rings and no one talks, you call them back (yes its a real number) and they dont pick up. Everything this week made up by the courier from 'recipient requests change in delivery date, recipient not contactable, verify recipient details' etc. I've since learnt that the vendor I was buying from uses a different courier on shopee, so that may be the way ahead.
  10. A bit like disabled parking spaces then? That or Thailand has the highest proportion of disabled millionaires in the world.
  11. Who is 'most' people? Everyone I speak to 'mostly' liked it without the chit chat, 'most' (including me) actually agree it would be better with commentary on the games though. Saved 'most' of us fast forwarding through the usual tripe.
  12. You actually gave a completely ridiculous example, 'Top Viewing for the day on iplayer' ???? (I guess antiques road show was on another day!) It's minute- wont even bother commenting further if that's really the best you can do.
  13. I didn't realise how poor the MOTD viewing figures were to be honest, until they were being quoted this week. On that sort of money one would have thought them higher. Didn't even make it into the top 50 according to this, and that's with Lineker at the helm in the week quoted. Seems more prefer "Dancing on Ice' and 'Antiques Roadshow' ???? https://www.thinkbox.tv/research/barb-data/top-programmes-report/
  14. Depends what you read, others thought it better with just the football action. As I said, half a million more viewers!
  15. Really enjoyed MOTD when I watched it on catch up Sunday morning, didn't have to fast forward through Lineker, Shearer etc to watch the actual action. Seems half a million extra viewers thought the same, hope they keep the new format.
  16. So when we going for a drink then?
  17. You sound fun, lets go for a drink sometime
  18. Cant get much easier where I am, not far from Sukhumvit in Pattaya. Never had a problem with LEX, Flash or even the postman!
  19. Agree 100%, all the above - ditto I was shopping for a couple of air cons on Lazada yesterday, found the ones I wanted at a good price. Asked the seller who they used as a delivery company saying I wouldnt buy if it was Kerry! They said no fear, they dont use them.
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