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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Ironic back in May that many on here were crying about human rights, their choice what they put in their bodies when Buriram made vaccination compulsory and only Sinovac was on offer. All bleating saying they wanted to wait for other vaccines. Wanted the choice then, now saying others cant have a choice on when/if they have their vaccination. Hypocritical I think.
  2. You guys just dont get it, the choice to wait and see- not much to ask.
  3. You are the one who is claiming they are right, I am not, just waiting for more information, its all about choice and you cant force your opinion on me.
  4. So, you have no evidence that the longterm effects of vaccines will have no detrimental effect on our health, only probability. You are chasing your tail, justifying your arguments with nonsense. I have no more information than you, dont claim to, but i am not saying I am right, just wish to wait and see more evidence to better serve my judgement. Good night.
  5. Dont think anyone would agree with that, but holds as much weight as most of your arguments.
  6. Nobody, so follow your own advice and stop speculating for points. he may not be sick at all.
  7. Thanks for clearing that up, you dont know. If you cant predict 100% and its based on probability then I cant be wrong.
  8. You just said you dont know how he is doing, make your mind up.
  9. Not ignoring vaccines that have been around for years. And you know all this after a vaccine that's been around for about a year. Got it! Can you share your crystal ball, need some lottery numbers.
  10. You accused me of speculating on another thread, maybe you should follow your own advice on this one since to your own admission you dont have any information.
  11. Not speculated at all, just stated we cant predict the future. Next question?
  12. Define anti vaxer? Someone who will not take any vaccine? someone who may take the vaccine at some point but wants more information? someone who has taken 2 shots of the vaccine but likes to ask questions about the whole vaccination process?
  13. My kid is not inoculated for the benefit of him at this stage, he will not get jabbed for the benefit of you- no way.
  14. Don't disagree with anything you say, its a well balanced argument in my eyes. Therefore it should all be about choice, that's not happening here. You should respect that.
  15. What we dont know is the long term effects of mRNA vaccines, specifically in young healthy adults- boys more so. CDC is actively investigating reports of people developing myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna). Most of these people fully recover, but information is not yet available about potential long-term effects. Not saying my son wont have a vaccine, but prefer to wait until the 'human trials' are over and more information is available. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/myo-outcomes.html
  16. Can throw in smokers, those who drink too much, those who dont follow Dr's advice and those on garbage diets. Maybe the hospitals should refuse to give life saving treatment to those who dont wear helmets on motorbikes too?
  17. Certainly, this is what we generally use on here, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR35ZFiRZJ8tyBCwazX2N-k7yJjZOLDQiZSA_MsJAfdK74s8f2a_Dgx4iVk These guys are acknowledged as credible, https://covid19.who.int/ Oh, and the BBC have this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105
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