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Everything posted by sungod

  1. The chances of you getting finance are pretty slim it seems, I'd send her down to the dealer and ask what options she has. You may be able to 'finance it indirectly.' ????
  2. Your figures are misleading too, you need to factor in widespread vaccination programs (with quality vaccines.) One would think (and hope) that the death rate would drop.
  3. 0640 is usually jammed on the highways weekdays (pre covid) so that still looks light. Not sure if taking it at 9am would have made much difference as I was on my way in to central world just before then and traffic was still good on the highway sections i was on.
  4. Dont think the roads are that busy, just got into Central World all the way from Pattaya, 1 hour 35 mins. Absolute breeze! Normally over 2 hours in other times.
  5. He will be telling us he is 'stuck' outside Thailand next.......
  6. Are you into wife swapping parties etc? Asking for my next door neighbor.
  7. If they co-operate fully with the WHO they would have a chance to plead their case. However they have blocked phase 2 of the investigation. Find that strange?
  8. I guess the same factors would apply to when a child gets infected playing with other kids in the moo bahn, infected if visiting a restaurant, infected at a market, infect at a mall etc
  9. They are gutted they are losing the vaccine diplomacy war with the US and UK stepping in with better quality vaccines.
  10. Went home after my first AZ, drank 10 large Leos and woke up the next day with a stinking headache, all quite normal actually ????
  11. The list of bravery is endless, I once ate 10 egg banjos in under 5 minutes.
  12. The bright blue ribbon is for being first in the lunch queue. Not sure what the others are but I think there are other gallantry awards for 'riding in a tank' , 'sitting in an airplane' and 'knowing someone who has been on a boat.'
  13. 'Using the AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine as the first dose, followed by a dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine 4-12 weeks later.' This does not seem to be for those who had sinovac, the way forward on that is if you had 2 jabs of that then you will get a AZ or Pfizer booster. Not seen the mixing of 3 vaccines mentioned anywhere apart from on here, I may have missed it though.
  14. People walking around sand boxes are spending money in local businesses, my friend ate in the same family run Thai restaurant almost every day for 2 weeks, they were extremely grateful.
  15. To the OP, I've financed many deals in my wife's name. Land office says nothing about source of funds, they may ask for your passport and get you to sign and relinquish any rights on the land/house. Up to you at the end of the day.
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