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  1. Live in a non expat prevalent area and there are 1000's of women. See one you like and ask her out, pretty simple. Set yourself some standards like university educated, employed and speaks your language and start dating. My wife never asked me how much money I had nor did she ask, want nor expect any gifts or money. She did ask where I worked because I was working in Vietnam but she wasn't interested in Financials at all. It's all about getting to know somebody and having mutual trust.
  2. He is safe and un burnt which is the main thing. The house and contents can be replaced.
  3. I'm glad that I never wanted to dabble in any drugs.
  4. What about the other thousands of businesses that encroach on public land near beaches and on sidewalks or anywhere else that they can claim for themselves.
  5. A democracy? Tell that to the student protesters that have all been locked up in the last two years because they rallied in order to expose the Junta government that then tried to legitimize themselves with faux elections, which was always weighted to reinstatement the Junta heads of state. Thailands democracy was stolen by Prayut.
  6. Most countries encourage children to participate in outside activities like sport in order to encourage physical activity. Thailand continually yaks about high pollution but does very little to actually combat the issue. The amount of vehicle pollution is rediculous because strict emissions rules are basically ignored. A drive on any highway will show testament to that statement, as vehicles belch diesel fumes everywhere. Burning off in rice paddies etc continue unabated in rural areas and farmers don't have other economic options, so will never stop their burn offs. A lot of pollution is also carried in from neighboring countries, so international agreements need to be formulated during Asean meetings.
  7. All of these parties seem to have a very loose leadership structure. No wonder that decision making flips back and forth so much.
  8. They aren't "helping" to clean up the beach because that infers that another group (like the local municipality) were cleaning the beach and the Russians pitched in to help. It's about time that Thailand cleans and maintains its beaches so that paying tourists can get on with the job of enjoying the natural beauty of Thailand whilst the Thai government takes responsibility for maintaining its "pristine beaches" as advertised by the TAT, just like other municipal government bodies do in tourist places in other countries with nice beaches. Secondly Thai people and Tourists need to be educated in disposing of their rubbish in facilities that should be provided by the municipality. Frankly speaking the government drags in the tourists and then fails to direct some of that tourism money into maintaining rubbish free facilities.
  9. Phuket would be a magnet for criminals types trying to extort genuine tourists.
  10. Snakes like places to hide and nest, so keep your yard as debris free and trimmed as possible and plug or screen any access points that you can and keep your lawn mowed frequently as well. Snakes will be looking for food, so get rid of any vermin like rats and mice.
  11. A potential 500 000 baht fine for vaping? What a rediculous potential penalty for vaping. Wake up Thailand. Why not make vaping a warning with confiscation of the vaping implement. That in my mind is a reasonable response to any tourist vaping.
  12. If vaping is deemed dangerous and therefore illegal in order to protect people from themselves then driving in Thailand should be illegal for all because more people are killed or maimed on Thai roads than vaping will ever cause. Thailand refuses to properly address the horrendous road statistics and instead constantly picks "low fruit" like vaping in order to keep attention away from real issues. Likewise pollution in Thailand is a bigger risk to people than vaping. I don't vape and I think that vaping is likely bad for people but it ranks lower than other risks in LOS.
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