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The Deerhunter

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Posts posted by The Deerhunter

  1. 2 hours ago, binjalin said:

    Your thinking sir is MUDDLED. What relevance has robbing banks to do with this case?  did YL make any money?  you suggest she made some gain? 


    I suggest you reserve your undoubted intellectual brevity for another subject... football maybe?

    So you are at least consistently wrong.  I have no interest in any T V sport, particularly football.  If you read my post out loud to yourself, slowly might help, it might just make sense. Make sure you have not been drinking or smoking anything first.  That might help the comprehension a well.  Good luck.

  2. 2 hours ago, binjalin said:

    "parliamentary privilege" passed you buy then?  that say's "if you speed whilst in elected office it shall not be an offence" (not literal)  

    TIT.  Did the judge quote that too?  I can't be bothered looking.  It was a simple example to draw the comparison. How about neglecting the fact that robbing banks is wrong?  Oh silly me.  Elected officials and high civil servants have been doing that for years in all sorts of countries, but in other places if they get caught they might do time and not be able to consider to seek refugee status in another country.

  3. 18 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Did you negligently omitted the rest of what he said? 


    The act of negligence alone did not count as an offence in the laws cited by the Attorney-General, Pison pointed out.

    I did not neglect it Eric.  But I disagree with it like all the other judges apparently did.  If I neglect to follow the speed limits and I am caught speeding being negligent is not an excuse.  It is part if not the whole of the offence.  Are you saying we can all selectively neglect our legal and lawwful responsibilities and expect to get off Scott free? RUBBISH.

  4. 18 hours ago, Oxx said:


    Actually, it probably would.  I don't know his nationality, but if he were British, (a) his state pension (when eventually he receives it) would be inflation linked, (b) he wouldn't be subject to exchange rate fluctuations on his pension income, (c) all his medical costs would be covered by the state.  Other nationalities have similar advantages.

    Yes of course but he is an early retiree and his problem is now.  He needs to go home and get a job.

  5. 2 hours ago, Oxx said:


    And if you do have a "beer pocket" there's a pretty good chance you'll end up in dire straits, what with inflation, exchange rate fluctuations, uninsurable medical costs, &c., even without investing in a beer bar or being ripped off by your wife/girlfriend.

    In which case, going home won't improve his life.  Everything will be much more expensive than here,  Including playtoys for playboys.  Get a real life or a real (decent) g.f.  Or go home & get a job.

  6. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Three years, after what that (self appointed hi-so) did, she should have got a minimum of 10 years.

    Or as JR Ewing would say, "The oprey ain't over till the fat lady sings,"   With the additional charges still.to bring brought she will.be desperately looking for things to "sing" about in order to earn further brownie points from supplying more "useful information."

  7. On 17/10/2017 at 12:16 PM, Rori ban khun fang said:

    The garbage is a national Thai problem. Thailand is the number one country  concerned to plastic bags, plastig drinking containers, pet bottles etc.

    Why no payback on bottles like in most European countries.

    About the beach in jomtien between soi 1 (palm Beach hotel) and soi 11 ( where the beach stops). I just walk there daily I live soi 10 luckily atyou condo resort we do have two swimming pools with salted water (no chlorine). Through the years I have seen the beach go from bad to worse. Luckily they did move out already many food stalls near and on the beach. But still they hardly clean it.

    I am even considering to give up life in jomtien and move up north but there also garbage everywhere.

    Really they need to clean the beach everyday best proposal made here is a sifting machine but as long they have people just picking up the easy and bigger surface pollution it will not help.

    Same in here it was claimed Thai leave things behind but what ton think of our Russian (friends????).

    They not care a bit on environment. In the building i live in some russian renting a place have been kicked out. Hmm what they must have done to make a Thai that upset that they are kicked out?

    There is a big Chinese Thai restaurant in Pattaya near the two big ship hulks and the restaurant clean the. beach in front of their business.  Nice civic attitude.

  8. On 17/10/2017 at 11:56 AM, Peterw42 said:

    Yes I agree, but it is at odds with 3-4 showers a day, sweeping the floor 5 times a day, shoes off at the door etc. It seems there is a big difference between personal space and public space.

    Absobally lutely.   Weird eh?  Another one.  Obsessed with the Thai flag and anything that remotely allows them to crow about Thailand, but lacking in civic pride apd personal responsibility.


  9. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes, I wondered about that too, or at least a credit card required.

    Should be straight forward catching them on islands, particularly if they are using their passports when checking in.


    4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    The  litter problem is not only on the beaches, but everywhere.

    People here do not care, never clear up just throw things on the ground, not enough litter bins is also a problem, but then people will not throw litter in them, but just dump it on the ground.


    A few days ago i went to big C, past a small lake just outside our village.

    There was a group of people sat at the side of the lake eating/drinking.

    On my way home, they were gone, the mess they left behind was disgusting.

    Two things foreign to the Thai psyche. 1.  Preventive maintenance, and 2. considerate rubbish disposal.  they just throw stuff everywhere.  False sense of self importance.  Someone else needs to clean up after me.  It is beneath me to considerately dispose of my rubbish at any time.


  10. 9 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

    This portion of the story on Thai visa gives us little Does not tell us if the man was ok or not

    Hey Mr. Editor Do a better job Tell a complete storyu


    Beginning Middle End

    To quote Stan Freeberg in "Wipe the blood off my toga:  This is a story that ends in the middle for the benefit of those who came at the middle."   Typical Thai journalism actually.



  11. If they don't release the water the dam will.overflow or break, either way releasing possibly more water.   Not many options available it would seem.  The only option available would have been earlier on to release more.  Fortunately for the PM no one ever complains about drought's if they result from letting too much

    water out too early in the wrong year.  Oh hang on a minute.  Didn't Yingkuk do that?

     A crystal ball would be a fine thing to have.


  12. 3 hours ago, stevymac said:

    Where can I buy saw palletto??

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    It is Saw Palmetto.  A powder extract of a leaf from a particular palm tree.  It is a natural prostate treatment, not specifically a bladder treatment. I have not had to buy it here but it will be available somewhere. It is not cheap and may be the wrong thing for your condition.  3.2 grams a day (3200mg) is recommended for BPE, Benign Prostate Enlargement. Excessive urination during the night is an indication of additional problems different from daytime.  Do not muck around with self medicating till you have had a professional diagnosis. Go to any good private hospital and ask to see a Urologist.  Phaiathai or Samitivej etc.  Don't bother with local small town hospitals.  You need a proper specialist diagnosis and then decide what to do.  

  13. 1 hour ago, KiChakayan said:

    Hmmmhhh.. More like "Voulez-vous coucher (avec moi) ". Guess you have misspelled it to prevent the Thaivisa automatic deletion of foreign languages.

    Apologies for the round brackets, can't find the square ones on a <deleted> Mac keyboard, back to plebeian Windows and matching HW soon.

    My poor French speaking is slightly better than my terrible French spelling.  I have a number of French friends in New Caledonia. Just emailed one earlier today, in English.

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