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The Deerhunter

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Posts posted by The Deerhunter

  1. 6 hours ago, tandor said:

    ..well it is Lie-land.

    The OP said Japanese.  Someone spotted German and American

      Someone else said they both could have come from Japan and another said they are nothing to do with the post.  And you say it seems to be Lie-land!!  Isn't Leyland an obsolete British brand?   Because you couldn't be suggesting........   No! !!

  2. 40 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

    Don't tell me the BIB and their office bosses are trying to do anything about drugs. I may go into shock at the very thought. If they stop the drug trade they will all lose big money, now pass that Thai Stick to me please.

    How about the illegal firearms trade?  That will get a boost now................   Just when, how many was it, 150,000?? pistols suddenly become surplus to requirements as the new SIG's arrive and the mia noi needs a new frock.

  3. This will have no effect on crime or mindless violence.   Just remember to tell all the crims that they so readily let into the country that they also will not be able to have guns now.  Not sure how much that will do as they will probably get them illegally as they did at home. 

    Probably 50% of the Thais that currently own guns have them illegally anyway.   And of those Thais with guns many have them under false pretences at least.  How many of them that I have spoken to who bought them for target shooting ever go near a shooting club?    Answer?  I didn't waste me breath asking.

  4. 10 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    Take Thailand's (well documented) historical figures on how much rain fell in which year. 

    I.e. in a (ficticous example) in 2012 some 100 million m3 rain came; the dams at the beginning had 20 million m3 and a total capacity of 110 million m3 - so you need to put 90 million m3 into these dams.

    So the management of the water levels in the dams and down stream is simply; you get 10/9th of water you need, i.e. you release today 1/9th of yesterday's rainfall, every day after a rainy day. 

    One third of the rain falls in the last quarter of the monsoon; this will allow daily fine-tuning of water levels and allows avoiding floods downstream while having completely full dams at the end of the rainy season.

    No rocket science - and this is how water dams are managed all over the planet - quite obviously except Thailand! 

    Here, do they rely on soothsayers and fortune tellers?

  5. So where is the smart moneyon exactly how many passengers the lift was supposed to transport?    And, why didn't the emergency auto brakes work?   Questions such as every budding Jimmy Olsen or Clark Kent should ask for the benefit of us curious readers im Thailand.  And so often such obvious questions are not asked   Ah, TIT!  Never mind there will be another accident somewhere else in the LOS tomorrow that we imagine is impossible to happen, and everyone will forget about this one today.

  6. On 09/10/2017 at 11:08 AM, Get Real said:

    No, it has not ended. Why would it then need to be news about him every day? Better to let him be and concentrate on the more important things ahead.

    Nice to hear that your fan is working. I know the problems. They go broke when you least expect it. :smile:

    Well, the reference to "my fan is running" stopped most of the usual pro Thaksin responders.  Then again, some of them may be better at understanding subtlety than others.  Also, I forget who said that "Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it."  But it probably wasn't him or his sister.

  7. On 09/10/2017 at 9:45 AM, Boon Mee said:

    No, FGM is done for 'cultural' reasons.

    Male circumcision is done for health reasons and doesn't interfere with the pleasure sensation as removal of the clitoris does with FGM

    Naturally I have heard and understand both those points but there are glaring holes in both your arguments.  In a western nation with showers in every home why does a boy need his prepuce removed as if he still lives in a desert with no water, 2,000 years or 1,400 years ago?  Why is it (mostly) done by a member of "the clergy" and frequently without anaesthetic?  Also see  Wikipedia:  Frenulum of prepuce of penis for what sometimes happens during this unnecessary and brutal "health procedure."  FMG is for cultural reasons not religious?  MY FOOT!!!  It is done with an intention to minimize or remove female pleasure and to the best of my knowledge is almost exclusively performed in extreme conservative Islamic communities where additional anti female behaviours are also enforced.  Don't make excuses for this barbaric procedure.

  8. And she put the chain on before she left for the maid to find.  Now, hang on a minute here, Mr Journo and use your loaf.   How do you think the female visitor did that?   Did she leave by a fire escape, perchance?   Or, as one of the other posters suggested, he locked up after she left and then "checked out" on his own later. 

  9. We have them in various colours on our farm.  I have been stung by the yellow & black ones.  They hurt like hell.  "Than" is the generic Thai name for wasps and hornets of all types I believe.  I think the ones that build a nest like that are red and we had a big nest on our property about 3 years ago which became a no-go are for a while.  Eventually someone stole it, thank heavens.  I offered to a number of people but no-one wanted to go near it.  Then one day it was gone.  It was like a round pyramid on the ground  about 60cm across at the base and the same height.   They were definitely red and I was warned not to get stung by them.   After a while I started experimenting by mowing nearer and nearer to it and they seemed pretty cool about it but I never went right up to it.    I did spray it from a distance with insecticide streams a few times, ready to decamp in a hurry if necessary but they never came to me.  We went away for 2 weeks overseas and came back & it was gone.  There was no fence around the property then.

  10. 42 minutes ago, greenchair said:


    Let's see. 

    Male - the parents take the baby to the doctor, who pulls the most sensual part of the penis out that is actually attached to the penis.. He then takes a scalpel and slices in a circle the skin off that is attached. The baby feels every slice of the scalpel and screams and screams to his parents and doctor that are looking down and smiling. 


    Female-  the parents take the baby to the doctor, who pulls the most sensual part of the virgina out that is actually attached to the virgina. 

    He then takes a scalpel and slices the tissue off that is attached. The baby feels every slice of the scalpel and screams and screams to her parents and doctor that are looking down on her. 


    The male is scarred for life, the female is scarred for life. 

    Both sexes will go on to have children naturally. 


    What is the difference? ??

    Grow up. It's an archaic practise to both sexes and considered inhumane by the UN.

    Circumcision is a horrendous thing to do to a baby.  FGM is about  20 times worse. Revolting.  And both done in the name of religion. 

  11. My  wife is from Chonburi (North) and for nearly eight years in my country she was glued to the local and international TV news every night at 6pm.   Here she has trouble to get near a TV at 6pm but when she can she still wants to see the news.  So we can discuss any subject and she has an opinion.  I mention this because most Falangs consider most Thai women to not be interested in international events.  We do not fight or argue anything like with my previous Falang wife.  So nothing really.  Better in every way, pretty much. No going back for more of the same. Mind you, I did some exhaustive and sometimes exhausting research and interviewing and nearly gave up before we met. 555.

  12. Try to avoid wood except joinery if you have to.  I have had termites infest doors and windows from the frame.  Concrete and steel only whetever possible, preferably concrete or concrete block walls.  Quick and cheap and with reasonable roof overhang, cooler than fibre cement sheet which is fragile and heats up too much.  Roof insulation is very important. Use the foil backed polyurethane foam stuff. It is less problem with vermin than any of the fibreglass bats type stuff. When it comes to painting concrete follow the instructions on the tin and do not over dilute the sealer.primer the way Thais will tell you to.or you will regret it for years.  I do!!!!

  13. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    Oh look!... the first Thai culture denier of the weekend!

    You probably haven't been browsing rough threads to draw that conclusion.  Just saying but you can call me cynical if it helps....!


  14. 7 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    I bet these kids end up at Technical School.

    Exactly what went through my mind.  Training up well.  Just got the target wrong.  At Technical school they will learn that the targets are always kids from "the other school, not ours."  But technique already gets a passing grade.  As I "liked" above, it ruined my day.  Cannot get it out of my mind.

  15. 4 hours ago, jaywalker said:

    I've kinda withheld an opinion on the Junta, but. this is FAILURE.


    I worked 18 months or so for a Thai company as a consultant/trainer, and NO MATTER WHAT I SAID, the workers would just grin at me and do it however they wanted to do the work.


    It was probably the most unfulfilling job I ever had.


    Suppose I has delusions of grandeur, in that I figured I could turn them into a highly efficient, productive crew...NOPE.


    I quit, as I could not figure out what purpose I was serving, other than to present a Farang face to the customer on occasion.

    Welcome to the third world part of Thai culture.  It is not all like that but sometimes it seems like it.  Very disappointing experience.  We have had builders like that.  You were being paid to put up with that unlike us who were paying.  The painting and preparation of concrete to paint was the worst.  I will be redoing bits of it for years.  TIT.

  16. 7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    You think we still write jail as gaol in England?  We haven't since the Victorian days!  And the current British term is prison anyway.

    I hail from one of the smaller less rebellious colonies and we use jail, prison and gaol interchangeably.    Read Bill Bryson's "Mother Tongue"  some time.  It is a fun read and will stop you worrying about such matters.  And he is an American.

  17. 4 hours ago, over it said:

    What this guy did was just plain stupid, but, I wonder what the tally would be if someone sat down and added up all the houses stolen from foreigners, businesses stolen from foreigners, money stolen from foreigners, diamonds stolen from governments, etc., etc.

    Exactly, how much would it be?


    Perhaps, but I doubt it, Thai people will stop trying to characterize people negatively.


    There are websites that track the deaths of foreigners, maybe we need a site for stolen monies.

    So, I hope you are not suggesting that two wrongs definitely do make a right.    I am really not sure what you are trying to say here. Surely there is no possible connection to make!

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