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The Deerhunter

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Posts posted by The Deerhunter

  1. 6 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    I hope they both go to gaol. We know that at least half of her farang supporters (I have no idea what you think) are in love with her and "you cannot put someone as beautiful as her behind bars."  There are probably hundreds of expats who would line up to pay her fine 1000baht at a time, each one of them thinking he would be her special favourite.  Beauty is way more than skin deep.  And deep down........


  2. 18 hours ago, Spock said:

    My first instinct on reading the headline was to make this comparison. Thai politics and the inequality of Thai justice come together to provide yet another glaring example of how the morality of this country has gone nowhere in 50 years. I hope Yingluck evades 'justice' and the Red Bull heir has to face the consequences of his actions, but I know that the latter hope will never be fulfilled. 

    I hope they both go to gaol. 

  3. 5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    the whole police show is a farce; junta doesnt want her back here and she likely has a better life there anyway

    Yes, but the point was to intercede with her enjoyment of her lifestyle for the tune of five years and she went and messed those plans up.  I mean, no one ever though she would do that after saying so many time that she wouldn't!  (Yeah. Right.)

  4. 8 hours ago, colinneil said:

    It would not be possible for this bunch of clowns to look more stupid than they do now.

    Red bull heir 5 years, Yingluck 5 minutes, maybe ,money has something to do with it.

    Money is never the problem!  Five years ago she was PM and no-one ever dreamed that history would repeat itself with the sister of a very well heeled (and such a well connected) ex (Pol.) Lt. Col.   That other annoying old Red Bull matter was just business that Social media will not leave alone.  This was supposed to be in-house private business but unfortunately Social Media will not leave it alone, either.  Durned pesky Social Media, trying to democratise Thailand, one crook at a time.  (Or 50 crooks at a time, as the case may be.)  People should be ashamed of themselves, interfering with public servants' income streams and career prospects. 

  5. 17 hours ago, janpharma said:

    TEFL teachers would never, never ever beat kids...But TEFL teachers are "farang"....I had the pleasure to teach as a TEFL teacher...It was one of the most satisfying experiences in my life...teaching those children in the "TEFL" way and see and feel how they enjoyed it (I even enjoyed it maybe more)...But, unfortunately...this is not really corresponding the "ancient Thai " way.


    Ah, Thai culture again.  I am always being accused of pointing out where slavery to inappropriate traditions is the main thing holding this place back.  Guilty as charged.   I doubt that Falang TEFL teachers have any of being among the 5000 retired teachers being reemployed.   But I may be wrong.  Good on them if they do benefit. 

  6. 18 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Which word do you not understand?

    I asked: Where did I say I support Yingluck / Shins in general? Quote please.


    And while you're at it, what is so different between the Shins and the other hiso? Mr T is not even in Thailand's top 10 of filthily rich (Forbes). As for corruption and cronyism, yes he is good at it, after all he is a hiso Thai, but how does he differ from the rest of the hiso?

    Is your exclusive hatred based on the fact that he (mostly) used the little people rather than tanks to achieve his goals?

    Please explain, I want to understand people like you.


    Have to break my rule for this. Tit for Tat. Please quote where I said that I had exclusive hatred for (him) ((presumably Thaksin)) above all other Hiso's.   If you can recognise that you just imagine I said that, then please withdraw.   For the record, my most fervent reaction to Thaksin is one of huge disappointment.  He started so well and had the world at his feet here, (so to speak) if he just hadn't got greedy.  Was heading for being Thailand's Lee Kwan Yew and blew it!!  OH Laughing at his own joke.

  7. 12 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    QUOTE: Your other comment was irrelevant unless you were talking about yourself.


    Yes I am a RED (with BLACK).

    Only not in the Thai meaning of the word. I am not a follower of super rich thieving hiso.

    But thanks for illustrating my point, at your own expense.

    Avanti Popolo!

    Well Mr Socialist, why were you posting in support of a super rich thieving hiso.  Please don't tell me it is because she is so beautiful and you love her.

  8. 1 minute ago, oldhippy said:

    Was she convicted for stealing billions?


    It is a good thing that mr P only wants to reconcile red and yellow Thais (or so he says).

    If he planned to reconcile red and yellow farangs, his chances would be zero.


    Splitting hairs.  They can read the trial transcripts and see that she never attended one meeting and persecuted the girl who whistle blew while her ministers were arranging fake g2g deals.  Still only a 5 year sentence.  Send her home.  Your other comment was irrelevant unless you were talking about yourself.

  9. 20 hours ago, Dave67 said:

    Obviously, you don't know what decent people in the world think about Thailand and its Military Junta, People get Asylum in the UK just for coming from a country with a Military Junta so persecuted ex-PM will sail through, might have a long legal process but in the end, she will win. Not many countries who have legal Military coups unless you rewrite a constitution of course but who on earth would keep doing that?

    She stole billions and only got a five year sentence.  She can hardly plead persecution or potential death penalty.  Send her home.

  10. 11 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    gun should be pointed in the air, or to the ground - loaded, or not. There is no jumping to conclusions.

    Sorry. No.  The gun should be pointed in any direction where death or injury is most unlikely to occur in event of a discharge. That is one of the trick questions in my country fire arm licence test.  What about the person sitting at their desk uptairs.  To quote Simon & Garfunkel,  "One man's ceiling is another man's floor."

  11. 7 hours ago, soistalker said:

    I can't find coffee beans anywhere. Are there no ships selling coffee beans? Where can good coffee beans be found?

    (I have seen beans for sale at Starbucks, but at cray prices).

    Villa Market towards the south end of second road. Set back from the road a bit on the east side.

  12. 3 hours ago, klauskunkel said:



    My instructor would have slapped his swollen, entitled head for pointing the gun at the ladies, loaded or not.

    You may well be right but on a two dimension photo how do you know for certain where it is pointing?  The shoulders all show all girls stacked behind him and each other. Therefore they are POSSIBLY all behind him.  And the photographer could have asked them to move in a bit after they had carefully posed. Let''s not jump to conclusions.

  13. 15 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

    555 No problem with this old man (hey! snow on the roof but still fire in the belly!). My outlook? One Woman at time is enough of a challenge.

    The chances of more than one in a bad mood at the same time?  Not for me.  The thing I really have trouble getting my head around is the  traditional way the Thai men with big money & big face, STILL, EVEN TODAY,  have two or more households with a wife & sometimes one or more kids in each one.  One who cooks dinner tonight.   Another where you pick up your laundry on the way home to the one you are bunking with at the moment.  Obviously they know about each other and sometimes the senior one will organise a  niece or someone else younger that she can control as the next minor wife.

  14. 50 minutes ago, Clamhua said:

    My wife would be pissed if I didn't invite her along for a beer and some fun with the girls...let alone lie about it..

    Some of us dream about that.  Unless of course it turned into a nightmare.   BTW Hugh Hefner died this week.  91, 4 marriages  and more etc than a WC seat.


    Personally I have always found the ex bar girls far more suspicious and jealous than the "good " girls.  I know there are exceptions but just my experiences.

    • Like 2
  15. 15 hours ago, atyclb said:

    Any companies to suggest??

    It gets difficult as you know.  Many conditions.  Some want full medicals  but some just want to know about any and all hospital admissions in the last 10 years.  Don't lie.  They will accept your money but not pay out if you claim and they find out if you lied.   Many of the biggest companies are the most unlikely to cover.   Some of the biggest insurers stop at 60, 65 or 70 even if you had the policies for years.    Some will give you cover to 80 but only if you have the policy before you turn 70.   That is the condition of the company I insured with.  Some will give you the cover but only if you take a life policy as well.  (I also had to take life cover too.)   

    The premiums go up every 1, 2 or 5 years and most stop all cover at 80.  After that you are "self insured " on your own savings and investments or on the Thai Government hospital system, which varies from hospital to hospital.  The best ones have the longest queues.  Some queues may start "today" but you may have to come back tomorrow or so until your turn comes up.   TIT!!!

    I got it down to Thai Life Insurance and Pacific Cross Insurance which is Hong Kong based.  I will not mention which one I went with but but both were equally good policies but different approach.  I was happy with the deal I got and how it worked for my  particular circumstances.


    Good luck and be prepared to be put through the hoops.    All insurance is a waste of money unless you need to claim




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