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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. The USA basically want 2 things from Thailand : free access for American business to Thai resources (especially oil) and a friendly, non-muslim ally in a strategically important position in the world.

    Which means they would rather have Thaksin back. He will sell them anything as long as he has a finger in the pie. By contrast, Prayuth is fiercely patriotic and would like to kick all foreigners out if he could. He is not good news for American business.

    They don't give a flying about anything else. You can be sure they know exactly who is behind all the violence and are willing to turn a blind eye to get the result they want. The careful diplomatic talk by the new Ambassador is very interesting if you think a little about his choice of words and the things he avoids saying.

    I'm a big supporter of the USA because unlike Russia or China they will at least try to do the right thing if they can as part of their bigger picture, but I have no illusions about their cold blooded ruthlessness if needed.

    Why would the U.S. need their oil? The U.S. is flush with it.

    The USA doesn't even need all their own oil. They are just greedy pigs out to see how fast they can waste non renewable energy sources.

    Hey Big Carl, you really need to keep up with times. It makes you sound like you have been living in a cave. The U.S. has just enacted a bill that will drop the export ban. So that the U.S. can now start exporting oil to other countries. The U.S. has lessoned its energy use so much by having more solar power and wind power and cars that use less gasoline, that now it can afford to export its oil. It doesn't sound like its waisting energy sourses to me. But, then again I live in the real world.

  2. The USA basically want 2 things from Thailand : free access for American business to Thai resources (especially oil) and a friendly, non-muslim ally in a strategically important position in the world.

    Which means they would rather have Thaksin back. He will sell them anything as long as he has a finger in the pie. By contrast, Prayuth is fiercely patriotic and would like to kick all foreigners out if he could. He is not good news for American business.

    They don't give a flying about anything else. You can be sure they know exactly who is behind all the violence and are willing to turn a blind eye to get the result they want. The careful diplomatic talk by the new Ambassador is very interesting if you think a little about his choice of words and the things he avoids saying.

    I'm a big supporter of the USA because unlike Russia or China they will at least try to do the right thing if they can as part of their bigger picture, but I have no illusions about their cold blooded ruthlessness if needed.

    Why would the U.S. need their oil? The U.S. is flush with it.

  3. Go see an immigration lawyer. My wifes niece came here and overstayed her visa. Not that I approve of that. But it is what it is. The lawyer will get extensions that back up the court. Needless to say, my wifes niece now has her green card and also owns a Thai restaurant in Connecticut. This all in the last 5 years.

    With you being married for 10 years and having a child I don't think you will have much of a problem. Good Luck!

  4. OK, I'll give the complainers a BIG bone here.

    If someone says something like, I've lived here 10 years and want to know about any changes at my office for renewing my retirement visa and people correct him and say you're not renewing your retirement visa, you're going for your next annual extension based on retirement I can understand that this looks like and might well be pedantic.

    Because even though incorrect terminology was used, it is TOTALLY clear what situation the questioner is dealing with.

    Yes, I am guilty of doing stuff like this.

    But there is actually a reason that I do. Can't speak for others.

    The reason is that lots of people other than OPs read this forum and by correcting, readers might learn the actual correct terminology which might help them understand their own situation better which may not be nearly that clear cut.

    But obviously such correction was not necessary to deal with that sort of totally clear question.

    But many or even most questions are not nearly that clear.

    "If someone says something like, I've lived here 10 years and want to know about any changes at my office for renewing my retirement visa and people correct him and say you're not renewing your retirement visa, you're going for your next annual extension based on retirement I can

    understand that this looks like and might well be pedantic".

    That is entirely the point OP was making, nothing else, no ifs or buts.

  5. The problem is that we don't "all know what they are talking about".

    The term "retirement visa" is routinely used here for extensions based on retirement as well as Non Immigrant O-A visas and Non Immigrant O Visas, all of these having different rules and requirements. So when we have someone living here on an extension of stay saying he has a retirement visa and asking if he needs a re-entry permit if he wants to leave for a trip, the answer is 'yes'. But if no-one points out that he really has an extension, then someone else with a Non Immigrant O-A visa will think that he will also need a re-entry permit before leaving. Similarly, when someone asks about the requirements to obtain a retirement visa (but is talking about a Non Immigrant O-A visa), and is told that he can qualify with the equivalent of Baht 800k in a bank outside Thailand, then others who wants an extension will think that they can also qualify with funds in their home bank.. And when someone from Great Britain wants a one year multiple entry Non Immigrant O visa and is told that he needs to receive a government pension to qualify, then others will think that the same applies to the Non Immigrant O-A visa.

    The above examples are not ones I have made up, but real life examples about people here on Thai Visa being confused about the rules because they mix up the rules and requirements between the different types of visas and extensions, all because people use the wrong terminology. And as you point out, embassies and Immigration are adding to that confusion. If everyone used the correct terms, then much of this confusion could be avoided.


    While I agree with all that is said, my point was. If we are having a conversation and I tell you that I am here on a Retirement Visa, are you going to correct me? Or do you understand what I am talking about. Are you telling me that I should say, I am here on a Non Immigrant O-A visa?

  6. My wifes niece has always had perfect teeth. I saw a picture of her yesterday and she is wearing braces. Looking at her Facebook page, it looks as though everyone in the pictures are also wearing braces. Is this the new fad in Thailand? The parents must be going broke. But, the orthodontist in Thailand must be making a killing.

  7. Is anyone familiar with the internet system in Roi Et? I am interested in At Samat. Amphoe outside of Meang Roi Et. Does Roi Et even have any decent internet coverage?

    Also, which service providers supply internet coverage to Roi et?

    Any information would be appreciated.

  8. I sympathise with your wife for being so badly hurt but I must speak honestly and say that I feel much of her pain was caused by yourself. I think you should have known better than to go into a upmarket hotel dressed the way you were...was it not just asking for trouble?..I would assume that a lot of hotels much prefer "neat dress" and there is nothing wrong with that in my opinion. There are plenty of establishments around for very casual attire where it does not stand out and fits in with the surroundings.

    You are probably right. But, let me ask you this. Do you think if I was with a Western woman or a woman from anywhere else for that matter this would have happened? I think not. To me, it looked like he was trying to make a statement. Thai women walks in off the street with a Farang can only mean one thing. Just for information. For what it's worth, there is a seven year difference in our age. So, it doesn't look that different in ages. At the time I was 52.

  9. Just to show how Thai’s treat their own I would like to share a story. This has had me perturbed for a long time and I would just like to get it off my chest.

    My wife of 25yrs and I were in Bangkok a year ago. We were out for a walk one afternoon. It was of course very hot on the streets of Bangkok.( No surprise there). We were were wearing very comfortable clothes for the walk. Short, T-shirt and sneakers. We came upon the Queens Imperial Hotel when I suggested that we go in and get something to drink. Now I know we were not dressed to impress, but we were not looking like street trash either. We sat down in the restaurant/lounge and I excused myself to go an use the mens room. While I was gone the restaurant manager came to the table that my wife was sitting at and told her that they didn’t want her kind in there and that she would have to leave. I guess at this point I should point out that my wife is a Thai national with citizenship in Thailand and the United States. She has never been a working girl. She is a graduate of Mahasarkam Univerisity. She came to the states to further her education. This is where we met. When I returned to the table she was almost in tears. When she explained to me what had happened I was dumbfounded. I told one of the waiters to get the manager back and that I wanted to talk to him. I told him how disappointed I was with his attitude toward my wife and told him that he should be ashamed of himself. Explained that he didn’t know anything about my wife and I demanded an apology. By this time others were listening and he said, that we could sit in the corner and be served. Needless to say, we didn’t take him up on his offer. I guess my point is, don’t judge a book by its cover. Thais are a rare breed. They judge without ever knowing the facts. To this day, I know my wife is still hurting over this and will go on with the stigma that because she is married to a Farang, Thais think of her in a negative way. But, we carry on because that is what we must do.

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