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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. 23 hours ago, sledpull said:

    USA2ME in Houston is very good! Texas is an income free state also. Using my sister's mailing address prior to USA2ME, the state she lived in wanted me to pay taxes on my retirement income for using her mailing address as a mail forward only!

    I too use USA2Me. Being a from Texas, it didn't change all that much. I use this address for all of my banking,  Military Retirement, Social Security , Banks , just about everything. 

  2. 1 hour ago, greenchair said:

    Well done. 

    Try a little kindness. 

    You'll get by with a little help from your friends. 

    Bringing the colour back to Thailand will help also. Although thailand is in mourning the rest of the world is not. All the shops are full of black mourning clothes. Not a happy shopping choice for a tourist. We are all sad, but the old saying, put on a happy face is  wise advice.

    Please Mr p bring the colour back to Thailand. 

    I have to agree .  Understandable that Thailand is in mourning. But, this blackness everywhere is so depressing.  No tourist wants to spend their money in a bleak atmosphere. 

  3. I use USA2Me.  The service has been good.  It can be a bit costly if you have anything mailed to you. But, I mostly use it for scanning and if need be, I make a copy of it.  Have even made a copy of a check and then did a mobile deposit to my bank.  They are located in Houston, TX  so I have a Houston address. Since I am from Texas anyway, it worked out good for me.  I use it as an address for all my banking business and credit cards. 

  4. Smart, very smart.  Hillary doesn't stand a chance with a recount. And if the December vote goes the other way, well Trump will have the backing of the military.  He is surrounding himself with the best of the best. Obama fired the generals that disagreed with him and kept all the ass kissers. Maybe there will be a coup in the United States after all. About time.

  5. While I can qualify for the  new amount required, I am not sure why it is required.

    I have always qualified with the 65,000 baht a month plan. I don't like to keep too much in a Thai bank.  Never know what's going to happen and I want to be able to leave and not worry about losing too much. But I do not spend that amount either.

    So then why raise it to 100,000? The local community is still not going to get more than 65,000 a month. Probably closer to 50,000.

  6. Meanwhile, S&P 500 earnings grew for the first time in more than a year. According to data compiled by The Earnings Scout, earnings per share had grown 6.21 percent as of Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. ET. 
    Stocks have also been bolstered by Trump's surprising win over Democrat Hillary Clinton, as expectations for deregulation in a number of sectors and tax cuts have increased optimism in the U.S. stock market. 
    On Monday, Trump expanded on his policy agenda, which includes withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The trade pact was a centerpiece of the Obama administration's "pivot" towards Asia and was meant to solidify the U.S.'s presence in what is considered by many American companies as the most economically dynamic part in the world. 

  7. When ever I am stopped by the RTP at road blocks, they are being recorded. I have a dash cam , plus I have a Go Pro that they can plainly see.  Sometime they ask if I am recording and I tell them yes, I say, I record everything when I am on the road and put it onn YouTube.  They always just wave me through.  I was stopped 3 times in the last 4 days.  Once near Udon, then just before Non Khai, then on the way to Loei.

  8. 1 hour ago, Chicog said:


    The destruction of the US economy by Bush had a global impact.  There is also the small matter of nuclear weapons. Ergo pretty much everyone in the world very much has a 'dog in this fight'.

    So frankly, I don't give a toss what you think either.



    Bush did not destroy the global economy.  I wish the U.S. really had that much impact on the world. You all just use it as an excuse to hide your own incompetence. I got an Idea! Why don't you  all get your own governments to run the show for a while? Then you can have someone else to blame when someone takes your toys. 

  9. The problem with sending them to Blue states, is that the Blue states are already supported by the Red states.   It would just add to the unemployment rolls in the Blue states and  that would become an even greater burden on the Red states. Given the fact that the lazy liberals are already a tax burden on the working conservative voter, this is not going to work.  If the Blue states were willing to support their own lazy mass of people, then I would be all for it.  

  10. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Methinks you watch too much TV.  The US is a country of immigrants.  Sure, there are problems, but that's not the norm.  The neighborhood I left was extremely diverse.  No problems at all.


    Legal immigration is OK.  Illegal immigration is not.

    This is not immigration. This is refugee status. I too lived most of my life in the U.S.  Refugees to the U.S. get free housing , food stamps and roughly 1700 USD per person per month.  Just think of what a family of 4 gets per month for doing absolutely nothing. Yes, they will try and find them jobs, but where? They don't have the education and they don't speak the language.  Saying I must watch too much tv is just plain ignorant on your part.  To say you came from a neighborhood that had no problems at all must be the only one in the world.  It must have been nice to live in utopia.  

  11. I find it quite amusing  how people from countries other than the U.S.A. have such opinions as to how the U.S. should govern itself and who should be elected.  While in America,  I know of no one that gives a Crap about who runs someone else's  country.  Probably couldn't tell you who is in charge of most if any EU countries.  I don't think it is due to ignorance.  I think it is more of, Americans have absolutely no reason to give a "Rats Ass" about it.  Americans have reached the boiling point. They are sick and tired of taking care of your sorry asses.  How about you all learn to take care of your own business and let America get on with hers.

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