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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. 1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

    I do not agree with that at all, they could restrict the size of the house, and the land, Thailand is similar in size and population to the UK and France, not that small a country.



    If you think being able to fly from one end of the country north to south   in  90 minutes or less is not a small country,  just what is a small country to you?

  2. On 1/12/2017 at 0:27 PM, possum1931 said:

    This is a very good story, and I agree with most of it, if not all, but when you say you vote very strongly in FAVOUR OF THAI IMMIGRATION, do you mean the officers personally? If so, I agree with you, but I do not think us expats, get a good deal here in Thailand, not being allowed to own your house is very unfair, and there are too many unnecessary hoops to jump through. Just my opinion.

    If expats were allowed to own houses. What do you  think would happen to the price of houses and land in Thailand? Most Thais would no longer be able to afford to buy there own homes.  Thailand is such a small country.  Not even the size of the state of Texas. It wouldn't take long for Thailand to be owned by foreign interest.

  3. 3 hours ago, Caps said:

    So pack back up and go home..... because not many countries will loose any sleep over it.  You might think you are part of the solution but in fact you are a big part of the problem too.  The only reason you want to be in Europe is so that you have the early warning for the US.

    So please do whatever you must to get US troops out of Europe  

    Why would the U.S. have to be in Europe as an early  warning system.  They don't even have to be in theater when using drones. The person flying the drone is sitting in the middle of the U.S. just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. From there, they can hit a terrorist driving in the desert in Afghanistan. You are watching too many  Cold War era films.

  4. "Samlor" drivers years ago were required by law to wear shorts, and many of them wore tank tops. This made them distinguishable from more wealthy trustworthy Thai's.  A respectable Thai man would never be seen wearing shorts in public or a tank top for that matter. Even though there are very few Samlors around anymore, except for small village towns. The tradition carries on.

  5. 10 hours ago, i claudius said:


    I know many Americans , and they are all nice people , most are quite well educated , now ,not wishing to be a keyboard warrier . but as i cannot speak to you directly ,when i spent time in America ,i found most people i spoke to there very dumb ,most had no knowledge of the world outside at all, especially when a woman i spoke to who asked me where i was from and i said London , she replied "oh thats in Paris isnt it"

    Are you sure she wasn't being sarcastic?  I have had Brits tell me they're from England and I have responded,  "Never heard of It"  C'mon,  an American telling someone from London, that London must be in Paris is kind of funny.  You people thought America was a British colony until you were shown the door.

  6. If the Chinese are not coming to Thailand, where are they going? Maybe the Philippines?  After all, they do have a new BFF running the country now and he is going to kick the U.S. out. At least he says he is. The Vietnamese don't like them, so they won't go there. Maybe Cambodia. China is their largest importer.  It seems the Chinese don't really have a lot of options in there own neighborhood. 

      They could always go to North Korea. I here it is lovely at this time of the year.

  7. Have someone do a review of your place. Or just do it yourself. If you kept the same name that would be easy. If you changed it, explain that in the review. Put all the new information in the review. Explain that your business is under new ownership.   It will all eventually get back to Tripadvisor. In the meantime, all your new information will be on the Tripadvisor website listing for your business.   I have done numerous reviews on Tripadvisor. Sometimes I will receive an email from Tripadvisor for a follow up for my review. 

  8. Well I will cut to the chase. I only drink on occasion. But, I have been known to overindulge when I do. So, with that in mind/ I have waken with a "hangover". Yes, that is true. Tylenol or IBuprofen is not recommended for hangovers. Something to do with kidney or liver problems. You  will have to check webmd.com on your own.

     So this brings me to my point. Aspirin seems to be the only solution for me. I can't believe aspirin which has been a non prescription drug for as long as I can remember, is on a no sell list. At least on a "I can't find it list".   If anyone has a good source, I would appreciate it. (This is like dealing with the Cartel).  I live in Khon Kaen, so please don't tell me where the best sources in Bangkok or Pattaya are. But, I do travel quite a bit in Isaan. So, any recommendation would be great. 


    Thank you,


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