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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. More negative comments from expats and tourists...

    Which would you prefer with all the jobs being lost?

    Traffic problems or more thefts, armed robberies and burglaries.

    When people lose it all like their business and jobs they lose it.

    When they are hungry with no money they have nothing to lose.

    So, you will be their first target!

    Think before you post nonsense.

    Do you want another Venezuela?

    its not the "expats and tourists" who are wanting to move vendors. It's their same nationality guess who?, thais!
  2. Does anyone know if the remake of 'the Dambusters' ever made it to screen? I caught the original 1954 version in UK last week and explained it to my wife who couldn't quite believe that such audacity actually worked.

    RIP to Sqn Ldr Guy Gibson VC And all who lost their lives 74 years ago tonight.

    Peter Jackson of " lord of the rings" and " hobbit" fame has said he plans to make a new version but it has yet to happen!
    • Like 1
  3. Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

    Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

    Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

    We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

    The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

    It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

    watch the new brexit 71 minute documentary on youtube
  4. I get so bored of hearing how thai women only care about money.

    This is a country without a welfare system.

    Money has more importance in countries that have been very poor in recent decades.

    No money equals no home, no food, no education , no medicine for you or your loved ones. You starve and you die.

    Any woman without financial security, that has physical value and knows it , regardless of nationality will be attracted to a man with the resources to improve her situation.

    That is as clear and established as men liking to <deleted> beautiful young women.

    This is not unique to women born in thailand. It biological and part of being a woman because at some point they will need to be provided for whilst they care for children.

    It matters less in wealthy countries because the state will always take care of you. Not because somehow humans in the western hemisphere are better with more morals and feel emotions like love that those born on the other side of the planet dont possess .

    not completely true. When there is a choice of a woman between work to live or use someone to support them. 9 out of 10 Thais will choose the latter. Not true of western women, even if there is the state to help!
  5. No - for sure!!!

    Even the ones that have been and still are in a long term relationship would think nothing of 'moving onto the next one' immediately if things went south, seen it happen......very strange.

    It's all to do with being kept / supported / taken care of, as soon as that stops - game over, 20 year relationship forgotten about in a couple of days.

    absolutely, Thais will use the situation to be "taken care of"and "not work" and when that ends or another more lucrative opportunity come along its bye bye farang!
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