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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Is a ban logged into a computer database or just stamped in the passport?

    If it's logged surely they have every foreign individual who's checked in here on a database and are able to see all those that have overstayed?

    Does such a database exist?

    Just curious.

    lets hope they can check at all borders with names, even if you have a new passport/number. Only way to circumvent it would be a completely new name, and that aint easy unless fake documents
  2. No mention of reducing the bloated payroll and they still have many old planes to sell including 10 A-340's which will probably have to be sold at a big loss. There will be no meaningful turnaround until a foreign CEO with turnaround experience is hired and given free reign to make the tough decisions.

    A foreigner given free reign at a thai company? A snowballs chance in hell of that!
  3. I'm not quibbling. If your point is that we should mourn the death of a SC judge, have the President appoint a new SC judge, then have the Congress vet but not unreasonably then approve, in a timely manner that appointment, then we've nothing to quibble about.


    I do agree that that is what should happen, but it is not going to happen. Mitch McConnell has made the claim, unique in US history, that the president should forebear to send a nomination for the vacant seat to the Senate. Given the past willingness of the radical Republican leadership to countenance default on US debt or government shutdown, there is every reason to believe that the Repub Senate will refuse to hold hearings on an Obama nomination, which would be a another first in US history.

    The Senate is not obliged to approve. It might like the Democratic Senate in 1988 reject a specific nominee as unqualified, like Robert Bork. In that case Reagan submitted another candidate whom they approved. But no Democrat at the time claimed that there was something illegitimate in President Reagan's submitting a nomination even though he was in hist last year of office. It is radical obstructionism of this new kind that threatens the stability of the US government.

    thats the ambition of majority of right wing radical repubs. Playing to their loony base. This will all be evident before November and independents can decide!
  4. While I agree with what you say, Obama has had lots of chances to move to the middle, but he never does. My guess is that he will nominate some far-left nut-job and try to jam him down our throats unconstitutionally.

    More apt to say Trump or Cruz would, if given the chance,nominate some "right wing nut job" and get a free pass from the senate repubs
  5. Scalia was a towering figure of the Conservative theology and it's too bad the Left have already started spewing their invictive. Typical.

    Any bets Scalia was Vince Fostered, eh? wink.png

    actually its the right wing and republicans who are saying that the supreme court should not have a new judge for a year. They lost their ancient relic of bigoted conservatism . Hope the President selects a latino or black successor and as expected the Repub Senate reject. See how that plays in the states that will decide election in November!
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