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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

    You do that buddy & we will be reading about you on here.

    Don't you know who you're talking about?

    He's a big bad fella on the internet. Ladyboys don't stand a chance.

    I make sure where and with whom I am when I refer to"he" "him". Ps what smart ass thinks this is "trolling" ?Been here long enough not a flyer!
  2. As a 15 year old In 1975 I went around with my late Dad campaigning against the then Common Market.,leafleting the houses.The prophetic words he said at the time stuck with me. "Trading as nations would just be a start to a European Government". I am in no doubt the EU experiment ,an artificial grouping for total integration, will implode and collapse as is the Euro doing and the UK being the 4th biggest economy in the world has no need to face the oncoming tsunami.

  3. Shows how the UK or Great Britain is no longer "Great". Except a "great big free health care system" for Migrants who have contributed very little in a short time, in National Insurance.Whereas a lifetimes contributions from expats mean nothing . A sad reflection of what the country has become under the current Political class. Billions on Non Brits for health but for those with a British Passport born in the country, nothing!

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