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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Thais generally don't like servicing foreigners (outside of the sex industry) and they dont like telling their boss "something's not right here". The combination can be maddening.

    While I would agree (to a point) with the second part of you statement, the first simply has not been my experience at all.

    Your lucky your leading a charmed life. Your day will come.

    A friend asked me the other day, what is my worse fear in life? I said; that on one morning I might wake up and discover I’ve metamorphosize into a grumpy old elgordo38.

    For all you misrable old groaners, is life really that bad? You could be back in your own countries now working your guts out until you`re 85 just to make ends meet, or in the UK at the moment with flood waters up to your necks and freezing your bullocks off. You lot don`t know when you`re well off.

    another irrelevant comment, but hey thats TV
  2. not the BKK-LHR-BKK. They have a promotion for 438 British pounds flying from UK. But look at prices leaving from BKK and its 650 pounds +. Taxes are more flying in and out of UK so it must be a case of supply and demand. They can easily sell their tickets out of Bangkok and Taipei but must be struggling to do so out of London. No thanks Eva Air. Better deals out there

  3. I get the underlying feeling that Michael Miller and the rest of the family of the late David Miller would have been satisfied if Winnie the Pooh had been found guilty; just so long as someone was. He observes that the two convicted men had shown no remorse for what they had done. Very difficult to show remorse for something one has not done.

    were you there? What do you know? Exactly "Nothing"!!
  4. Ur right why should a 14year over stayer get in any trouble. Why should we look down upon him? Just because he broke the law (one that responsible) people like some of us follow, didnt have to do his part with immigration you get what im saying....yeah right im going to cut anybody who overstays even a gram of slack. Not in this lifetime actually if I knew of a person that had overstayed for such a length of time I would have turned him in 13 years ago. If i have to go through immigration every year any other person who is required better do the same. You get no sympathy from me and any of you guys who try and defend them....need to find a seat right along with them.

    LOL. The Thai immigration should have a hotline where farangs can rat out on overstay farangs and get a reward.
    yeah just like fraudulent benefit claimants in the Uk. Those who claimed disability and were perfectly fit.
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  5. One fact is 100% certain.Voting to "stay in " is not voting for the status quo. More Federalism, Economic integration and massive migration will come in the future. The NO campaign needs to emphasise this. Because the EU monster is growing every year!

  6. The eu is a failed experiment. It has morphed into a huge federal bureaucratic centralized costly self serving inefficient monster. Voting Yes would not be voting for status quo . There will be more integration politically and economically and the UK needs to remove itself from this sooner rather than later,when it would be too late. The UK is the 4th biggest economy in the world and countries want to trade with without being tied to the EU disaster.

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