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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Well, this sure applies to TV members as well. I'm very sure your country too have plenty of sick criminals. And look at you and others commenting on Thais commentings on Facebook. ooops that includes myselfwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7

    This isn't your country. This is Thailand, Thai people's country. It doesn't matter how much you don't like what Thai talk about the farangs. Those 2 idiots have no right to behave in such way, and there is nothing you can say to justify it. If your behavior is considered inappropriate, as guests to this country you must accept it and respect their rules. If you don't like it.....you know what to do.

    respect rules? In the same way thais "respect rules/laws" . hypocrisy!!
  2. hopefully they get pardoned...this judge had an agenda.

    nonsense! They got the minimum sentences for murder. Shooting indiscriminately in a traffic jam. Prosecutors asked for 57 years, the judge was lenient. No arrogant attitude of killing who you want in a country at war. May they rot in prison!
    • Like 1
  3. What would be the critical turning point?

    Adoption of Western-style enforcement of driving laws (putting cops in patrol cars who do nothing other than pull idiots over and issue tickets), sanctions that are actually a deterrent (example: going 160 on a road with an 80kph sign: driver to jail, car to impounded, massive fine, record infraction on permanent driving record, keep doing it and loose you license, and then your vehicle), review and rewrite existing laws to take in account dangerous driving (not yielding the right-of-way, not maintaining your lane, excessive speeding, passing on blind corners, driving the wrong way on one-way roads, driving without adequate training and licensing), and a judicial overhaul that forces judges to actually enforce laws instead of interpreting them based on bias (the mega-rich walk, farang are at fault by default, the poor without license or insurance walk, this has gotta change).

    Summary: The turning point? Adopting the road enforcement policy of a 'Developed Country' instead of maintaining that of a "Banana Republic".

    Those of you who have lived and worked here long enough knows it will happen, "when hell freezes over!"
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  4. Why dont people read the article before they comment? It was NOT from tourist it was from a beach resort.

    "all items belong to Banyan Tree Resort"

    most off the pepole on TV like bashing thailand, but they steel come here for holiday/live here...

    some pepole are ony negative, they only seewhat they want to see.. amazing expats in this country....

    what isnt amazing is the fact there plenty of illiterate comments, and I just wasted 30 seconds of my life reading one such.
  5. Anyone who believes that this beach cleanup is going to turn away tourists, doesn't know what they're talking about. The beaches have never looked better. The encroachment and corruption was completely out of control before the cleanup. I applaud this action. This is the best thing the NCPO has done.

    To bad they didn't hit Kamala, plenty of crap here.

    The problem is the vendors are going to push the rules on a daily basis and put chairs out and stake a territory. If no one stops them, there is more stuff the next day. I applaud this follow-up work by some officials. Left to the OrBorTors this crap would be all over the beach...again, in a week.

    There are comfortable mats and umbrellas available on all beaches. The vast majority of tourist don't use them. I say to any tourist that is going elsewhere because they don't have a sunchair...bye bye.

    The thai approach is try to "set up shop" slowly on a gradual,creeping basis and hope nothing is done. Its the same in some areas on sidewalks in Bangkok.Shift them within hours of their pitching and confiscate all their junk.hold it for a month.Make it clear if it happens again they wont get any of it returned!
  6. oh dear! About time the general explained his orders to his men so that they understand them properly. Next they will be moving off anyone found encroaching on the beach by sitting down or walking along it.

    The phuket governor knows the law and is enforcing it. Nothing to do with General!
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