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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. A deflationary burst is the inevitable result of irresponsible credit expansion.

    Inevitable means there is no way to avoid it - there is nothing that can possibly be done to stop it.

    This is global. Have a nice day.

    In principle I agree,

    In practice...

    Stimulate the property market by allowing foreigners to buy land in Thailand.

    Vietnam did it, they are booming- as is their educated manufacturing sector (smartphones).

    Short term solutions are all tweaks, long term, invest in vocational education for the 1/3 population of functioning illiterates.

    Oh yeah, invest in education for a workforce able to keep up with manufacturing global technological advances

    All great ideas. But chance of it happening in Thailand? ....O%
  2. If thaksins moronic minions want to come out and demonstrate because their criminal idol is no longer deemed to be Thai then they can deal with the consequences,Section 44 etc etc!
    Passport or no passport, unfortunately the convicted fugitive criminal is still Thai.

    I point out that his "conviction" was done by a group led or controlled by an illegal military coup. Take it with a grain of salt, regardless of whether you liked the ruling or not

    You point out garbage. He was convicted by a criminal court.Controlled by no one. Maybe thats your problem! "Take it with a grain of salt" ? Your "controlled by military" is better suited to another idiom. "A pile of horse ****"!

    You are 100% wrong, but obviously not listening to what is going on in the real world. So be it. Some people think the world is flat.

    Wrong!100% FACTs you fantasist."Flat earth"comparisons reveal your weakness and stupidity!
  3. This is a dangerous double edged sword, issuing alerts about possible unrest can justify certain strong actions but can also look as if the junta isn't quite as in control as they would have everyone believe.

    Exactly, the little man in the co-opted saddle with an army at his bidding is worried about a guy half way around the globe. But the true loss of face is Prayut's because Thaksin is welcomed around the world while Prayut is not.

    "Welcomed around the world"? His money is welcomed in a handful of countries and by countries with leaders who tend to like villains!

    Hmmm.. I do not recall a big outcry in the UK when he bought Manchester City FC. Does that make the UK government 'villains'? Just asking
    after he was convicted Thaksin was told he wouldnt get a visa to enter UK, Just Telling!
  4. This is a dangerous double edged sword, issuing alerts about possible unrest can justify certain strong actions but can also look as if the junta isn't quite as in control as they would have everyone believe.

    Exactly, the little man in the co-opted saddle with an army at his bidding is worried about a guy half way around the globe. But the true loss of face is Prayut's because Thaksin is welcomed around the world while Prayut is not.

    "Welcomed around the world"? His money is welcomed in a handful of countries and by countries with leaders who tend to like villains!
  5. If thaksins moronic minions want to come out and demonstrate because their criminal idol is no longer deemed to be Thai then they can deal with the consequences,Section 44 etc etc!

    Passport or no passport, unfortunately the convicted fugitive criminal is still Thai.

    I point out that his "conviction" was done by a group led or controlled by an illegal military coup. Take it with a grain of salt, regardless of whether you liked the ruling or not

    You point out garbage. He was convicted by a criminal court.Controlled by no one. Maybe thats your problem! "Take it with a grain of salt" ? Your "controlled by military" is better suited to another idiom. "A pile of horse ****"!
  6. Always interesting that its the falang PT/Red shirt corrupt mob on TV who hate the general, but not surprising.

    If you are a spokesperson for the elite, I think we plebs can relax................coffee1.gif
    nah. Hung up on your "elite"junk remarks.The Intelligent element know the country was in "crisis" under the convicted yingluck and her convicted brother. The puppet party Peau Thai could not, and cannot be allowed to inflict their corrupt practices anymore.
  7. Gotta love how US law wants to extend its tentacles outside Uncle Sams land. Extradite is its name.Whatever the rights or wrongs we dont need US law in European countries. Deal with your own corruption especially corporate control of the country through Washington politics, or perhaps thats all "legal" now!

  8. Do the fines also relate to refusing to turn on the meter? Twice in the last month I had 2 cabbies refuse to turn it on when I requested it they told me the fare "was up to me"

    That little game must confuse the crap out of tourists .

    "Up to you" is a common phrase by Bangkok sellers of many products and services in Bangkok. It means they are telling you what their price is and they dont care what you think.The best response is "mai ow" and walk away. Or tell taxi to "STOP"!!!!
  9. It bears repeating that many Nigerians are bad news in Nigeria and anywhere they travel. At least one, every week, is caught in some scam and, as they really are not "tourists" what are they doing in the land of no work, no social "freebies", no FREE anything ? They should be interrogated, at point of entry similar to the way Australia & Canada do, Why are you here ?, How much money do you have ?, what is your occupation ?, how long will you be here and a checkable residence. etc., etc. At least 75 %, unable to give proper answers should be on the first plane back to Nigeria. In addition to scams many, maybe most, are physically dangerous, ( see Nigerian documentaries ) !

    immigration too soft, thats why!
  10. So the claims/boast of having a million guns (by your PTP/UDD/TCP heroes) was a totally responsible and therefore completely benign and unthreatening porkie?

    Not my heroes, but if you care to show in all of my 3000 odd posts where I've declared any support for the Reds, be my guest, unlike you, I don't do heroes in Thailand, all my heroes were friends and colleague who bled and died in Iraq and Afghanistan, there isn't a single Thai worthy of that sort of worship. I'll leave that up to the fan boys here wink.png

    Personally I think Thaksin and the PTP and the UDD are a shower of intimate female anatomy.

    But the claims of having a million guns? Yep an exaggeration, and a headline grabber, tell me Inspector Clouseau, has a million guns been recovered in all these arms seizure, which pretty much dried up after the first few months of the coup, and at best, in total, there wasn't enough to outfit a Battalion (6-700 men) and certainly not enough to wage and maintain a civil war, which if you've read up on generally last 5+ years.

    You are familiar with how much ammo would be needed to go along with these million guns? And how much would be needed to wage and conduct any sort of war, never mind a civil one?

    So yeah based on my own experiences in a semi civil war, nope, I didn't rate the UDD capable then, and even less capable now.

    didn't your heroes keep stating things like, we will have a million on the streets, and "this is the final push" ad nauseum !!

    Didn't one of your heroes also state "there will be no coup" .... what about those porkies?

    You are entitled to your opinion about us Thais and your judgment of worthiness when it comes to heroes. Still before doing it you should asked the people in Iraq and Afghanistan how they feel about your heroes and what was left of their countries after you and your colleagues left them or as the case in Afghanistan going to leave.

    Well I'm still in Iraq after 11 years, and have seen the changes there, and for the better, but one thing that's never stopped, regardless of who was the power, is the corruption, it flows daily from a National Level to a local level, they too had the belief that it would stop.

    I have seen the infrastructure being built up in Iraq, from power stations to tens of thousands of jobs created all down to Western influence, so with all due respect, you really should know a little bit more about what you're talking about before trying to make a point that isn't very good one. I cannot speak for the way Afghanistan is run, but that's another country where corruption is a way of everyday life.

    You might want to look up the definition of hero, and what they stand for, so when Deer hunter stated the PTP/UDD were my heroes, he couldn't have been further from the truth wink.png

    Becoming a hero to me isn't something that would come easy.

    things are better in Iraq?Haha amazing description of "better"
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