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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. These "travellers" from undeveloped poor or war torn countries are not tourists! Come to Thailand because its so easy to enter and then its a life of crime. Thailand needs to get REAL tough at entry points and tough punishments when convicted of crimes.These guys will just be deported....... and free to return again in the future.

  2. My girlfriend and I are getting serious and I was thinking about starting a family here.

    I don't believe it's a good place to raise children in Australia or any westernise country seeing how children turn out these days!

    I was wondering is it hard to find work for a foreigner in Thailand? I have worked in many fields in Australia from sales, IT, customer service, general labourer, had a business for 10 years and now a personal trainer.

    What are my options if I start a family here and wish to earn an income?

    you really are naive if you think Australia is not a good place to raise a child and think Thailand is!
  3. The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

    But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

    Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

    It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

    The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

    All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

    But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

    ignorant and rubbish! Anti -democrats? You dont know the meaning of the word! Go back to your Red-PTP fantasy hole!
  4. Affordable care for more and more in the US is to stay.

    This isn't affordable health care regardless of what it's named. It's an abomination of messes in 50 different states. It's a mandate from the federal government that everyone has to buy his own insurance. There was already Medicaid for the poor and Medicare for seniors. Seniors stay on Medicare.

    My objection is to the lack of cohesiveness and the lack of planning. It's a bureaucratic nightmare which only federal government could dream up.

    As for running against it, that would be a good idea. The Supreme Court doesn't have to run for election. The graph below shows public opinion polls over the past five years with the red line being against it and the black for it. The red at the bottom is the number for it below the 50% line. A public vote would be a massacre of the pro folks. Link


    out of date graph . Its 47% and going up in popularity. Play your games of lies no one listening
  5. Affordable care for more and more in the US is to stay. Those who want to scrap it can run against it in November 16 and sees where it gets them! Gotta like this piece of hypocrisy from Scalia. ,"the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites." Something he never does. Haha

  6. Pile of meaningless crap as far as the statistics go. Norway No.1 for it's only ever recorded gun rampage. The other countries not dissimilar, except possibly for Israel, a war zone. I know which countries I would feel safer walking around in and it ain't the US.

    If you were the drill down through this and other oft posted "piles of meaningless crap", you'd find that the chances of a middle class, non-drug peddling citizen of the USA being gunned down are minuscule.

    If you drew red lines on a map around approximately 1/2 of 1% of the land mass of the USA in some inner cities, and avoided those areas, you'd have about zero chance of being shot. Or so close to zero that it wouldn't affect me, anyone I know, or anyone they know- any more than the chance of an airplane falling out of the sky on my head.

    What nonsense. zero chance? Did your red lines include the infant school in Sandy hook Connecticut and a Church in Charleston?
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