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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Cameron is looking to get this out of the way as quickly as possible, with a referendum next year. Uncertainty in the markets in the UK could damage the exchange rate, but if the UK stay in Europe sterling could well be stronger. Short term pain, long term gain? For me I think the younger generation (anyone under 60) will generally vote for staying in and older voters will vote for coming out. There will be a mass of politicians (Tories, Labour, LibDems, even the SNP) urging everyone to vote to stay in, swivel eyed loonies (UKIP and far right Tories) urging us to get out. The UK electorate is very much middle-of the-road these days, so any extremist views will be rejected.

    out of touch. There is a majority if UK public who want a "new relationship" with EU. Did you see the election results? Unless you are 58 or older you have seen the EU have more control over UK domestic policy with no say. Even your "swivel eyed" Labour and Lib Dems who were smashed are supporting referendum now. Of course they support a vote staying in whatever any renegotiations achieve or dont achieve.
  2. And the thugs who "were involved in violence" in 2010 want justice? Some of them got it at the time, others were lucky to escape punishment!

    So all those people getting killed was Justice was it? Nice
    nothing "nice" about it! They were in the front line engaged in violence ,period.

    So you are saying they all deserved it , sounds like that to me mate "And the thugs who "were involved in violence" in 2010 want justice? Some of them got it at the time,"

    well"mate" you have a reading comprehension problem."thugs who were involved in violence" do I need to define that? Shooting,throwing home made bombs and burning. Ex-prat?
  3. Some people here do not want to face up to the truth. A democratically elected government was ousted by the military.

    Abhisit and his government were installed but not elected.

    The red shirt faction protested this totally undemocratic act.

    The army mobilised to support Abhisit and disperse the red shirts.

    99 people were killed during this dispersal.

    A new government was duly elected by the people.

    Suthep and his followers caused many problems for the new lawful government.

    The army refused to assist said lawful government.

    Parliament was desolved because of this and new elections were called.

    Abhisit boycotted the election because he knew he could not win.

    Because parliament had been dissolved there was effectively no government.

    The military staged another coup.

    Where to start with such junk. Well lets start at the beginning. The Democratic Party lead by Abhisit had a majority in parliament with the support of a smaller party, just as the peau thai,or whatever name they had at the time, had previously. The rest of your diatribe is red rhetoric!
  4. TVF posters wearing yellow goggles immediately swarm in with -- "but Thaksin this" and "those red thugs that" and every troll-style deflecting post imaginable.

    I cannot be kind about cheerleaders calling for teen spirit. The article is about something you don't like. Whinge on!!

    The army slaughtered a lot of people, some in a temple. Claiming that Thais "just are blind" or "cannot understand" is a claim for "Ferangness"...and about as vapid as any argument can be.

    Yeah. Right. The rest of the world outside this little bubble call such remarks "uneducated and uninformed" I tend to lean toward "intentionally ignorant" and "blatantly prevaricating."

    "intentionally ignorant" describes your motives I suggest.
  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    So the police gave you tickets or not?

    And what would tickets cost normally?

    I am not really getting what they wanted......could it be that they wanted to prevent the driver from scamming?

    No tickets because we didn't give them any money. I'm pretty sure that they wanted us to give them money for "tickets" which we would never receive after arriving at the pier. When have the Thai police ever been concerned about drivers scamming passengers? If anything they would want in on the action.

    "I'm pretty sure that they wanted us to give them money for "tickets" which we would never receive after arriving at the pier."

    Well as long as you're "pretty sure" then it must be a farang-fact.

    Got to be a scam. Took your telephone.. ? Why did they accompany you ?

    Who took a telephone?? He wrote" " in case they somehow managed to confiscate my phone "

    Clearly the O/P had numerous fantasy dramas playing out in his imagination.

    whats a "Farang fact"? Written by a Thai who hates their scams being exposed
  6. The general unavailability of intellectual stimulation.

    There's also the extreme version of Face, and it's attendant racism.

    Agree with this. If I moved back to the USA I'd come back to Thai Visa and post every day just to show people how intellectually stimulated I was since leaving Thailand.


    Perhaps you misread the title of the thread. It says Poll, not troll.

    Even you, HJC, have to admit that there is more than a little irony that someone who found Thailand intellectually unstimulating, upon returning to his more intellectually stimulating home country, can't seem to find a better source of intellectual stimulation than revisiting a forum filled with expats who, according to you, must be suffering from the same lack of intellectual stimulation that you experienced here. smile.png

    Ah but you cant argue with the guy,one thing Thais and Thailand aint and thats "intellectually stimulating"
  7. I've voted Labour in Warwickshire North, the most marginal Tory seat (I think the majority is around 55).

    Well done. If we're going to get rid of this awful government your vote will be important.
    nope! Voted to stop the chance of another wrecking labour gov with the crazy jocks backing them.
  8. Just an observation, and most certainly not an excuse or absolute reason for these terrible accidents, but in either case did the bikes have lights?

    I say this because I don't think I have ever seen a bike with lights on after dark in Thailand.

    Sad to say, but many cyclists have not overcome the mindset that says, "the way from point A to point B is on this six-lane highway." Cyclists need to get out there and get lost a few times on country roads for their own safety.

    tell that to the many cyclists killed on"country roads" in Thailand, oh they are dead now. http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/feb/18/british-cyclists-killed-thailand
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