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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Nong, I think we are very similar politics wise. I know this is off topic, but I had my first vote when I was 18ish and voted against the EEC as even then I did not trust the politicians of the day to limit it to just a trade agreement. I was swayed by the arguments of 2 politicians, who I did not necessarily agree with politically, but I thought they had characteristics I admired namely integrity and honesty. The two politicians were at different ends of the poliitical spectrum - Anthony Wedgwood Benn and Enoch Powell. Their arguments were very persuasive about the EEC and they were proven to be right.

    Powell and Benn and a few others warned that the "common market" would morph into a massive central controlling bureaucratic entity, continually extending its tentacles,and how so they have been proven. The UK politicians in the last 30 years have been supine, with the so called "endorsement" of elections. Need some real tough independent minded anti EU Mps on May 8th. Any but labour SNP or Libs.
  2. This I want to see. Taxi mafia vs. the military.

    So why get a big taxi if only 3 can use it? blink.png

    Wish you buggers would read the original posts--------- let me put you in the picture-They want to reject parties of MORE THAN 4 ---NOT 3.In other words if there is a party of say 5 or 6 they will not be insured and therefore will have to be rejected. If there is a party of 4 OK LETS GO !!!!!! With it now?coffee1.gif

    You are naive to believe that taxi drivers are concerned about insurance cover for its passengers rather than the extra profit they can make for charging excess with more punters inside.
  3. Any optimism would end with the same Peau thai (current name ) corrupt gangsters put back by their minions up country. Keep the reigns of power General P and save the country from completely dissappearing down a black hole!

    Actually those "minions" you despise are the people of the country you live in (and up country? - PT almost took Bangkok in the last 3 elections). And if you've missed it, the primary problem faces right now is disappearing down a financial black hole. The nation is a mess.

    Hell, he can't even get the trains to run on time ...

    almost took bangkok? You are out of touch with facts. Shown by the rest of your minion junk !

    actually, he is dead-on right. Here is the regional results chart from 2011.

    Red and blue are self-explanatory. Gray is no majority.


    um wrong, where are the red/pt "winning Bkk "almost"? Strange definition of winning!
  4. Those of PT who keep talking about returning power to the people should keep in mind the fact that it was the power of the people which disposed of them when the people came out in protest against them when they tried to push through the amnesty bill which nobody wanted.

    This included their own people, as per :


    BANGKOK: -- OPPOSITION against the controversial blanket amnesty bill within the red-shirt movement is growing as the Pheu Thai Party refuses to budge and continues trying to push it through Parliament.

    Those who are now claim to speak for the people have no mandate to do so and are only representing their own interests.

    Wrong, for the first part of your comment, this was not the reason the army stepped in.

    Right for the second part : Prayout has no legitimate mandate and represent only his own interest as well as the "happy few" at the top of the country

    Obvious from your posts you have no idea of what went on.

    The Yingluck Govt had been dissolved long before the military stepped in and it was the people that brought that about.

    When the military took over there was no elected Govt only 26, or was it only 22 left, appointed caretaker cabinet ministers who had been appointed by the convicted criminal on the run.

    Prayout has never claimed to speak for the people it is your beloved red leaders and ex PT MP's who are making that (false) claim.

    You seem to have a short memory too. Why was there no elected government? The reason is not because of the wish for one is it? PT stepped down and took their obligation to remain as caretakers until a newly elected government took over. They organised fresh elections but that was stopped by Prayuth's attack dog Suthep - they prevented elections so they could have the coup. Even now, you don't get it do you?
    you dont get it ! What junk! Your corrupt gangster PT candidates will never be allowed to stand again.
    • Like 1
  5. Any optimism would end with the same Peau thai (current name ) corrupt gangsters put back by their minions up country. Keep the reigns of power General P and save the country from completely dissappearing down a black hole!

    Actually those "minions" you despise are the people of the country you live in (and up country? - PT almost took Bangkok in the last 3 elections). And if you've missed it, the primary problem faces right now is disappearing down a financial black hole. The nation is a mess.

    Hell, he can't even get the trains to run on time ...

    almost took bangkok? You are out of touch with facts. Shown by the rest of your minion junk !
    • Like 1
  6. Thailand has been catering to "downmarket" countries for about 10 years now. A decision was made not to improve offerings but to concentrate on countries with lower standards than Thailand so that "their" experience" would be upmarket.

    They did India first, but found out that they were too cheap. Then we got the Frozen Russians which was a good spell until the cold war started again.

    So now its China with its travel companies striking really cheap deals to fill up places in Thailand.

    I shutter to think whats next, Central Africa, Chad or even Canada......

    That old saying "how low can you go"..

    I hope the government improves infrastructure and public offerings but.....

    Canada?that country is the cream of North America,with the lower class place underneath!
    • Like 1
  7. Regarding the part that states that tourist spending shrank.........The hordes of Chinese that are now holidaying DON'T spend money, IMO they are the ultimate cheap charlies. In CM they walk around areas like Nimanhaemin with their 7 bought bottles of water & taking selfies outside the cool cafes but heaven forbid actually going inside to eat. They have bloody money they just don't spend it. At the 4 star hotel that my GF works at Chinese customers brought their own cooking appliances with them from China so they didn't have to eat out.....they drove into Thai in 2 High end BMW's. WOW TAT let's promote to get more of them........Quality tourists that will help the economy NOT blink.png

    ah I love the Chinese! Not spending on the fake junk from their own country imported to Thailand. call them what you like, they're not easily conned.Maybe prefer to have the "pissheads" falangs who spend lots on beer and whores? Are those the "quality tourists"?
  8. IF caught in such a scam - Initially agree to pay - If you are heading to your home, instead direct your taxi to a 5 Star hotel (you don't want the driver to know where you live) - at the hotel or similarly public destination, on arrival, unload your bags etc, then pay the taxi the metered fare. IF there is any further argument ask the hotel security to call the police.

    I've done this very same thing at the airport in Indonesia - The Taxi driver doubled the quoted fare as soon as we left the airport. I couldn't argue, it was late at night. I agreed. But when we got to the hotel I called security straight away - Paid the driver the price initially agreed upon.

    In Bangkok there is now an extremely simply method of avoiding taxi scams... Avoid the regular flag-fall Taxi's !!! - use UBER or GrabTaxi and say bye bye to any taxi issues.

    Uber charge you twice the metered fare anyway -,so why bother? grab taxi is okay sometimes but not particularly reliable at turning up. I've used both in other cities with no problem, but in Bangkok??? Maybe just bad luck. I hardly ever have probs with metered taxis. If there is a problem just get out at first opportunity - the taxi drivers never seem to have a problem if I do that. Their choice
    "Uber charge twice the metered fare"? Uhh no! uber X is comparable price to taxi meters,often less and drivers far more polite and cleaner car interior,as it is their own car.
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