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  1. They didn't say they didn't visit him. The daughters obviously kept in touch. The wife on the phone but she didn't say she wanted to go to the funeral.
  2. Many times high ranking retired military leaders, decorated pilots etc talked about it that every time there's nuclear weapons testing, their aircraft fails, the weapons system malfunctions and they are just unable to use nuclear technology. This has been ongoing for a long time. How come they never discuss that😅.
  3. Question: is there a way on lamebook, previously facebook to block these pathetic reels and videos and basically the unwanted entertainment section? That every time you open the app, it suggests things memes videos etc as if I asked for it. If there's no way then I'll just ditch lamebook which makes me wonder what's the point of putting these things there in the users face just to try to make more money while in reality it just makes a lot of people delete their account which results in losing money. Someone is blessed with higher than average business acumen at the tech giant🙄🤣.
  4. Apparently not
  5. So in short there are many. But I am not your personal virtual assistant. You can look it up yourself. So in short yes I am talking about chuckles. So in short thanks for the chuckles.
  6. 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the chuckles. Yes I do. Such as multiple books published on the Alphabay takedown. Multiple interviews etc from and by the people who were part of the investigation. The actual agents tracking him down and working on the case etc. It's not a theory it's facts.
  7. It's widely known that waste is released into the oceans. We produce so much there's literally no place for it anymore.
  8. I remember Cazes was found dead in his cell as if he hanged himself but there was nothing to attach the towel to, which he allegedly used. It was simply wrapped around his neck. The FBI agents thought it was very weird and requested the CCTV footage from the Thai cops. After nagging them for years, they finally received a bunch of edited shorts from the footage, where the important parts were missing. The cops said they deleted it.
  9. People still think insurance companies are good for anything? 🙄
  10. Of course he won't be held. It was said that the whole thing was negotiated in advance. He would come home but wouldn't do time.
  11. What is with the pointing the finger all the time? Lmfao. I can't believe they actually asked him after arresting him, hey listen here, sit down we're gonna put the stuff you stole in front of you to take a photo and you make sure to point both your fingers at the items otherwise nobody will know what's going on.
  12. Anyone knows what happened to sunisa thapsuwan? U know the ex wife of Alexandre Cazes who died in Th. Cheers
  13. They never disappeared. They were instructed to blend in more and use less violence as to be able to operate more quietly since that's the Thai away of doing it.
  14. Yingluck mama is also a fugitive from justice along some other lowlifes. Are they actively looking for her as well or are experiencing short term memory loss.

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