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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. People say that mainly because of money issues. It all comes down to what they can afford. When somebody chooses a scooter instead of a car..in my opinion that is because thats what they can afford. Just think about it for a second: if I gave you the choice to pick one which one you would choose a scooter or a car?

    Probably the car. And the folks who have the money to buy and maintain a car do have this choice to pick what they want. Others don't. So they usually just say..ah I dont want the car. No disrespect intended but usually that's the case.

    But of course on the other side the traffic in this country is crazy. And thats a good enough reason for many to get a motorcycle even if they could afford a car so they are not going to spend the rest of their lives stuck in traffic jams.

  2. Thats a good one..I like it!

    Besides, might have some truth to it.

    But I am not sure if its appropriate in France to this day. Every time I did it when I was there, they seemed quite mad.

    Thais, thats different. I can tell from experience that a lot of them have no idea whats up with the middle finger..they just show it because it comes from farangland so its automatically cool.

  3. I totally agree with the declining standards.

    Not specifically in clubs but in general. People, no matter female or male used to know how to dress properly, and with style.

    These days so many people just do not seem to care about their own appearance.

    Otherwise such ideas to make you improve your looks would not be needed.

  4. I live in fear everyday that in the next morning when it is going to be time to hit the gym again..its going to be closed.

    These thais have so many festivals, and they always seem to celebrate something..God bless them for that, its all fine but sometimes it interferes with the opening time of certain establishments, so it often leaves me praying: dont keep me away from the 45 plates.

  5. Well, you have two choices.

    First, you could do one of the things that others suggested above, such as to damaging the guy`s vehicle..flat tyres etc, but i advice you to

    stay away from that. You could easily end up in trouble not just because its a crime but we all know that revenge would follow.

    Also, keep in mind that you are not going to be able to solve the problem on the same level where it appeared.

    So instead of acting like a caveman go with the second choice and do your best to solve it intelligently.

    Yes, it is going to cost some money, but based on that you conduct business here and live here..i assume you know that.

    The hotel next to you is a prime example: they know the game, they follow the rules of it and their problem got solved by doing so.

    He was taken to court, obviously a few people were paid just to make sure everything runs smoothly...and what a surprise, the guy doesnt dare to

    park there anymore.

    Between the BiB would start to care about your problem immediately, as soon as you decided to be a bit generous with them in terms of currency.

    I am not suggesting bribing anybody, what i am saying is: take legal action.

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