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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Yes it is such an annoying problem. I have visited different Dtac shops several times already and asked them if there was a way to stop these pathetic promotion messages. They said yes sure then they asked for my phone number. It was written down and that was it. So I asked them, that's it? They always said the same..yes you are not going to receive them anymore. Needless to say I am blessed with those irritating messages to this day. I have actually noticed that since I went to the shop to talk to them in person, and my number was taken I swear I receive even more. I guess they are like: oh another complaining farang. Lets ask for his number and sign him up for a bit more promotion. I don't see any other explanation for why I get more of this stuff since they asked for my number. When I was a kid my mom told me not to give my number to strangers but I didnt know that giving my number to my own service provider is asking for disaster as well. I am a peaceful man but these messages instantly bring the worst out of me. And yes they are 3rd party messages but Dtac is the middleman. If it didnt want to, these messages would never reach their customers.

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  2. It happened outside my hotel in April, unbelievable noise and force of explosion, in fact several explosions.  Half an hour later a guy turned up with a cherry picker, picked out the appropriate wires from the spaghetti, repaired it and drove off.


    Yeah it remains a mystery to me as well..how they figure out what needs to be done when all they see is millions of cables mixed together.

    I guess seeing through chaos is just a matter of practice like anything else.

    I don't know how they do it, but hey, TiT.   

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  3. There was another guy not long ago, posted about that he was blacklisted and needed help. I replied and I advice you to look it up and read it.

    That's the only way you are going to enter Thailand again in this lifetime.

    As for entering other Asian countries, it depends on the country. They exchange information so you can bet other places in Asia are going to know about that you got blacklisted. They still let you in or not totally depends on the people in charge at the moment when you try to cross the border.

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  4. I wonder how the hell he got his professor title.

    I mean to come up with such a useless idea, that's an insult to real professors. The fertility rate is low simply because people struggle to survive, how can you expect them to make children when the country's policies make it difficult to take care of just themselves.

    The solution is not raising taxes-is this man really serious or it is just the booze? What about stop robbing people and make it possible for them to live their lives properly? I guarantee as a result they will be like rabbits in terms of fertility.

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  5. I have both s4 and s4 mini.

    I would say the s4 is obviously better but an average user certainly don't need it. It depends on your preference and what you are going to use it for. The s4 has a smaller screen but still big enough and lower resolution but it still displays so many colors that the human eye cannot detect so dont worry about it. The hardware of the s4 is second to none, octa core processor and stuff like that. The s4 mini specs are of course somewhat different but the point is, it is still a powerful device that suits most users needs. The price difference is some 7000thb, pay it if you really need one of the best phones on the market now otherwise its not necessary.

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  6. This is sad man. I truly feel for you, I mean what you are going through.

    The answer to your question is quite simple. Let's be honest she played it out smartly. Now that you are in her country she knows you dont have a good chance to get your son back. Having some clues about the thai legal system I can tell you it is going to be a long painful process..all the court hearings and stuff and at the end you still cant be sure that you are going to get him back or not. But going through this would indicate a desperate and hopeless dad who doesn't really know what he is doing. Let's be smarter than that. Simple solution: turn the weapon your wife uses, against her. And that is: she tricked you into coming to her country because here you are forced to play by their rules. Well than do it. Just follow a few easy steps and you are going to get him back. 1: use Google and do some research on good! lawyers here. There are plenty of them. It is very important to find a good one with good reputation and he must be in business for a loooong time! By choosing one that fits that criteria, you are going to get a veteran who has connections in all kinds of places. Just the places that you are going to need help from. 2: So find a lawyer like that and make an appointment. Upon meeting him tell him the story. Be firm and dedicated so he can see you are willing to go as far as it takes to get your son back.

    Than make it clear to him that you would like to make this process as fast and effective as possible and of course he can be assured that you are going to be a gentleman when the time comes to return the favors.

    It is going to work but it is just my advice.

    Whichever road you are going to take I wish you the best!

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  7. Theoretically it is in trouble but do not worry!

    Every time when a country is in trouble, the owners of the country come up with quick solutions to make the problem dissappear: higher taxes, higher prices etc..by doing so they put the burden on the citizens and sooner or later by squeezing the ......out of them, order will be restored.

    This phase has started already, just think about the increasing gasoline prices and the list is endless. Make no mistake, I am not being sarcastic. But that is what is happening.

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  8. For years it has never really happened to me. I find it interesting because I hear all the stories from foreigners that they have the same problem as you do and understandably never get used to it.

    But I swear I can't remember when was the last time it happened to me.

    They just dont do it. But if it happens I don't get angry as such things don't affect me. I just see it as it is: he made a childish mistake and cut in front of me. No worries, I am cool with it but I would quickly reestablish order and step before him because that's how it was before he lost his mind and made the mistake.

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  9. I love it when people talk about the competition between Honda and Kawasaki, not knowing that most Kawasaki motorcycles are loaded with parts bought from a Honda company. Think Keihin fuel injection, suspension, wheels, brakes and much more.

    In the motorcycle industry Honda makes the most profit from supplying other motorcycle manufacturers. Making own motorcycles seems less profitable....

    Indeed. I have to laugh at all those comments related to how Honda is sloppy and brainless things like that. First of all its not true secondly if it was then it would make Kawasaki the same since they build their bikes using Honda stuff.

  10. Can someone educate me please.

    Since when the 300 is available in Thailand?

    Last time I checked, only the 250 was available..I am referring to the 2013 model with the same looks as the 300 but first they only made it available with a 250cc engine.

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  11. The PM Yingluck is the epitome of an executive officer that is organised, She controls her government with ease and has clear vision of the objectives that have to be accomplished if Thailand is to prosper. In short she is the ideal manager for an organization of somewhat ill behaved politicians.


    Her perception of the needs of the people and of her country mark her out rare among the premiers of the World.


    I realise that if you have read this far you are now rolling on the floor in tears of laughter. Good luck to you when you reach for executive power yourself and realise how hard it is to be as effective an executive as Yingluck appears to be. 

    As effective as she appears to be..bullseye! She just appears to be but that's alright.

    Things are not what they seem to be nor are they otherwise.

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  12. Think about it as you are about to do something: invest..that you dont know that much about, otherwise you wouldn't have the question what to invest in. No offence here just giving you advice.

    Your best bet is to do research on asset managements and let reputable professionals do the work. Pick one that suits your needs, one with good reputation and become a member. That means they are going to provide you with all the investment related stuff you wouldn't have access to otherwise, so you are going to be helped to make smart decisions. On the other side they help you to put that money into good use and invest it in the best ways possible. These companies research the market on a regular basis so they know what they do. Sure a lot of people dont trust them saying there have been so many scams in the past but dont let it discourage you. That's why its important to choose one with very good reputation.

    Of course the help of these experts is going to cost some but to my mind it still makes more sense than trying to do it your way just to learn that it doesn't work. In my opinion you are not supposed to do it alone. There are many experts out there in this field and they are a wealth of knowledge.

    Make use of them, it is worth it.

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  13. I dont really understand what all this is about.

    Its clear that he is going to get away with it like all the other kids or whoever from rich and powerful families.

    Like that girl years ago in Bkk who killed 9 people in that minivan. Did she go to prison for that? No and never will. This is how it works not only in Thailand but in every country. Problems are like bargirls. You stuff them with some money and they dissappear.

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  14. I eat six times a day including breakfast and all meals are high in complete protein. I have learned that it is actually not difficult to achieve while also fulfilling my desire for variety. It seems you are sort of after the same, variety and some quality stuff which contains enough protein.

    What I do is I often use the same ingredients to get a protein fix such as chicken, lean beef, turkey, eggs, tuna or other fish, sometimes dairy.

    For carbs oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes mainly and sometimes some real whole wheat stuff just for good luck.

    And these can be prepared in a million ways so you never get bored.

    For recipes I would suggest:


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