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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Assuming, you aren't taken into custody on the way to the airport due to a random checkpoint where you failed to produce proper paperwork, this is what will happen if you do it: if you have 20k, your passport and a plane ticket to you home country, they might let you go. Depends on the officers on duty. It has been a  criminal offense to overstay in the land of genuine smiles for quite some time, and you can be jailed for a couple of months. Plus for the same reason you can be banned from re-entering(for some time), which would be a shame. In no other country on the planet were people taught to smile on demand to my knowledge. Plus in IDC you're gonna have diarrhoea because they serve food the way Thais like it. Very spicy. So either sort it out the right way or possibly get booked, sh*t yourself from bad food every morning, then again mess your pants at the airport upon being told that you won't be able to come back for a while. 


    Just my two Euros

  2. 9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    How was a diagnosis of lymphoma even made if she did not go to a hospital? This requires soecialuzed tests to diagnose.


    None of this is making the least bit of sense.


    No doctor, anywhere, treats lyphoma with antibiotics (though they might give antibiotics if an infection is present). Abd lymphoma is not a simple outpatient diagnosis.


    The government health system is well able to handle this at little or no cost to her. She needs to go to the government hospital where she is registered. They will if necessary refer her to a specialized cancer hospital.


    Though I am starting to doubt she actually has been diagnosed with lymphoma. More likely she just presented with enlarged lymoh node(s) and lymphoma is one of a number of possible causes, the doctor opted to treat for infection first to see if it responded (not an unusual approach) and seemingly it has not. Logical thing to do would be go back to the doctor and tell him that at which point he would refer her to the hospital for additional tests.

    Thank you for your answer I appreciate it. What you said is I think correct, the doc probably decided to treat for infection first. He told her that it is possibly lymphoma. 

  3. 12 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Government doctors are only found in government hospitals.

    Outside the hospital they are private doctors, or maybe not even doctors at all.

    You've just wasted all our time.

    Don't worry about it. Not like you have any left.

  4. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Are you certain these are antibiotics? As the reaction you describe sounds instead like chemotherapy, which would be more usual. Do you have the actual names of these medicvations?


    And which hospital is she being treated at?


    Have you actually been present at any of these doctor visits or are you going by what she says, which reflects her (likely mis) understanding?



    She has not gone through any treatment yet. The problem occurred not long ago. Just received antibiotics. She's not being treated at any of the hospitals. Visited the doctor and this is what he suggested. 

  5. Hello TV Members,


    A good friend of mine has lymphoma. She's thai. 

    Based on her insurance, she goes to a gov. doctor. She can't afford others. This one gave her a boatload of antibiotics and told her to take it. She did for three months and her body got really weak. Not surprisingly. Months of taking it didn't help at all. But she can't continue taking it because it wreaks havoc on the system. She now finds it difficult to work too. The antibiotics clearly don't help but all this doc wants is just antibiotics because when you don't know how to solve a problem, you just prescribe antibiotics. She wasn't diagnosed properly, as in which type of L exactly she has. She should go to another doctor, but that proves to be too expensive for her. 


    I would appreciate any intelligent input from a knowledgeable person. What's the best thing to do in this case. 

    How to recover from this. What's the best way.


    Thank you very much

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