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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. On 2/19/2019 at 11:18 PM, Black Ops said:

    Its a shame you have taken things so badly and chose to insult those trying to help you.


    You said "if you are not good, not professional, you will need to do your very best to at least look the part."


    well, you dont, and it doesnt look professional at all ! It looks like someone just discovering how to build a website and playing with new toys like the highlighter pen.


    You said "Never mind the wix footer on top "

    Well a "footer" is supposed to be just that, so saying its on top and never mind makes you look silly and proves you dont know what you are doing or are very new to it. 


    You dont have your own domain, you dont use a company name in that domain, you dont build the website you use a wix sitebuilder, which is like lego ! Then claim to be a proffesional ? 

    Thats like just learning to play with a Lego set and claiming to be a Builder of shopping malls.


    None of the links work on your site, the images are not optimised, its 4mb which is huge for a splash page, the Google score is well below average, other tests it barely makes a grade D and thats not my score its industry standard tests. I could go on but thete is clearly no point. 


    If you cant handle truthful constructive feedback dont ask the question. To insult people in that way shows a lack of maturity and professionalism.


    I get it that you are proud of what you achieved but you are far far away from being even slightly "professional" or claiming to know web design or SEO. 


    Perhaps its all just an advert and you pass work to others that can do it, like drop shipping. But based on the presentation, E for effort and you are no "magician" as stated, unless that refers to it all being an illusion ! 


    Best of luck with your venture.


    Now you can throw your toys out of the pram ! and hurl insults back.


    I mentioned before, i luv criticism. Makes me even better. But none of this was constructive criticism. Just useless sh...., noone asked for.
    Dont get lost in the details, wix footer, images, blahblah. The site was created for a specific purpose, it fulfills it and thats that.

  2. On 2/19/2019 at 7:12 PM, Jan Dietz said:

    If you make so much money, imagine how much it would be if you spend it on someone that can knock out something better looking than what someone can knock out on Wordpress in 10 minutes.


    And thanks for confirming you are advertising your own site, not 'a company you found', so please spend a little bit of your huge income on paid advertising, to keep things clean.


    Thanks for the advice. But not necessary to spend on it. And nobody said i advertised my own site.

  3. On 2/19/2019 at 6:35 PM, eisfeld said:

    Sounds like you can't take criticism. Sure there can be bad criticism but there's also constructive cricism. Only saying nice things wont improve anything. That's low asking for the Google Play store to only ever allow 5 star reviews.


    Instead you insult others and claim you make more money than them which has nothing to do with anything.


    Look, I think it's very valid to point out that a company that offers SEO and webdesign but utterly fails to have a website that adheres to even simple SEO guidelines or has at least a minimum of professionalism in its own website let alone being built by itself instead of using a website builder that only people use who can't do web design...


    Could as well be just a troll ????

    Love criticism. Helps me get even better. But none of these was that. Just some kids blurping nonsense in the comments, which noone asked for .I posted something. Then got negative nancies talking trash. then u say, i unsult others. lol at that. didnt insult anyone. the site didnt fail to do anything. it serves the purpose it was created to serve. plus wix isnt used by people who cant build a site. if u dont know what u are talking about then dont talk. thank you

  4. Lol. As they say in Hollywood, bad actors act. Good actors are. That translates to business as well. If you are not good, not professional, you will need to do your very best to at least look the part. If you are, then there is nothing to mumble about.
    Little newbie know nothing chimes in, and tries to suggest that it looks spam, scam etc. In actuality, it looks none of those. Then other would like to add their little two cents as well. Comparing Wix to Bernie. LMFAO.
    Never mind the wix footer on top.  others build businesses that succeed regardless of little ads on top of the site. Never mind the fact either, that Wix happens to be a global giant, when it comes to website building. It needs so much work, it already generates more than your salary.
    But my bad:) Why would i try to discuss business with people here.
    And besides which, please dont be soo harsh:) Everytime you judge something or someone, it is your pain that is speaking. Otherwise you could just pass it without saying anything.
    Why are you so mean to someone, who makes more money than you do? Does it make you feel bad or what?
    I simply made a post. You dont like it, fine. Keep it moving, big boy.
    If you have nothing nice to say, then you know..dont say anything, or else, you will just make fun of yourself.

  5. I wanted to share my joy with the good folks on TV.
    I have been working on building up an IT and computer related business, which i wont advertise here for obvious reasons. 

    It required quite a bit of marketing, online ads, optimization etc, to get it off the ground. As fate has it, i bumped into a few scammers etc in the process of creating it, but persevered anyhow.
    I even had to restart it from scratch once due to some difficulties, but continued. Eventually it succeded and after so much trouble, i thought i would share, so that it might benefit you, what seemed to work, a company i have found that actually delivered: https://r1m8tos.wixsite.com/digitaltechnologies


    Good day:)

  6. 5 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    One of the stupidest--and unhealthiest--thing that people can do is sit out in the sun for hours to get a tan.  They risk skin cancer, premature aging, etc., all in the name of vanity.  Trying to change their skin color.  Why do farangs do that?   

    Social conditioning. The game the ruling class plays. Divide and conquer. If you highlight people's differences you can turn them against each other. Once it happens, they are not united but separated. Once that's done, you have absolute control over their life. 

    That's why the government fears people uniting. Once that happens, they lose their power. But it's happening all over the world. 

  7. It's just the way they're brainwashed. The robot has been programmed, what do you plan to do? ????

    When i am in Europe or the states i see all these girls looking at least as dark as my feces in the morning, simply because there they're told: you're white. That's not good. Get dark. Over here they are dark so they are told: you're dark. That's not good. Get white. 

    Business as usual. You will either buy tanning lotion or whitening cream. 

    But only people with a malfunctioning brain fall for it. 


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  8. 7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Some of what you write makes sense - I also read a lot of psychology books some time ago.

    But then you write you "Have been in relationships with more women than i can count."

    I also had lots of short time "relationships" and never a problem with them.

    It seems the problem which some of us have with Thai women only happen if we had a relationship with them for a long time when they assume this will go on forever. And then if they have to tell their friends and family that the guy doesn't want her anymore that is a big problem. And unfortunately that problem does not go away if the guy "creates his own identity"...

    Just because I've been in many it doesn't mean they have been short term. 

    I understand what you mean by long term and their issue and you're right it doesn't go away since it doesn't even occur in the first place. That's what i was talking about. The man who understands it knows that such women won't even participate in his reality. The man that doesn't will continuously get into trouble then cry about it on online forums. 

    But i have no time for such nonsense. Your question was answered. 

    A word to the wise is sufficient. 

  9. 1 hour ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Chinese?!!!   I would say the same for thais as long as u throw money at them....do go on!!!!!

    Curious how you came to this conclusion!

    Regardless of nationality. And it's got nothing to do with money. 

    You just gotta look decent. Put on a smile. And talk to them. 

    Came to this conclusion after doing it all the time. 

  10. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Today I am tired but I remember the rest of this thread. There are many people here who experienced violent Thai women or who heard about them from their friends who (tried to) break up. It seems to be a common problem in Thailand.

    And it seems that many girls who are wonderful nice girlfriends can at some stage change into furious violent women.

    If you know how you can recognize women who are always nice and who will never get violent please let us know. I am sure many of us like to learn from your wisdom.

    Okay I'll let you know now. 

    Physical reality is created on a non physical level by the non physical being that you're, consciousness. 

    The method used to create it is your self identity. Your concept of yourself. Whoever you decide you are, that's who you are. Whatever you're conscious of being you'll get. Physical reality continuously reshuffles itself to conform to your self concept. Reality is not really surrounding you. It's taking place within your consciousness. As such you can have it any way you want. You just have to change your concept of yourself.

    I've been living in Th for years. Have been in relationships with more women than i can count. Then why is it that I've never been in a relationship with such idiotic women. We can't attribute it to luck since there's no such thing. The reason is simply who i know myself to be. My idea and concept of myself does not allow for insecure girls in my life whose grandest idea of ending a relationship is revenge. 

    When you fall asleep, the door opens to the non physical. The language it understands is your feelings. So every night when you go to sleep, you fall asleep feeling yourself to be the man, you say you want to be. Man awake is under compulsion to express his subconscious feelings. How you feel about yourself upon falling asleep runs your life. Completely. 


  11. 15 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:

    b.b.but then my grandson will be an illiterate hauling sides of pork on his shoulder at the local market rather than the nuclear physicist that he's intended to be...and my granddaughter peddlin' her stuff inna bar rather than a future as Thailand's top cardio - vascular specialist...


    meanwhile tutsi's ashes are floating somewhere down the Mekong and he's thinkin' 'wonder what them kids are up to these days?'



    Don't worry. Parents would like to but basically have no effect on what their kids become. Children will do whatever they choose to irrespective of mammy and daddy. The moment they reach a certain age when they become capable of critical thinking, who do they go to when they have a problem? Their best friend. Not the parents. So much about parents daydreaming about having any effect on the next generation. 

  12. 11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I don't think the OP want's to discuss if he should end it or not. It's the questions of how to do it in the "best" way.

    And everybody who ever tried to split up with a Thai girlfriend knows that this is difficult and sometime dangerous - in many ways.

    I didn't discuss whether he should or shouldn't. I stated how to do it the best way. Your eyes were probably tired when you read it. Give it another go. 

    And what's dangerous? I broke up with many. Just tell them it's over and that's it. I've never experienced any danger. I guess it depends on what kind of women you date. Only certain girls take revenge in any form including bad mouthing another person. If that's the kind of woman you date then it matters not how you end it. You're going to get it anyway.

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