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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Driver fled on foot. Wow. I think, soon thai netizens(netizen, lol) are going to have a field day on this. Saying things like, oh yeah, thats true thainess.

    On a side note, how did a scoopy manage to bang up that car so bad? Thats untold damage. Last time i have seen anything like that was when i closed the hood of my car after an argument with my girlfriend.

  2. I was just about to ask, why the ffffff these instances always have a gathering? An audience watching nearby. But then i read the comments, people look at the guy and decide, ah he is russian. Other one, ah he looks like a Dane. He cannot drive, this and that.


    Bread and circus.

  3. https://transferwise.com/help/article/2912059/us-dollar-transfers/why-do-i-need-to-enter-my-us-online-bank-details


    Its common practice. Its all encrypted. Some people still feel uncomfortable. I always smile at that. They give away their whole life to facebook sh*t and google, then they start worrying about an FCA regulated financial entity, that handles transactions in the billions.

  4. Prepare for the worst, right?
    What would happen is this: whether they take you home or not depends on the people that get you. Some would, some wouldnt. If they decided to deport you, you would need your pass to leave, so its either picked up with them or a friend brings it later. They wont let you go anyway, if you dont have it. As for your stuff, they dont care. They wouldnt take you home coz of that. As for getting cash from the atm, you would get top notch escort to every atm in town. Then you would give them some. Or if you didnt, then they would provide you with some additional trouble on top of kicking you out. Then when you get to the airport, they would try you for some more.
    Buy something at the duty free area, etc. They are actually quite nice, if you have money.

    • Like 2
  5. As a matter of fact its all in your mind. Nowhere else. As soon as there is a shift in the mindset, there is a shift in genetic expression, since the mind is the executive of the whole system.
    There are people, that have blue eyes, a soon as the shift happens, they have brown eyes. Another person has cancer, when they shift, they no longer have it. Someone has his sexual orientation changed this way. There is this woman, who couldnt see. Practically blind. After working on it for a while, she started seeing, reading etc. These are all well documented. Just like the experiments, when there is a group of guys, that work out and train arms regularly for three weeks. Another group trains just like the previous one, but only in their mind. They are given specific instructions on how to do it. After three weeks, they have the same results as the group that actually went to gym.
    There are basketball players, that practice throwing every day for hours. Then the other group practices in their mind only. For hours. After the set period both groups go and throw for real, to see who is better. The group that only imagined it always! fares better and has better results.

    Your mind just hallucinates your physical reality, including your body.
    And you can hallucinate it any way you want. It will always oblige.

    • Haha 1
  6. I swear, i cant believe this nonsense still persists in the 21st century.
    People always talk about calorie intake, eating for growth and other backward things, when it comes to building muscle. Oh, if you wanna build muscle, you gotta track your cals etc. You gotta bulk and cut. Seriously, what are you, 3rd grade? What you eat has almost nothing to do with how much muscle you have on your body and how jacked you are.
    It is regulated by your hormones, not the calories. The reason, men naturally have more muscle on their body than women is not coz we eat more. Lol. But because we have more testosterone in our body. But of course, some einsteins will say, nooo its not true. Just take a look at natural builders in the gym. He looks the same he looked 10 years ago, when he purchased his first membership. Small differences, such as got fit, built a little muscle, in somewhat better shape, but overall no significant difference. If he starts eating more, you know eat for growth..we all know where its going. He is going to get fat. Bulking going wrong 2.0 Your body doesnt give two Fs, how much food you stuff in your mouth. It is rather a strictly regulated, finely tuned and costantly monitored process and everything is dependent on your hormones. Your body gets to decide, how much muscle you put on, not calories. And we all know this, because we have been there done that. Eat more. Bulk up. Then what. Get fat. Because the excess the body doesnt need, the body stores. But due to the marketing machine, it is still believed, that you have to eat at least 4-5 times a day. You have to drink at least two protein shakes a day. Actually make it three just to be on the safe side.
    And how many natural guys or girls have realized it already that the only thing that will happen, if you do that is that you will gain fat. Your biochemistry, that is strictly regulated and includes your hormone production doesnt give a shhhhh, how many calories you had. It doesnt operate based on calories but chemical signals.
    Thats why you see the guy who is on gear, gaining more muscle in three month, then you will in an entire lifetime. Steroids are just synthetic male hormones. There have been many studies on it, if you have elevated test levels, you will gain muscle, even if you dont eat much. It is an accepted practice in certain countries, that if something happens to a person and he cannot get out of the bed while in the hospital(after serious accident etc), he is given steroids to prevent muscle waste. The guy doesnt workout. Cannot even get out of the f...ing bed. Doesnt eat. All he gets is IV drips. And he maintains or builds muscle depending on how much juice he gets. Now of course, when off the juice, the body downregulates again and the gained muscle is gone. But thats beside the point. I see all these chicks on insta, plying their trade, selling fitness advice. Then all you see is a girl, that used to be skinny. Started eating for growth(f..k me, lol), got thicker and now she is a fitness instructor. And the people buy it, actually:)) Oh, look, she has a fat ass, she must know something we dont. Then they show how they have a flat tummy. The first place a man gains fat is around the waist. The first place a woman gains fat is thighs and ass. That too is regulated by hormones. It doesnt matter how much i eat, i will never have the ass of a latina. It doesnt matter, how much protein they eat, they will never have the kind of muscle i have on their body. Two brazilian girls are interviewed about their big ass on youtube. So the interviewer asks, whats your advice to girls, that want a booty like yours. She says, eat more protein. I fell off the chair. Are these people for real or is it some kind of never ending prank?????
    There are also animals, that are jacked for seemingly no reason. There is this dog, that is so damn muscular, his body simply produces way too much testosterone, experts say its a birth defect. And the dog is huge. It doesnt work out. Doesnt eat ten times a day. Just a little tweak in his hormone production and gains follow. There is the little calf, that very quickly grows up to be a huge mf-er. How did that happen? Its not coz they train and eat all day, but because the milk is engineered for insane growth(its full of hormones). If you drink it, nothing happens. Well, okay you get fat. When they are off the tits, they eat only grass. And it doesnt seem to be an issue. Their huge body runs on grass. And maintains size. Its just hormones. Put that next to the average dedicated gym lover. You train your ass off, you eat for growth:), you eat everything in sight and your body doesnt budge. I remember meeting this guy in samui, in the gym. He is ripped. Very young. We talk, i compliment his body. Asked him what he eats, he says rice. I asked again, because i couldnt believe. He comes back again: rice. Turns out, he is from a very poor farmer family, they eat the leftovers of their produce, the rest they need to sell to survive. Yet he has a great body. Simply because his hormone production is up to standard. He doesnt have money to waste. No whey, no steak, nothing.
    But i am not saying get on gear. Dont. Useless. Just sends you to the hospital. Then the cemetary. I am saying why eat like a pig when thats not what makes you grow anyway. When we were teens, we didnt even know what healthy eating was. We probably ate pizza, washed it down with beer and we still grew like its nobody's business. Because test production in the body was at an all time high.
    And the best thing about it is that as its been known for a few thousand years, you actually happen to have total control over your biochemistry and hormone production by the way you think. Your mind state determines it all. There is cortisol for example. The stress hormone. It is well documented, that all you have to do to significantly increase cortisol output is just to stress, be anxious, be fearful, you know the default setting of most people and the magic happens, your cortisol levels rise. A lot. Obviously if it works with this hormone, it works with others as well. Which is also well documented. Medical science knows it for a very long time. They just dont advertise it. I think, they just forgot it but its probably on the way:)))
    So dont eat like a pig, because there are enough swines already goddamit.


  7. 23 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    I think your mixing up poor Ted with Jeffrey Dahmer? No, Ted was the suave and sophisticated friendly guy who lulled young girls into a false sense of security, right before he beat them, raped them and brutally murdered them. His approach was a bit like your MO, big smile, well dressed, pleasant aftershave, charming personality, etc. Straight out of the psychopaths hand book. You do understand it was a joke?

    Ah yeah. You are right.

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