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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Don't be a beta, guuuys.

    Just see it for <deleted> it is. 

    Keep playing around and let her do the same. Or if you don't want your woman to sit on other Ds, then you don't have the right to bang other Ps. 

    If you wouldn't like her doing it, which i know most men wouldn't, then you have no business doing it either. 

    I do it all the time. I am with a different woman every week. But i either don't have a gf or have one that tolerates it such as the current one. It's not about not doing it or not telling because you're afraid of the consequences. It's about being a man. Chumps lie to women just to keep them. Men never do that because they don't have to. They have women waiting in line. Coz they're men. 


    • Haha 1
  2. I don't understand the tourist phoned the cops part. 

    First he observes the local clientele to see who's suspicious. That's strange if a tourist sees something suspicious, they get scared and usually just turn the other way like anybody else. 

    But then he just happens to know the cops number and rings them. I am pretty sure he's also fluent in Thai to be able to communicate with the blockheads. 

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