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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I don't think you can lump all Thais together. There is a pronounced class system in Thailand for one thing.

    You might find resistance in a rich and connected family whereas many farangs find wives from Isaan where having a farang might be a badge of honor due in part perhaps to money.

    IMHO many poorer Thai families hope for a farang for financial benefits. A village girl marries a farang who builds her a mcmansion and others might want the same including the family. Others might actually be jealous and hope for the same.

    Deep down I believe that most Thai women would rather marry a Thai, especially when younger. IMHO "love" means something different to a lot of Thais than it does to Westerners. It can mean "take care" whatever that means to them.

    I will never get married again. I don't understand any women much less Thai women so I'll just keep my money in my pocket and have the occasional girlfriend. I don't like playing a gambling game I don't understand or where the odds are stacked against me.

    Bottom line - no, some women and families are proud of their farang but I think it's usually about money. Some exceptions both ways of course.

    lol! you admit you dont understand thai women and then proceed to explain your understanding of why these thai women want to marry farang!!
    Not understanding women and having an opinion about why they might want to marry a foreigner are two different things.

    nope. you cant know their motives if u dont understand how they think and act

    He didn't say he understood their motives. He simply stated his opinion.

  2. Thais don't celebrate Christmas so i don't buy them anything. I don't give a flying fkkk about this religious misconception either but i always welcome gifts as i don't want to hurt others feelings. So far i have got two iPhones a few shirts, a pair of jeans, pair of sunglasses and a bracelet. I am humble though.

    Thais don't celebrate Christmas? You might want to get yourself over to Ratchaprasong, you'll be surprised!

    Merry Christmas.

    No they don't. I was referring to that it's not part of their culture and not that they started celebrating it at some point because of their obsession with festivals, but they don't even know what they celebrate.

  3. I don't think you can lump all Thais together. There is a pronounced class system in Thailand for one thing.

    You might find resistance in a rich and connected family whereas many farangs find wives from Isaan where having a farang might be a badge of honor due in part perhaps to money.

    IMHO many poorer Thai families hope for a farang for financial benefits. A village girl marries a farang who builds her a mcmansion and others might want the same including the family. Others might actually be jealous and hope for the same.

    Deep down I believe that most Thai women would rather marry a Thai, especially when younger. IMHO "love" means something different to a lot of Thais than it does to Westerners. It can mean "take care" whatever that means to them.

    I will never get married again. I don't understand any women much less Thai women so I'll just keep my money in my pocket and have the occasional girlfriend. I don't like playing a gambling game I don't understand or where the odds are stacked against me.

    Bottom line - no, some women and families are proud of their farang but I think it's usually about money. Some exceptions both ways of course.

    lol! you admit you dont understand thai women and then proceed to explain your understanding of why these thai women want to marry farang!!

    Not understanding women and having an opinion about why they might want to marry a foreigner are two different things.

    • Like 1
  4. The part i don't understand about this is that this is really stupid to request people to throw used, shitty toilet paper in a bin, so that slowly but surely the whole building can smell like excrement because my experience is that they don't pay much attention to emptying the bin.

  5. WOW.

    What horrible comments.

    Yet ... 100% of the time on here, men complain how their wives always ask for money, the family asks for money, everyone wants their money.

    BTW: I left Dell Computer as a Sr. Sales Executive in 2005. Infer my wealth as you'd like.

    My Wife KNOWS I have money. She lives a very nice, somewhat "high-end" lifestyle with me. I just like to set a perspective. When I give her family 5KTHB, they seem to genuinely appreciate the gesture. When Patricia gets a new gold necklace, she shows true gratitude.

    Instead of just: "Oh, well. Steve has a lot of money."

    Almost all of you passed some poor judgement on me, and said some pretty awful things.

    I like your posts and comments.

    Keep them coming.

    • Like 1
  6. Maybe the OP should have waied, but turning away and acting like a child who didn't get what he wanted with his nose up high is definitely the height of disrespect so let's not talk about high status here.

    status is status in this country whether farangs like it or not. the disrespect was intentional and not unusual.

    If someone disrespects others intentionally then there's no reason to expect respect from others. It's not going to happen.

    But i agree. Status is status and dumb is dumb.

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