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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 9 hours ago, twix38 said:

    I am just waiting until I can return without any restrictions except a PCR test to enter without any quarantine for vaccinated folk.


    Then I will return to sort out my affairs and complete my relocation back to uk permanently. Far too many downsides to living in Thailand and I did that for 13 years.


    Pollution, pesticides, poor air quality, hospitals not actually competent often in my experience, Sun exposure damage build up often under estimated, flipping street dogs, xenophobic population, jumping through immigration hoops, 2 tier pricing and ripoff, dangerous driving, political shambles, exch rate and no longer cheap....so much more, but I'll stop there.


    Just waiting to return to leave for good!!

    Before I would return to UK I would rather try North Korea instead.

    But honestly go for SPAIN. 

    • Like 1
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  2. 5 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    i have no interest in talking on the phone, especially a mobile.  I've had a land line home phone for maybe 25 years.  My I phone 6 was given to me, and I don't answer it if I'm driving.   I never text, as my fingers are not compatible with the damned touch keypad on these silly phones.


    Years back when I was a salesman on the road I would have loved them.  Now I have no need or desire. 

    Wow, you seem to be a Saint....????

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