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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 5 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Of course i don't fly

    i am lucky enough being already in Thailand at the moment

    i live here without the need to go abroad

    i was just worring for the others.


    If you wait for the vaccine, you could be disapointed

    do you know it's possible a vaccine could be never find?

    And even if a vaccine is discovered, it's likely it should be

    not safe at 100%, plus the virus could also mute as he did already.

    well, but you have to admit, that a vaccine, even it's working only for 6 months or only by 90% , is all better than to sit in a cramped plane with dozens of coughing passengers.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    The foreigners are forced to do a test BEFORE to travel to Thailand

    then we can assume they are not positive when they embark on the plane.


    On the other hand the Thais are not forced to do any test before the travel

    so the foreigners are being contaminated during the flight when they are mixed

    with the non tested Thai, few of them being infected.


    It's the reason why a lot of foreigners are not positive before the flight but

    are tested positive during the quarantine in the second week.


    To mix (Volontarily and knowing the risks) in a long plane flight tested and not tested people is just a shame and it's deliberately endengering the life of the others, for what the Thai authorities should be imo prosecuted in court by the returnees affected by the disease.



    Don't fly, just wait for the vaccine. ????

  3. 2 hours ago, nausea said:

    The UK is important, strategically, so I don't think Europe (i.e. France/Germany) will tell us to FO.. Probably be some last minute compromises. This is the problem really - we're telling them to FO, they're telling us to FO, but we both realise that in reality it's a mutually dependent relationship. It's all about getting a good deal. Nobody, absolutely nobody, wants a complete break.

    True, but there is Boris' problem:

    A deal would damage his reputation with the Brexiteers.

    And a No Deal would damage his reputation with the Remainers who were hoping at least to get a deal. 

    And now breaking international laws......... It's both a banana country and a rogue state. 

    Where is the reliability of UK gone? ????

    • Like 2
  4. 14 hours ago, izod10 said:

    I would add that is exactly what the vast majority in England want,...more than definitely want

       Shut of Scotland,and as for Ireland ,you can keep it, just get shut of the problem,once and for all,..just what Boris aims to do

       Well done Boris

    They should bar you from entering the continent. ????

  5. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    And that shows the sheer arrogance of the EU and it would seem you. With that attitude and you wonder why we left.

    Well, though parents will tell their children not to do this or that children have to get their own experience. Failsure is learning. 

    I won't compare the EU with parents but if 500 million people ask you not to go that way..... you think those 500 million are silly? 

    And now you will follow a Law-Breaker????????????

    You are playing with your (Britain without Scotland and NI) reputation. 

    Does UK turns into a Rogue State? 


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  6. 4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    So why did Merkel and May invent their BRINO Withdrawal Agreement? That would have been half in and half stay, and the EU & Remainers liked that one! When we Leave, we have to Leave it fully and properly. That means no EU rules & regulations, no EU law, No EU freedom of movement, No EU control of our government policies, so No Single Market and No Customs Union. 
    A Free Trade Agreement is what would be necessary after all the above, but if the EU will not make an agreement without trying to revert back to all the above conditions, then we would be back to half leave and half stay. It's obvious that is not what Brexiteers voted for, but what the EU still wants. Sorry - cannot.

    Sounds very much like suicide ????

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  7. 1 hour ago, pookondee said:

    Gazzpa already put you straight.

    You have not come back with even one slightly sensible rebuttal, only insults.

    Shows your inability to put your point forward.

    You must be a troll and a very poor one.


    If you knew about the history, actually the people behind united nations and WHO and the rest of that ilk, you might have a slight idea why its all playing out this way.


    Faucci is playing an agenda.

    Anyone who believes he is credible, is just as sad an individual as him.


    Have you noticed every time he opens his mouth its fire and brimstone, doomsday stuff?


    Last he says is these viruses will be with us for many years to come and he more or less insinuated life will never be back to normal.


    Now why would anyone express such opinions?

    And he never seems to have any answers or positive plans.

    Because it is HIS opinion, not science.


    If someone wanted all the people of the world depressed, shut down, suicidal, economies destroyed, they would certainly be saying exactly what Faucci says every time he opens his mouth.



    It doesn't make sense at all.

    If he really thinks viruses will be here for 5 years, and he actually had half a brain cell, then he would be advocating living with them and managing them, not shutting down economies and applying never ending restrictions.


    How many businesses and industries have gone to the wall already?


    When companies that make your pacemakers, hearing aids and Viagra close down, maybe then you will also get the hint ????







    Simple mind, misleaded, indoctrinated, easy bait for conspiracies and fairy tales called fake news. 

    You're not alone unfortunately. But our society can bear it. 

    As long you'll not convince somebody with a gun in your hands is it OK. 

    • Sad 2
  8. 10 hours ago, pookondee said:

    Easy to hurl insults and not answer the question brainiac.



    what if we lockdown for

    x months/years, totally destroying all our economies, and we STILL have rampant  Covid?

    What was even the point of shutting down the entire world if it ends up playing out that way?


    Realistically any vaccine will only work to a certain % anyway,

    and it probably wont even work at all for those who are already old and frail.


    Fear, stress, and isolation of scared people like you will probably end up causing more deaths than Covid anyways.


    Again nonsense. 

    Who told you to lock down again for months or more? 

    Who told you to lock down entire world? 

    Who told you a vaccine will work only for a certain percentage? 

    Who told you that this vaccine will not work for old people? 

    Who told you that being careful will cause more deaths?

    If you don't want to believe me than read carefully my post again and follow Fauci's advice. 

    But please don't spread again nonsense like a loud speaker of Donald. 

    And don't follow fake news in the future. 

    Wearing your masks and exercise social distancing, at least in Western Countries. 

    But as I said before, it's impossible to fix stupidity. 


    • Haha 1
  9. 10 hours ago, pookondee said:

    Easy to hurl insults and not answer the question brainiac.



    what if we lockdown for

    x months/years, totally destroying all our economies, and we STILL have rampant  Covid?

    What was even the point of shutting down the entire world if it ends up playing out that way?


    Realistically any vaccine will only work to a certain % anyway,

    and it probably wont even work at all for those who are already old and frail.


    Fear, stress, and isolation of scared people like you will probably end up causing more deaths than Covid anyways.


    Another Donald ????

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  10. 10 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    The top virologists at Oxford University who are responsible for the development of the vaccine completely disagree with what you are saying. I think I will listen to them rather then you if that's alright. I assume your "so called medical background" is not on a par with the worlds leading scientists who specialise in tackling viruses.????

    Better to read carefully than to post emotions 

  11. 41 minutes ago, pookondee said:

    Well what you call nonsense is starting to be realised by people all over the world.


    So i presume all of these peoples brains also dont work properly?

    That would be, everyone who doesnt follow your opinion and would rather just lead all our countries into meltdown?


    Not much point debating with people like you..your brainwashed.


    Ill just put forward again, the same thing that no-one seems to want to answer....


    So, just exactly how long would you have us locked down? 

    1, 2, or 5 years?

     Then when there is NO industry left, No economies, No jobs for the youth...and people starving everywhere..

    And more likely Corona and/or other viruses will STILL be with us anyway...


    If thats the case, it means we have self destructed all our lives..



    Learn to live with it and manage it, or we may as well all jump in our graves now.

    Your quote is again nonsense. 

    Nothing in this time is predictable. You will learn every day new things about the deadly virus. 

    Therefore the question how long any lockdown will last is nonsense. 

    It's a day to day business. 

    Depends on a second or third wave, depends on a vaccine. Depends on stupidity of people. 

    I presume you had nothing to do with science so far, same as Donald. 

    But again, you're not alone. There are many Donalds around. ????

    • Sad 3
  12. 33 minutes ago, pookondee said:

    Well what you call nonsense is starting to be realised by people all over the world.


    So i presume all of these peoples brains also dont work properly?

    That would be, everyone who doesnt follow your opinion and would rather just lead all our countries into meltdown?


    Not much point debating with people like you..your brainwashed.


    Ill just put forward again, the same thing that no-one seems to want to answer....


    So, just exactly how long would you have us locked down? 

    1, 2, or 5 years?

     Then when there is NO industry left, No economies, No jobs for the youth...and people starving everywhere..

    And more likely Corona and/or other viruses will STILL be with us anyway...


    If thats the case, it means we have self destructed all our lives..



    Learn to live with it and manage it, or we may as well all jump in our graves now.

    Good Luck Donald. ????

    • Sad 1
  13. 9 hours ago, pookondee said:

    The brainwashing of fear will be the biggest hurdle, not Covid or its figures.


    Plainly, Thailand (and Prayuths) strategy has been to watch what other countries are doing and go one better.


    That is an idiots lazy approach.

    Akin to opening a business and simply charging 10% less than your competitor, instead of actually working out the margins needed to turn a profit.


    And anyway, opening up will never happen when individuals are running around saying stuff like:


    oh.. international travel will be 2-5 years away...

    oh.. we need a vaccine...

    oh.. we need track and trace....

    bla bla and all the other rubbish


    But all throughout, even though the simple fact has been that 98-99% of the total population will recover from this like a mild to bad cold...

    people are still carrying on like its an instant death sentance.


    Its stupid you can't fix.

    And the stupid people have made to many stupid decisions on a grand scale.


    So just who will make the first moves? 

    And how can any nation open up international travel when stupid xxxxs everywhere are still cowering in fear.


    Its hard to see how there can be any recovery to this.

    If the threat disappears in time, yet the fear and MSM B.S. keeps getting perpetuated, then what hope have we got?


    Very dark times for humanity.

    Though you got many "likes" you're absolutely wrong. 

    You are spreading fake news like Donald. 

    Fact is we never had covid before. So we are unprotected. Even a small percentage of covid infected will die It's cynical not to say that every fatal case is too much. 

    The main reason not to agree with your nonsense is that we have to learn every day how this virus can change our lives after recovering. 

    It has impact on many parts and left you with many malfunctions. 

    Disability is the price you have to pay. Mainly your brain would work properly. 

    Covid is a threat to our world and the decision of Prayut is a hard but good one. The vaccine is only half year ahead. 

    My advice for you: inform yourself about this disease before giving the loud speaker for all those Donalds in our world. ????

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