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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 8 hours ago, micmichd said:

    Partly you're right. 

    Changes in German pension laws are a consequence of the so-called "German reunification" that made Germany a failed state even before the Euro was introduced. 

    But the rest is genuine EU legislation. 


    Now Germany is an important country only because of the post-war London treaties where half of the German reparation debts were suspended in exchange for Germany to open the country (German soil) to foreign investment. And now lots of Germans scream again "we're a country without soil!" 

    There's absolutely nothing those Germans can be proud of. 

    Really? Having surrendered, destroyed and punished they are the winners of WW2. The losers. ????

    And now look into this little kingdom on this island. The winners ????

    Can't you see the difference? 

  2. 13 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Drastic changes are coming in the next 3-4 weeks.


    They won't know what hit them but they know it's coming, we left the EU many months ago.


    With no deal on the table there's a lot more leeway and we won't be playing ball with the French.


    For example, how many 1000's have washed up in boats since we left the EU? What will they do when we send them all back to France?


    You're joking? You'll abandon Genever Convention? Are you intend of being animals next? I'm sure you don't want this little kingdom to drown soon or dump into former medievil times? ????


    • Like 2
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  3. 19 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Same for other countries. Look at Germany’s meat industry. Modern day slaves from Eastern Europe so that the riff-raff can have their 1€ steaks. Disgusting. 



    Well, British history is always connected to slavery, whereas those who work in German meat industry come as EU citizen and will receive full Social Welfare just in case. 


  4. 8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Excellent news.


    I wonder if this announcement will lead to Michel Barnier finally waking up to the fact that there will be no level playing field. We are out. If you want a trade deal you can have one, the UK will continue to open up to the world outside your protectionist racket either way.


    So if you want to continue selling your Germanic automobiles with their fake emissions stats and your overrated Italian and French wine you better wake up pretty soon, otherwise our cars will be coming from Korea and Japan and our wine from Australia, south Africa and south america. Up to you Michel. Tick tock xx

    You forgot the chlorinated chicken from US.... ????????????????????????

    • Like 2
  5. 42 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

    There is not a scintilla of scientific evidence that masks (which freely allow particles less than 10 microns to not only pass through, but get propelled by the increase of partial air pressure of masks) have any effect on the spread of a virus of around 1 micron. Generally for health reasons, masks are not advised, for health reasons.


    Now the CDC has just announced that you may well test positive for COVID, if you've sustained a cold! That's because the tests, don't test for a virus, but either common genetic material or antibodies associated with the Corona family, the common cold being one of them. And as the testing spectrum strength is variable, you can more or less dial the results you want. How convenient.


    Sweden with its massive elderly population has sustained high deaths per million, but the average age of those who have died of respratory complications attributed to COVID 19 are elderly. The rest of the population has fared better than most countries and they've had no lockdown and their economy has remained intact. And unlike the social distancing, locked down mask wearing zombies, who are waiting for a vaccine, they now have heard immunity.


    As for vaccines, there is no effective vaccine for RNA virus's because they constantly mutate. So when we start down the vaccine route it will never end. You will need to be constantly vaccinated, just like a Windows computer needs to be constantly updated and patched for virus vulnerabilities. I think we've seen this business model before. Hello there Bill. 

















    Number ONE nonsense of today. You should go to become Bojo's or Donald's adviser or take your medicine regularly ????

    • Like 1
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  6. 4 hours ago, Patts said:

    The Independent is a <deleted>ty left wing rag, completely basis cr@p. 


    May balls'd up Brexit and Boris is sticking to his guns. The UK imports far more goods from the EU (£372 billion worth)  giving the UK a trade deficit of -£72 billion with the EU so Boris very much has the upper hand in negotiations  

    I cannot see what is wrong to tell the truth. 

    But what I can see is that you forgot to take your medicine.????

    • Haha 1
  7. The "Independent" from today described it very well:

    The UK is a joke to many countries watching our meagre attempts to strike a deal with the EU. It is almost comical to witness Johnson trying to barter with European officials after throwing away the UK's relationship with them. Now that he is swinging his finger around, threatening sanctions, you can’t help thinking we look like an ant trying to intimidate a bear.

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