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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. On 8/26/2020 at 4:35 PM, geriatrickid said:


    What? Rule Britannia is the ultimate song of freedom  and should resonate with  those who are 'woke" and 'lit" and  want to signal their virtue.  It is quite obvious that you have never read the lyrics.

    Unlike  some other countries which celebrate domination over others, Rule Britannia speaks to peaceful adventure of  ruling waves, as in  mastering the seas. Quite a contrast to some other  countries lyrics such as this all time  chestnut;

    Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt"  ("Germany, Germany above all, above all in the world).



    Rule Britannia is all inclusive and so very appropriate in today's movement against slavery. The  lyrics  Britons never, never, never shall be slaves speaks to freedom. Britons is an all inclusive term Black, white,  chartreuse, all are welcome to join in the song of freedom.


    For all those waiting for the great leap forward, to champion freedom, what better way to channel one's inner Joe Strummer or Billy Bragg than to sing out for the fall of tyrants and for the people to remain untamed.


    If these people who now reside in the UK object to a cornerstone of the UK culture, why would they move to the UK? What is offensive is your use of  the term "British  colonies". Obviously you are not woke if you use the term "colonies". Horrid man. I am shocked.

    Your comment is more than silly. 

    Since the end of WW2 the lyrics changed in German Anthem. It's about unity, rights and freedom. 

    But obviously you did not realise on your island. Alternatively you are blind or deaf I suppose.????

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  2. 18 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    .................Just need to add "To the E.U" at the end 

    That is since ages your problem with Europe and the last 40 years with EU. You don't know the meaning of being a member of a strong community by distributing knowledge, skills and ideas. 

    Instead you used this bloc by cherry picking and tried to exploit an honorable EU. 

    Just as you did it in your colonial times in former times. 

    You were kicked out of big countries and communities like Kenya or India and everywhere in the world. And now it will happen again. 

    Unfortunately you will not learn. 

    So stay in your Splendid Isolation until a new generation will decide the future. Ruling is yesterday, participation is now and the future. ????

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  3. 8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I would say that it is a very forlorn hope. Right now they can go many places in the world without having such measures, so why the hell would they agree in their millions to put up with such here?

    Quite easy : if you want to have a longer holiday without corona there are as far as I know no other countries which can offer that. !!!


  4. There are 2 explainations for this statement:

    1. Only someone who is suffering from brain problems as side effects by corona infections can say such BS. 

    2. If the kids will carry the virus to their parents and those will die.... 

    How can you dare to risk rising cases and deadly outcome? 

    Ditch that Government, dear people from the island.... Bojo is suffering from brain malfunction definetely. Same as his buddy Donald. ????????

  5. 6 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What a disgusting filthy pervert, police should have just put a gun to his head and dispatched him.

    Scum like that do not deserve to live.

    Well sometimes everybody would like vigilante justice. 

    However we (eu) are to have a court trial with a sentence but not killing. 

    The inmates in jail will treat him in the right way for sure. 

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