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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 1 hour ago, Thongkorn said:

    The NHS has deliberately been Wound down by Stealth since 1980, In 1947 when first set up it had 400,000 beds , Today 127.000.  The British government has halved the NHS budget since 1980, Thats why as you say the British NHS Cannot compete, which i disagree with. If the NHS is so bad why do European health tourists come to Britain, 


    Don't worry, there will not many tourists coming in future. 

    But those who made the mistake and went to UK for medical treatment got a good health insurance or entered the wrong plane by accident. ????

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  2. 4 hours ago, Guderian said:

    The Americans are getting their $1200 gifts from Uncle Sam, the Thais are getting their 5,000 Baht/month from Uncle Prayut, now how about Uncle Rishi sends £1000 out to all us poor Brits who are saving the NHS by selflessly staying in Thailand.

    Good man. So you are paying taxes in UK, funding therefore NHS, but not benefit by living in Thailand?! Wow ????

  3. 43 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    I must admit that I am a little dismayed at the length of time that is proposed to take for a 

    vaccine to be available.

    I am very aware that the virus took medical & pharma by surprise but you would think with all their expertise gained over the years with billions spent on say "Sars' etc that they would be able to isolate Covid 19 a little quicker & come up with something 

    That's not the problem by far. 

    You have to TEST a vaccine to be safe for everybody without side effects. These clinical tests take as long as necessary.!! 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Give the Boris bashing a rest Seamus. One of the reasons he ended up in ICU was precisely the opposite of the twaddle being peddled by the 'still-don't-like-the-result' brigade.


    Everyone else has seen through it.

    No! If he would have looked to other countries he would have easily seen the demand for special ventilators. 

    It's simply his mismanagement and inability to run the country in a proper way. Instead he is good in fathering around. ????

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