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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 16 hours ago, Enoon said:


    The UK government is nothing more than an anti-europe pressure group.


    They were/are good for nothing else but anachronistic, outdated, rhetoric.


    Voted into power on a wave of xenophobic ignorance, gullibility and stupidity.


    The nascent "Independent" UK totally outperformed by Germany in the COVID crisis.


    A taste of things to come.



    And that is why Thousands of Brits applied already for a German passport??? ????


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  2. 25 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That is unfortunately a possibility.

    But I don't worry about that now. He still has lots of time in the office before the election and he will certainly use that time to make almost everything worse.

    And personally I don't know what I should think about the American people. There are certainly lots of smart and good people. But there are also millions and millions of idiots, racists, a$$holes, gun nutters, religious nutters, and and and.

    I just read this interesting article and it does not give me any hope:


    'He wears the armor of God': evangelicals hail Trump's church photo op


    “My mother started crying. She comes from Pentecostal background, and she started speaking in tongues. I haven’t heard her speak in tongues in years,” he said. “I thought, look at my president! He’s establishing the Lord’s kingdom in the world.”

    He is very smart and obviously got perfect advisers. He plays all tunes of publicity so far just to gain voters. Apparently it works and the Dems have no means to stop him Unfortunately 

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  3. On 6/3/2020 at 2:10 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Maybe these protests will wake up a few Americans who after more than 3 years still support Trump.

    Does he make the situation better or worse? Does he act like a president should and unite the people?

    He is obviously not only useless, he makes the situation worse. But I wouldn't bet that his supporters realize this.

    Well, I agree with you. 

    However the real point is what will happen if he's not the winner in November? 

    I guess he won't accept the voting and would fight his (republican) war. His aides in the Supreme Court will assist. 

    You have to read and listen him. He's always mention a "coup" by the Democrats. With this he's trying successfully to put this idea into the brains of his followers. And if Biden will win then he got the proof of Coup. 

    He'll never ever would accept the result of losing. 

    America would face indeed a Civil War similar what we can see around White House yesterday. 

    But from November it infects the whole nation. 


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  4. 53 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Has this escaped you, Seamus?

    Now UK just tests 200.000 a week. 

    That is not even half of tests in eg Germany. 

    So I would count UK to the undeveloped contries for sure. 

    And last... I think it was Churchill? who said: Adviser advice and PM decide. 

    Well, even this changed because of inability to rule UK by Bojo. High time to dump him. 

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