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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. If it is thought that this could involve more revenue in some way, then why not have a compromise, and abolish the free 30 day visa, and make everyone pay 500 baht or 1000 baht on entry, as they do for instance in Nepal and various other countries. The extra staff needed would be more than paid for by the additional revenue raised, and it might just put off a few criminals from choosing Thailand, if that is the excuse now being used to justify cracking down on Visa runs. It is a stupid system. Why not just update and modernise the whole Visa system, and make it more viable for genuine people wanting to stay here for more than 30 days? Visas on arrival are not that difficult to implement, if the will is there !

  2. Thaibreaker is absolutely right!

    It seems incredible that a country like Thailand which relies so heavily on tourism, makes it so incredibly difficult for people to stay here for any more than the standard 28 days!

    This paranoia even extends to the well-off ! For instance, a private individual cannot own or operate a helicopter in Thailand ! Why not? Apparently because they might go smuggling with it across the various borders!! But you can own a fixed wing aircraft which would be far more convenient and carry more goods! Any development I am involved in, will have a hallmark all-weather Helipad included, as one day someone will see common sense! I am relying

    on it !

  3. Both 'Whereustay' and 'Som Wat' are absolutely right in their conclusions!

    That really is the beginning and end of it !

    Thai girls are very often brought up in the deference to the male in the household, and then are the one(s) who are expected to help look after their parent(s) when they get elderly, in appreciation for their upbringing and very often acting as unpaid carers for any offspring that some 'butterfly Thai men' have produced and then flown to newer and younger models ! It is strange then, where upper middle class and University educated Thai women who have all the choice they could want, still elect in some cases to choose a foreign partner or husband. Why? The aforementioned contributors have already supplied the answer!

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