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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. Ignoring many of the irrelevant and sexist comments about the cabin staff, it is certainly true that Thai are looking far more drab than they did say 20 or more years ago. Whilst buying / leasing the new A-380 might not have been the best decision, they must start to think about changing their present outdated fleet and yes, improve the quality of their in-flight meals. I was certainly disappointed on my last flight with them 6 months ago.

  2. In fact Samui does not have the worst drivers! It has the worst motorbike riders, mainly because of an agreement to ask for a Passport as documentation, not a driving licence! Lots of people hire motorbikes and scooters, which they would never be allowed to do back home, and have no idea how to ride them! There are 10x more motorbike and scooter accidents on Samui pro rata than in the rest of Thailand!

  3. This is a difficult subject, and one that perplexes us when we are used, sometimes anyway, to different attitudes in our own country. Thais can be extremely polite, but there is indeed a tendency for stand-offishness, but with effort, it can be overcome, and once we are accepted, everything can turn out alright.

  4. Boo makes some salient points. I agree with 'Thai fever'. Read it together - she on the right hand page in Thai, and you the English equivalent on the left hand page. Some good insights into breaking down the cultural barriers!

  5. Over the last 27 years, I have found that English is being spoken less and less. Many Thais feel that as their country has the same population as Britain, they have an equal right to expect their language to be no 1. Even on Samui, I find little or no English being spoken, except by tourists who have to resort to some common language!

    As far as conversations are concerned, when they are indeed possible, I cannot remotely agree. I have had masses of in-depth conversations, especially at University level, on every conceivable topic under the sun!

  6. I think Loptr has summed up the salient points!

    The weather is better, people more friendly and relaxed, far less expensive, less cameras - the average Briton who goes out to work is now estimated to be photographed no fewer than 34 times per day on CCTV etc. No charging for Hospital car parks, no speed cameras every 100 metres, no double yellow lines everywhere, no traffic wardens waiting to pounce or ensure you are clamped whenever possible, far less obesity, and still some values and respect for religion and their King.

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