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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. Certainly any hospitals I have experienced except a University Hospital in BKK, and indeed Government run hospitals, overcharge on Meds they dish out, which are usually more than required for the condition or accident in question! However, one must weigh this against the convenience of a one stop service!

  2. I am amazed to see that the Philippines is put on the top of the scam list!

    I thought that Nigeria held that prize by a long chalk, and actually teach fraud in some Colleges, with teachers providing templates for the alleged accidents to their parents in a plane, car crash or other disaster. Details are genuine, and supported by news of the event, except that their parents were never anywhere near there at the time, and certainly did not deposit a fortune in any bank or safe depository!

  3. I would have thought that a dating site with photos would solve all your problems, as well as finding out how many followers you might be expected to support and so on. If truthful right from the start, then you can know a great deal before meeting, and find the kind of person(s) you want!

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  4. This is capable of happening all the time in LOS. I once wrote an article about the Tourist mango, which I only discovered after 25 years. When a farang wants to buy some mangoes with a price stuck on them then that price is per mango. When a Thai asks, that is the price per kilo!

    Try going into one of the national parks! Locals one price, and farangs up to 10 x more, officially !

  5. This really is 'make or break ' time for Thais. Of course there has to be planned reforms before any meaningful

    election. Votes have to stop being bought, though some accuse the Democrats of doing the buying, then in the next breath, the Red Shirts are accused. They cannot both be spending the most money on vote buying?!!

    Until recently at an academic meeting, I had no idea just how vast a part corruption plays in everyday life in LOS!

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