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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. As one ages, particularly with men, it is always a problem with putting on weight. The latest research states that the previous Public Enemy no 1, namely saturated fats, has now been firmly replaced by sugar, in any form! A great many companies have jumped on the 'healthy living' bandwagon, and clearly stated that saturated fat content has been reduced, but very often that reduction is made up with an increase in sugar content, which of course is not emphasised! Sugar saturated cells have 26 times more receptors which can attract cancer, which is another factor to consider very seriously.

    Thailand grows a root plant called Konjac (Glucomannan), and this has been on trial for the last 2 years on trial in LOS, and has been found to greatly reduce cravings and appetite/over indulgence.. It is not expensive and could well be the answer to many prayers!

  2. It never ceases to amaze me that a country such as Thailand, which is so heavily dependent on tourism, makes it so difficult to obtain anything but a straightforward 30 day tourist visa ! My guess is that Myanmar will look at the Thai process, and make theirs more attractive. They have, for example, already actively embarked on a hotel building scheme, which they say will cater for demand by the end of 2016.

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  3. Recycler and Somarisonphimai are the only two who are passing valid comments on this topic. I am sure that the

    original question was directed at girls/women living in Thailand outside BKK or major cities, where they can be

    some of the most conservative imaginable!

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  4. Interfering with ATC is indeed dangerous and would inevitably lead to swift retaliatory action. Diversion is not an easy alternative! At the point of interruption, there would be a large number of aircraft already in the air, some on 12 hour flights, who would already have taken off with flight planning into BKK. It is not easy for alternates to just accept a mass of unexpected arrivals in their already stretched landing patterns, yet aircraft cannot just remain in the sky until matters are clarified!

  5. I read this headline with disbelief!

    It is nowhere even near April 1st yet!

    I and my co-workers at a leading University in BKK, are working on a Liposomal delivery system for Beta Glucan, which is proving infinitely more difficult than first thought, and we would love to even get within a whisper of such a prestigious prize! I trust no-one is seriously considering Yingluck as a remotely eligible candidate?!!

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