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Posts posted by Spare

  1. Mr Suthep, in his statement to protesters at the Democracy Monument last night, said the PDRC opposed the election which will be organised under the existing system but want a new system which will prevent corrupt politicians from politics.

    Can we just have a law to prevent would be dictators and corrupt individuals like Suthep out of politics. It would solve so many problems if the police would enforce it. Charlerm's 48 hours was up a long time ago.

    I noticed you said keep Suthep out, but failed to mention Thaksin who is at the bottom of all this shit in the first place.

    I would much rather support Suthep and his reform before elections mantra and sit back and see what happens over the next 4 years or so, than sit back and watch what the next 4 years will bring under this Thaksin/Yingluck rule.

    I think it is in the best interests of 68 million Thai people, even if they don't realize it.

    And this is where we get the, we know whats best for you because your not smart enough mantra again i suppose. ?

    Stupid ideals based on the premise that some know better and the rest are clueless...... superiority complex much ? bah.gif

    That's why he is a leader, not you.

  2. "Conversely, participation would see the party "lose support of the protesters," he said."

    So how many protestors were there in comparison to those who voted Democrat in the last election?

    In the last election the Democrats had already the problem that their voter were frustrated.

    The whole south is full of support for the protests. They would feel the Democrats are traitors or not different and would stay away from the election.

    So Abhisit is in the situation, that whatever he does it will be wrong.

    That's true, the whole of the south and a considerable number of Bangkokians are against running in the election.

    They want reforms first.

    The Democrats and anti-Thaksin folk don't trust Pheua Thai to implement any meaningful reforms.

    And vice-versa, Pheua Thai don't trust Suthep and his People's Council.

    I can envisage the Democrats organizing a massive vote no campaign which may well see millions voting no.

    Last time PAD promote a vote "No".

    The result only strengthen Thaksin wins.

  3. But if the election date cannot be postponed, the PDRC should help campaign for a fair election and no vote buying, Somchai said.

    Better tell them dems

    Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot in an interview that was broadcast on May 31, 2013 on John Winyu’s show (รองหัวหน้าพรรคประชาธิปัตย์กล่าวในรายการ “เจาะข่าวตื้น ตอน 99″) stated:

    “Recently, if we speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement "they are using less money"]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says "They don't need to use so much money?"] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money”. “For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore."

    Very interesting post- thanks. (Suthep once made a similar statement- that the 'vote buying' by the PTP is not of the cash in envelope variety anymore- but rather populist policies.

    Just read this Suthep. Coming from your friend Korn.


  4. The mass media loves headlines like this because it gets the posters/viewers/ listeners excited, which in turn pleases the advertisers.

    Suthep made a sarcastic remark, that's all. He didn't threaten anyone.

    Keep on pushing for reform Suthep, because for sure Pheua Thai don't want it.

    Utterly beholden to the Shinawat family, they are the opposite of democracy.

    Sorry, sarcastic remarks about children also not allowed.

    Example, how do you feel if I make a sarcastic remarks about your daughter (or worst, your mother) in public, in front of a million people.

  5. Mr Suthep, in his statement to protesters at the Democracy Monument last night, said the PDRC opposed the election which will be organised under the existing system but want a new system which will prevent corrupt politicians from politics.

    Can we just have a law to prevent would be dictators and corrupt individuals like Suthep out of politics. It would solve so many problems if the police would enforce it. Charlerm's 48 hours was up a long time ago.

    I noticed you said keep Suthep out, but failed to mention Thaksin who is at the bottom of all this shit in the first place.

    I would much rather support Suthep and his reform before elections mantra and sit back and see what happens over the next 4 years or so, than sit back and watch what the next 4 years will bring under this Thaksin/Yingluck rule.

    I think it is in the best interests of 68 million Thai people, even if they don't realize it.

    Many people seem to be doing what they think is best for Thais, but without asking them. In any western country people would be demanding the arrest and conviction of the lunatic Suthep who is trying to destroy what little democracy Thailand has; for their own good of course. Perhaps it is time to take the training wheels off democarcy and see where it takes the country and give the voters the respect they deserve, even if you and Suthep don't like it.

    Like Castrol, Mao, etc. Suthep may seems to you like a lunatic. But these great people are not. They are the true supreme leader of the universe.

    • Like 1
  6. "if it is in accordance with the rules"

    A bit disconcerting when a member of the Election Commission as good as admits he doesn't know the rules governing Elections, and <deleted> was he doing responding to Sutheps jolly followers in the first place?

    Would he make a statement if a member of the UDD (for example) asks the EC to delay elections?

    A win-win statement for all parties.

  7. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    PTP crying foul because they don't like dirty tactics used against them. That's pure gold !

    I don't like kids being used as pawns in any way, but this mob has no right to complain about anything, they have done it all, even to the point of sacrificing scores of people in the 2010 protests/riots/burning of Bangkok.

    Actually, if the boy had any sense he would run away from this evil family now before he is tainted by them. whistling.gif

    Run to Suthep.

    Suthep can adopt him, and bring his up as a pure and un-corruptible man.

  8. Back the public?

    How do you decide the will of the public?

    Its a prickly question. Very difficult to remedy. But the public "will" is already identified as wanting and needing change, or as they put it "much needed reform".

    Usually, in other countries, it comes about by the ongoing process of transparency. This is not an overnight thing. Constant pressure being applied, through investigations and exposures of individual corruption.

    Then attention given to appropriate sentences being given and Thailand has a long way to go on that one.

    One step at a time. One case at a time.

    As it is the public are prepared to make a lot of noise which dies down the next day, week, or month but individuals have to take on the responsibility of working at the investigations, one case at a time.

    At least this latest commotion has let the government know beyond doubt, what the general public feel about Thaksin and any suggestion he returns

    a free man, or a guiltless criminal.

    Call it what you want, but, over turning ptp has nothing to do with backing the public. This statement would suggest that there is some kind of majority in supporting Suthep, which is highly unlikely.

    These people know nothing about freedom whatsoever.

    Open your eyes. Millions of people were on the street suppoerting Suthep.

    Suthep represents the "public".

    Suthep's will is the "Public" will.

  9. I simply cannot believe that anyone can defend the father. It was night time, for heaven's sake and the girl was left ALONE in the back of a pickup wide open to the world and in a darkened area. The filth was able to just walk up to the pickup, awaken her (I presume) and take her away. And no one realised what was happening. A father with half a brain does not put a child in such a situation. Oh yes, the father is grieving, but how much of his tears are for his precious, darling little girl, and how much for the precariousness of his own position? The realisation that he is an idiot and complicit in this ghastly crime? My stomach will eventually stop churning over this, but I hope his never does.

    Unlike the west, Thailand used to be a safe country, where doors can be left open, and elder women can go topless without getting a second look.

    Gone are the good old Siamese days, perhaps after the fugitives took over.

  10. Yunla, is this actually true, i thought i read somewhere that her overall attendance was at a fairly similar level to predecessors- whether she was there for important bits is obviously an issue, but i am sure on count back so to speak she spent around equal to previous PM's.

    Its true but I hold those same previous 5% attendance PM's to the same candle really, they fail too (in my book) and the critical point is that these weak numbers are during periods of great turbulence when a strong leader was needed, shirt-sleeves rolled up, getting down to business. Thailand really needs a trench-leader, somebody who is ready to get his boots dirty in the arena of spirited discourse. As the saying goes; "if not now, then when?" We need a hero, today. lol.

    Obviously State-Trips, trips around the nation, etc.etc. many other things need to be done by a PM. But if you add it all up, and factor in that they are a central piece of the keystone thats holding the system upright, I would expect more than 5% attendance. This problem was compounded in Yingluck's case because her 5% of time spent was spent on Thaksin cheerleader policies. But the problem is institutional - Yingluck, Suthep, none of these people should be allowed to play around with the state apparatus, it should be Debate-based decsionmaking in Parliament, watched over be regulators appointed by a "higher body."

    How many meeting does your CEO attend? About 5% of the time. The rest is up to the management team.

    His time is best used in the golf course, chatting with client, peers, leader of the industry, head of government, diplomates, etc.

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