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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. Have a smeg gas cooker top inside with the bottle outside . Any time the gas ring has been on without being lit I can smell it a mile away . My wife doesn’t seem to notice it though . For a decent brand name it is really easy when turning on one ring to slightly turn on another which then just leaks gas into the room. Only takes a slight nudge to push it down and turn it releasing the gas and no click when you do so if not careful you could gas yourself very easy. Had induction cooker hobs before but do not find them good for cooking with .

  2. Basically concentrated chicken stock without the lumps and fat . Thais will buy anything if told how amazing it is . Just look at the amount of celebrities that sell whitening face cream that makes you look like a model . Thai women buy loads of it believing it’s going to turn them into a model and superstar . They kind of skip the fact the celeb is from a upper class rich family and has genetics and a surgeon on their side !! Oh and millions of pounds to waste on beauty treatments.

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  3. It can be pretty easy to fix although you would need same pickers every time or they would need be in on it . Can have a heated ball that is warmed before and retains heat for several minutes , can have the ball you wish chosen made of different material so easy to find by touch , added weigh in the ball so it basically sits at the bottom of the roller every time . Loads of ways to rig it if you make sure everyone is paid to stay quiet.

  4. The place is flooded with property and yet there are companies still building like crazy as they need to use the permits they were given or will need to reapply. Most of the new places are an absolute eyesore . There will be a few desperate people who will be selling very reduced property but not so much for land . Then there are those who think samui is Monte Carlo and ask insane prices . Just the other day I seen a half rai about a km of main road with zero view in middle of nowhere and they were asking 4.5m bht . Then there was another asking 30m for a rai in the north with sea view about 4km from the sea , this type usually is 6-10m bht at most .

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