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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. 5 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    I believe it was 2000 baht. Or "at least 2000 baht"... something like that.


    If you were doing it in Bangkok at Ministry of Labour, and you applied for a new work permit, they'll send you to police station behind it, to clear the fine (20 minutes) and come back before they do a new one. At least my Korean colleague that I was helping with work permit after she didn't cancel one from previous employer in several years, had that procedure. They didn't make any fuss out of it. It was 2000 baht for her.

    Yeah it was someone in samui I think that wrote it and they said they were going to have to go to surrathanni to pay the 8000bht fine . ????

    Will be getting robbed via using ASQ upon return anyway so will assume I will be paying something for not cancelling the work permit. My wife did say before that to cancel it she was told it was 2000bht and needed to be done two weeks before expiry date . 

  2. I left in June and was going to return within a few months but I am still in uk and my work permit expired in October and my visa expires in 5 days . I read that I will be fined 8000bht for not cancelling the work permit and also read that unless I said different it would be renewed. Does anyone know the correct answer ?

    The work permit was through a company I had with my wife that my house is under and we added the work permit for a catering service , but due to Covid I won’t need it until tourism returns. 

  3. On 12/11/2020 at 10:23 AM, snoop1130 said:

    And when asked at the moment “Where do you come from?” We answer firmly “Bangkok!”


    I say to those moaning foreigners that you read about, if you don’t like the place then leave

    ??? If someone asks me where I stay I tell them , if they ask where I come from I don’t say the place I’m living at I say the country I come from .

    As for the don’t like it leave comment ???? 

    Seems someone thinks they are special from reading the article , till I got to this section above and stopped reading ! 

  4. I changed mine on my pajero at around 70,000 km . Tread looked immaculate as never really do long distance driving and sides looked fine . But when inspected closer you could see a few very short lines starting to appear on the outer edges of sidewalls so I changed them to be safe . I think the heat will ruin them even if you don’t really use them that much and eventually will lead to the tyre disintegrating which is not ideal if travelling at over 60kph.

  5. 39 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


      Tigers in zoos are not reared amongst humans and they are protective of their local environment and thus remain semi wild .

       Tigers in the tiger kingdom were rescued as Cubs in the wild and are bought up with human contact and thus dont fear humans, so dont attack them .

       I have Western friends who worked in the TK and they assure me that no drugs are involved in making them placid to humans .

       So, you have no evidence of your accusations and its just something that you think .

    You should be careful before making false accusations , because it wont be the tigers coming to get you, it will be the lawyers suing you for defamation 

    Yeah my mistake, was the tiger temple I was thinking off . 
    As for your don’t fear and attack people , then tell that to the guy that got attacked there in 2014 or is a lawyer going to tell me that news was false  ?  ????

  6. I had a work permit and visa based on this and visa expires this month and I am in the uk. I am looking to return in January via non o visa based on Thai wife . I am applying for single entry non o based on this and from what I gather I must have 90 days Covid insurance . On the Thai government website the quote I got was 6800bht or something which is almost the same as I was quoted by Axa broker in Thailand when I contacted them. I will be using the government insurer on the basis I would think it would make getting COE easier and if any dispute over anything I can say well your own government sold me it ! Once my visa is near finished I will be applying for a yearly non o based on marriage to Thai while I am in the country .

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