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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. Was he dressed in Kerry clothing ? Although Kerry are that busy at times they give their deliveries to other individual smaller delivery services to complete the Kerry delivery and the people just turn up in their normal clothes .

  2. 32 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


       Do have any evidence or proof of your claims or is it just something that you think ?

    Yeah because it’s well known fact that these animals are totally placid around humans ! ????

    If you think they are that tame naturally around people even if brought up in captivity , then feel free to pop down to your local zoo and jump in the tiger den as you are so sure they are placid ! I think you might find out I’m correct !

  3. 8 hours ago, meechai said:


    This is just the excuse needed

    Truth is C19 has been present in Thailand since December 2019


    Just note the many elderly dying in villages from "pneumonia"

    My wife's good friends father is in hospital in Rayong now dying...cant breath on respirator no C19 test


    Folks like to think in Dec when Chinese left all C19 flew out with them????  Keep drinking the kool aid


    Truth is Thailand doesn't test...period

    Tell Anutin test 500k a day then talk

    C19 is 98.xxx% survivable

    most go unreported

    many older folks died of pneumonia in villages this year

    Correct . Wife’s father has been in and out of hospital with diabetes and other problems including fever and high temp etc . Not once was he tested or asked about Covid in three hospitals he was in and neither were any patients in his ward area before he was moved to a private room . Took him two days to get in a ward as was that busy first day he arrived and he spent them in the corridor. Three of his elderly neighbours died within a week and two were pretty much perfectly ok a few days before. Wife sent me videos of the hospitals and they were rammed with people , but seemingly this is normal.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Medicspot.co.uk was one I was recommended by someone . Think they said test and doctors letter saying fit to fly was £250 all in. Their website tells you nearest place to get a test and you can pick turnaround time as far as I remember. Haven’t used it yet as I’m not planning on flying till next month but I will be using them when I fly . Boots seemed ok but they couldn’t guarantee turnaround time and didn’t provide fit to fly certificate I think was the problem I had using them .

  5. 13 hours ago, SunsetT said:

    Sorry about the problems u r having. U r 100% right about the site. The Thai education system is so backward that 90% of the population do remain as kids intellectually and/or they have bought their positions rather than gained them on merit. Cant imagine why it will not accept the @ sign. All I can suggest is u change to uppercase or lower case, i.e., not what u have been using to enter your email address (which of course is usually lower case) so far. Or try using another device to complete your application. Im surprised that u've had no response from the London embassy as they seemed to have improved greatly lately. Always be polite, being critical doesnt help and they do seem to respond to appeals for help.

    I solved it about 5 mins after posting . It was obvious how to fix it ????. I typed out my email address on a blank page and copied and pasted it !! ???????????? Like the Crystal maze getting through this . Now just got to upload the supporting docs after changing them all to jpeg and resizing them all ???? . Then I get to apply for COE , lucky me ????

    As for emails they replied within days off first one I sent and since then no reply . Someone did mention they might be shut due to a COVID outbreak there but not sure .

  6. On 11/9/2020 at 9:57 PM, jaizan said:

    No button for attaching my passport scan or picture.   Same with both Firefox and Chrome !!!!


    Edit:   User has to ignore this, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click EDIT, so the options appear at the top of the page.  


    visa fup.JPG

    This part is messing me around but I resized them then I filled out all other details . But !!  try to enter my email address and it won’t ever let me insert a @ symbol . So when I click verify at the bottom it flashes up enter email address !!

    Usual utter pile of garbage and site looks like a kid designed it !! Still waiting on response from emails send to embassy 2-3 weeks ago ! 

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