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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. 4 hours ago, theoldgit said:


    It's working now, 


    **Repatriation flights for non-Thai nationals**

    Registration is now closed as all flights are full. Update for September 2020 will be posted soon.

    To register and book, click https://bit.ly/3jVCJgS

    Each passenger has to register individually. Passengers travelling with child(ren) can register the child(ren) under their account. A passenger who wishes to travel with his/her spouse/partner has to register an account separately, and each can book his/her own seat, or one spouse can book 2 seats after the other spouse has registered.

    While commercial flights are banned from entering Thailand, the Embassy has arranged repatriation flights to facilitate Thai nationals and non-Thai nationals in the UK and Ireland who need to go to Thailand.

    Each flight can accommodate up to 50 non-Thai nationals.

    There are 3 flights in August 2020 by Thai Airways International :

    - Flight#1 on 9 August 2020

    - Flight#2 on 16 August 2020

    - Flight#3 on 23 August 2020

    All flights are TG917, departing at 21.25 hrs. from London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 2.
    Economy class tickets are £689.00 and business class tickets are £2,802.00 (one way from London to Bangkok).
    The Emybassy will send the list of registered passengers to Thai Airways International to make booking. Payment for tickets will be made directly to Thai Airways International. 

    The Embassy reserves the rights for Thais and non-Thai nationals in the UK and Ireland. 

    **The Embassy will issue the Certificate of Entry (CoE) to registered passengers after they have submitted the ASQ hotel booking confirmation.**

    For the list of ASQ booking, please see http://www.thaiembassy.org/london/contents/filemanager/document/List%20of%20ASQ%20Hotels%2026062020.pdf

    For more information on the CoE requirements and visa application, please see  http://www.thaiembassy.org/london/en/services/7742/119247-Requirements-for-Certificate-of-Entry-during-trave.html

    Cheap flights for one way and here was me thinking Thai airways has money problems ! ????????

    Done enough hoop jumping all the years I have lived in Thailand so will be waiting until it doesn’t cost several times more than normal to fly there and I can get off a plane of my choice and go home !

  2. 2 hours ago, bill014 said:

    I am trying to get back to see my wife and son but, as I only get 3 weeks holiday from my company here in UK, to have to spend 2 weeks in quarantine, in an hotel 150kms away and not see them, is totally impraticable. What is the point of having to produce a C19 free certificate valid 72 hours before flying if you have to quarantine anyway? Totally absurd.

    Yeah the pre flight tests seem pretty pointless as most people that have Covid seem to only be showing positive near the end of quarantine.

    I left in early June to go to uk and won’t be thinking of getting on a plane back until I can basically get on it and off it like it did leaving . Certainly won’t be paying for some insurance policy , overpriced fortnight in a hotel owned by the high up gangs mates , overpriced flights and tests that are pretty pointless before my flight ! 

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, bluesofa said:



    OK here's one I found.

    A slightly different question:

    Did the Ferrari hit something else after the collision with the motorbike?

    From the photo above, why does it look to me as if there's substantially more damage to the car than to the bike?


    Probably where the bike turned sideways after being hit . These cars panels are usually very light built around a better than normal chassis so that the panels absorb any impact and crumple reducing impact on the main driver area . I though the policeman was dragged by the car ? but the windscreen has an impact area where a person has hit it by the look of it and quite a deep indent so it would need a high force to make it that deep I would think .

  4. 20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The panel questioned doctors about a drugs test taken by Vorayuth soon after the 2012 accident that indicated he had taken cocaine but was not included in the original case file. 

    Yeah let’s just skip the fact he was off his head as it’s not important is it ! ????
    Plus this is all a bit late as they decided he couldn’t be charged due to time expiring on the charges , so even if they bring new charges what would be the point as he’s not going to come to Thailand to face them ! They couldn’t even get him last time with an Interpol red notice so not a hope they would get him for new charges !

    • Like 1
  5. Going to say badly loaded and rolled . Did see a video this morning of people looking for survivors and of all the things it was on a ferry !! What’s the point of that ? Extremely slow and only benifit would be slight height advantage to look out, although all the people on it were sitting inside despite it not raining . I haven’t heard of any air search going on which would be obvious way to look but wife said they did find two people today alive on Koh tan .

  6. On 8/1/2020 at 10:06 AM, TKDfella said:

    Caused by ice crystals, also known 22o Halo due to the angle of the radius made with the Sun. Can happen with the Moon too.

    Yip seen both . The moon one was was very cool as it appeared gradually over a hour or so before forming a perfect ring and was at the same time as the northern lights .

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/1/2020 at 3:38 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Are you sure about that?

    I looked after a husky team and if one required anaesthesia for surgery after fighting I had to put them outside in the snow to recover as would have suffered heat stroke inside.


    Personally I don't think people should have huskies in warm environments.

    Yes as the outer coat keeps the heat out and only reason I can think of for placing them outside would be to make breathing easier due to cold temperature . Although the surgery must have been baking hot for this to be the case.

  8. 8 hours ago, Big Joke said:

    Caveat Emptor     From 2019


    These importers removed some important devices to make engines malfunction and discourage others from joining the bidding, enabling them to buy back these vehicles at low prices, Mr Krisada said, adding that the department has taught them a lesson by destroying seized luxury cars that do not have key equipment.


    Thailand's Customs Department holds an annual auction for vehicles seized in criminal cases, where most were confiscated for being illegally smuggled in the country or seized from gangs and drug lords.

    Last Thursday’s auction however, revealed that 95 were pulled from the auction sheet as it turned out they were stolen from other countries and did not belong to the Thai state.

    Deputy Customs Department spokesman Kreecha Kirdsriphan told AFP that the oversight was “an innocent mistake” and that as soon as it was discovered that the cars were stolen they were taken out of the auction list.


    Fetching the highest price was a black 2006 Rolls-Royce Phantom, which started bidding at 6.8 million baht and sold for of 25 million baht. Second was the 17.1 million baht sale price of a brown 2014 Porsche 911 Turbo, which started at 11.8 million baht. A red 2002 Ferrrari 458 sold for 16.5 million baht, up from its 5.8-million-baht opening bid.


    And every effort was made to return it to its owner ????

    Probably a lot of high so peoples garages full of cars that were pulled from auction !

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