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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. Can’t scam a scammer !! Just a higher version of the Europeans last year who were in Koh phangan and samui saying they had been robbed etc and were trying to claim insurance. They were all false claims and they thought the local police would be to stupid to find out the truth . Guess the hours of questioning at the station made them crack the people spent few months in jail before being deported ! ????

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Foreign tourists are expected to return to Thailand in the second quarter of 2021 (April-June) due to the likely development of a Covid-19 vaccine, Yuthasak added.

    Think a lot of places will have gone for good if that’s the case and can’t imagine the amount of people starving to death almost or who will have committed suicide by then ! 

    • Like 2
  3. Panic ?? The only panic is the clowns in charge thinking of which nonsense they can float next to make it sound like they have a clue what’s going on !

    Your average Thai on the street probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid about what the government is saying apart from they might like a job if tourist places opened up again , instead of trying to figure out how they are going to eat as they have no job or money  !

    • Like 1
  4. While it is ice and yabba they found I can’t believe they are trying to class her as a dealer for having two pills and less than a gram of ice ! God the police must be bored to class her as a dealer for that , surely if they went and randomly tested a nightclub or busy bar they would find far more !

  5. 1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:

    Seems he was just hoping to win the 2-number prize after dreaming of the number 97. The preceding 9999 was a happy coincidence for him.

    Yeah there is always some winner who dreams it or sees it on a log or some similar obscure object ! It’s the ones that post they practically win something every time there is a draw and all their friends go oh she’s so lucky well done ! Er no she spends thousands of her husbands money to buy them and he thinks it’s getting used for other things ! ????

    • Like 1
  6. Odds of them pulling out 5 number nines in a row and then a 7 are pretty high I imagine. The guy who bought 10 must have too much money as nobody would buy 10 of a number like that . I said to my wife the only people who will have the winning tickets will be sellers probably as nobody will be looking to buy that type of number and one of the above is a seller .

    Just shows how much money they make from this lottery when these are the only winners of the jackpot and tickets cost 80-100bht each ! Where does all the profit go ? ????

    • Confused 2
  7. That’s why in the photos they could only find the same guy to take photos off and why they took the photos close up and in a way you can’t see the beach . Surely if it was packed they would’ve standing at the waters edge taking a photo along the packed beach for all to see ? But my guess is the group in the photo were the only people for about half a km ! ????

  8. 4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Is this the conspiracy theory thread ?

    No it’s how they do it . It keeps them turning over . They use the franchise customers as prospectors to find out if the area is viable and if so they come in to that area and keep it for themselves and first person in the area who thought they had a goldmine gets forced out .

    • Like 1
  9. Can’t remember what the con is . It’s either they let people open them and give them all the stock etc and when it becomes successful they start holding stock and at the same time open their own right beside the first and their own has everything and makes the older one unattractive so it struggles and goes bust but 7-11 company still own the building and get paid by the person quitting due to signed contract . Or it’s a case of they give a franchise to someone near a successful place saying look how good it will be and they then have two franchises and then strangle the first one by lacking stock and they then quit and then 7/11 get another person to sign up and then continue over every place they give out to people wanting a franchise.

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